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Wifey stands up for poor wittle Tom Tom

The Big Cat

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This weird jingoistic attitude kinda creeps me out.


"Are you now or have you ever been a registered Patriots fan?"


"No, I swear. I just don't get the hatred for...I mean, in 2001 it was a good story and all"


"You heard him! Communist! Pats fan! Have this man removed."


"What? No. I'm a Bills fan through and through..."


*gunshot heard off stage*


You have to root out all traitor before they sink the ship, if not he will start sending Belichick The Bills practice tapes next

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I'm sorry, I'm not sure I got your point. Are you saying that criticizing Tommy's wife for whining about the receivers is the same thing as claiming that Tommy's life sucks? Please walk us through that logic.


Talk about something getting blown out of proportion. His wife defended him in a game that at one point he completed 16 straight passes, a SB record. Its not like Tom had a bad game, in fact, he was hands down the MVP if NE wins just like Eli was going to be hands down the MVP if he won. Tom had 4 passes dropped in that 4th quarter, it was a legitimate defense of her husband because the guys who dropped them rarely drop a pass. True, the passes were not all easy catches, but they are catches those players make regularly at a time where the team needed them most and on the NFL's (and some could argue the whole sports worlds) biggest stage.


Not to be a Brady defender, but the UNBIASED truth is that Welker makes that catch 8 out of 10 times, and he knows it which is why he was in tears and shouldering a lot of the blame in the post game interviews. Notice that TOM BRADY (the one who's opinion matters in this conversation, not his wife) came to Welkers defense immediately after the game.


If Welker doesn't drop that ball then NE wins. On the next drive (which wouldn't have been necessary if Welker makes the catch in the first place), if Branch doesn't drop that pass on the last drive he crosses mid field with plenty of time left on the clock and a timeout still. So, its a fair point she made, and she did so in defense of people hassling her about the man she loves...my girl would have done the same thing, so cant fault her for that.

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Talk about something getting blown out of proportion. His wife defended him in a game that at one point he completed 16 straight passes, a SB record. Its not like Tom had a bad game, in fact, he was hands down the MVP if NE wins just like Eli was going to be hands down the MVP if he won. Tom had 4 passes dropped in that 4th quarter, it was a legitimate defense of her husband because the guys who dropped them rarely drop a pass. True, the passes were not all easy catches, but they are catches those players make regularly at a time where the team needed them most and on the NFL's (and some could argue the whole sports worlds) biggest stage.


Not to be a Brady defender, but the UNBIASED truth is that Welker makes that catch 8 out of 10 times, and he knows it which is why he was in tears and shouldering a lot of the blame in the post game interviews. Notice that TOM BRADY (the one who's opinion matters in this conversation, not his wife) came to Welkers defense immediately after the game.


If Welker doesn't drop that ball then NE wins. On the next drive (which wouldn't have been necessary if Welker makes the catch in the first place), if Branch doesn't drop that pass on the last drive he crosses mid field with plenty of time left on the clock and a timeout still. So, its a fair point she made, and she did so in defense of people hassling her about the man she loves...my girl would have done the same thing, so cant fault her for that.


Except for the part that she didn't "defend her husband" so much as she criticized his team mates.

Except for the part where she's a gazillion dollar super model and she was being taunted by drunk Giants fans.


Otherwise, I agree.

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Wow, that is a butch looking bodyguard she's got there.


That's actually Vince Wilfork's wife.


I bet most people here and the people throwing barbs at Gisele would trade places with Tom in an instant. Millions of dollars to play a game and go home to a supermodel.


I think my wife is hotter than Gisele, but I would trade my job for QB in the NFL any day.


Talk about something getting blown out of proportion. His wife defended him in a game that at one point he completed 16 straight passes, a SB record. Its not like Tom had a bad game, in fact, he was hands down the MVP if NE wins just like Eli was going to be hands down the MVP if he won. Tom had 4 passes dropped in that 4th quarter, it was a legitimate defense of her husband because the guys who dropped them rarely drop a pass. True, the passes were not all easy catches, but they are catches those players make regularly at a time where the team needed them most and on the NFL's (and some could argue the whole sports worlds) biggest stage.


Not to be a Brady defender, but the UNBIASED truth is that Welker makes that catch 8 out of 10 times, and he knows it which is why he was in tears and shouldering a lot of the blame in the post game interviews. Notice that TOM BRADY (the one who's opinion matters in this conversation, not his wife) came to Welkers defense immediately after the game.


If Welker doesn't drop that ball then NE wins. On the next drive (which wouldn't have been necessary if Welker makes the catch in the first place), if Branch doesn't drop that pass on the last drive he crosses mid field with plenty of time left on the clock and a timeout still. So, its a fair point she made, and she did so in defense of people hassling her about the man she loves...my girl would have done the same thing, so cant fault her for that.


Good post.. and I agree.

