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Who's watching this weekend?


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I live in new england, and hate the patriots.


would love to see them lose out on the number 1 seed and have to travel for the conference championship game (if they even make it out of the divisional round - unlikely.)


how cool would it be if we could sweep the patsies this year, and finish at 7-9?


one last game of bills football, on new years day no less! perfect day for sitting around doing nothing - with monday a paid holiday!


go bills! one last time this year.

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I'm not going to focus on a win, cause I don't see any way that will happen. BUT, I would be really happy to see our younger players show up and have a solid game to take with them into the offseason. I like some of these young players from the last few drafts, and I expect many of them to contribute next year and in the years to come. If they can show up and make some noise, I'll be happy.

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R U Kidding me? If you don't watch the game, you have one of two options:

1) You aren't actually a fan.

2) You are dead.


The last game of the year and it's against the Patsies. I'll be hungover with a bunch of "hair of the dog" going on and I'm on the West Coast, so it's a ridiculously early game for New years Day.


GO Bills!

Edited by VanCity
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R U Kidding me? If you don't watch the game, you have one of two options:

1) You aren't actually a fan.

2) You are dead.


The last game of the year and it's against the Patsies. I'll be hungover with a bunch of "hair of the dog" going on and I'm on the West Coast, so it's a ridiculously early game for New years Day.


GO Bills!

1. Bull ****

2. Bull ****

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The last game of the year and it's against the Patsies. I'll be hungover with a bunch of "hair of the dog" going on and I'm on the West Coast, so it's a ridiculously early game for New years Day.

My advice to you is to skip the sleep, keep drinking and power straight through the game. Much better option than being hung over!

And yes I will be watching unless something better comes along.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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I'll be watching. If the Billa could win this game, there will be great vibes going into the offseason. Ending the season by beating 2 playoff teams would br a great sign. The local media will lay off a bit and actually talk about the Bills in a positive light in the upcoming months.

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I'll be watching. If the Billa could win this game, there will be great vibes going into the offseason. Ending the season by beating 2 playoff teams would br a great sign. The local media will lay off a bit and actually talk about the Bills in a positive light in the upcoming months.

You don't really believe that do you?

They beat Tebow who most think is not a great QB, and a meaningless (at least as far as the playoffs) to the Pats is what the media would say and would focus on this seasons poor record and ChaNix's dismal 2 year record with the Bills.

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R U Kidding me? If you don't watch the game, you have one of two options:

1) You aren't actually a fan.

2) You are dead.


The last game of the year and it's against the Patsies. I'll be hungover with a bunch of "hair of the dog" going on and I'm on the West Coast, so it's a ridiculously early game for New years Day.


GO Bills!


This ^


1. Bull ****

2. Bull ****


Really insightful post. So does that mean you will not be watching?


I'm not going to focus on a win, cause I don't see any way that will happen. BUT