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Talk about something getting blown out of proportion. His wife defended him in a game that at one point he completed 16 straight passes, a SB record. Its not like Tom had a bad game, in fact, he was hands down the MVP if NE wins just like Eli was going to be hands down the MVP if he won. Tom had 4 passes dropped in that 4th quarter, it was a legitimate defense of her husband because the guys who dropped them rarely drop a pass. True, the passes were not all easy catches, but they are catches those players make regularly at a time where the team needed them most and on the NFL's (and some could argue the whole sports worlds) biggest stage.


Not to be a Brady defender, but the UNBIASED truth is that Welker makes that catch 8 out of 10 times, and he knows it which is why he was in tears and shouldering a lot of the blame in the post game interviews. Notice that TOM BRADY (the one who's opinion matters in this conversation, not his wife) came to Welkers defense immediately after the game.


If Welker doesn't drop that ball then NE wins. On the next drive (which wouldn't have been necessary if Welker makes the catch in the first place), if Branch doesn't drop that pass on the last drive he crosses mid field with plenty of time left on the clock and a timeout still. So, its a fair point she made, and she did so in defense of people hassling her about the man she loves...my girl would have done the same thing, so cant fault her for that.

I agree with pretty much all of that. I just get irritated by people who have to remind us that Tom Brady has a gravy life every time someone rips on him. I don't hate Tom Brady the man, but Tom Brady the football player can kiss my ass.

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I think my wife is hotter than Gisele, but I would trade my job for QB in the NFL any day.

Gis is a classic "butterface." Smoking body, but she looks like a man. Her personality is ugly as well. But she does make tons of money.

Edited by Doc
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I bet most people here and the people throwing barbs at Gisele would trade places with Tom in an instant. Millions of dollars to play a game and go home to a supermodel.

Wow, u come up with that all yourself!!!!!??? :wallbash:

Edited by snamsnoops
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Except for the part that she didn't "defend her husband" so much as she criticized his team mates.

Except for the part where she's a gazillion dollar super model and she was being taunted by drunk Giants fans.


Otherwise, I agree.


Because everybody knows gazillionaires aren't real people who sometimes react to conflict rashly.

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Because everybody knows gazillionaires aren't real people who sometimes react to conflict rashly.




She has enough experience with the press/paparazi/fanboys, you name it. She knows better. It's the iCamera youtube age.


Get off the soap box already.

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There is only one way this plays out.


Welker will demand that Brady chooses Giselle or him, when Brady chooses his beard over his security blanket Welker will leave and join the Bills. Teamed with a QB who has twice the brains and half the arm of Brady, Welker will have 200 catches for 900 yds. Brady will become depressed and start drinking heavily because he misses his one true love. The last game of the season will be in New England. As Welker grows frustrated with Fitz's inability to hit him in stride or throw a ball accurately over 25 yards he will switch teams at the half, this will be allowed because the Pats cheat and the Bills will have to NE a 1st round pick due to causing strife with the NFLs beloved Pats. Then they will make out at mid field as Brady takes off Welkers Bills jersey and puts on his New England one.

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Oh, did Sally get his feelings hurt?


We know now what Tommy-Boy thinks of his teammates. If his clueless, vapid wife is saying it, we know Nancy-boy has mentioned it to her when she wears his pants.


Cry me a flippin' river, Sally! You choked the game away! And have done little in the post season since Spygate!

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There is only one way this plays out.


Welker will demand that Brady chooses Giselle or him, when Brady chooses his beard over his security blanket Welker will leave and join the Bills. Teamed with a QB who has twice the brains and half the arm of Brady, Welker will have 200 catches for 900 yds. Brady will become depressed and start drinking heavily because he misses his one true love. The last game of the season will be in New England. As Welker grows frustrated with Fitz's inability to hit him in stride or throw a ball accurately over 25 yards he will switch teams at the half, this will be allowed because the Pats cheat and the Bills will have to NE a 1st round pick due to causing strife with the NFLs beloved Pats. Then they will make out at mid field as Brady takes off Welkers Bills jersey and puts on his New England one.

Fitz better get a new toilet if that happens.

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maybe its time for giselle bungeejumping,or whatever her name is, to put a lid on it. she sounds like one of those over bearing parents all pissy cuz their little kid didnt win, blaming everyone else of course, since her little baby is just so perfect.


If she thinks it's so freaking easy, she can go play in Lingerie Bowl and show everyone how it's done

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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There is only one way this plays out.


Welker will demand that Brady chooses Giselle or him, when Brady chooses his beard over his security blanket Welker will leave and join the Bills. Teamed with a QB who has twice the brains and half the arm of Brady, Welker will have 200 catches for 900 yds. Brady will become depressed and start drinking heavily because he misses his one true love. The last game of the season will be in New England. As Welker grows frustrated with Fitz's inability to hit him in stride or throw a ball accurately over 25 yards he will switch teams at the half, this will be allowed because the Pats cheat and the Bills will have to NE a 1st round pick due to causing strife with the NFLs beloved Pats. Then they will make out at mid field as Brady takes off Welkers Bills jersey and puts on his New England one.

You left out the part where the dunce supermodel runs off with Chan and Buddy.

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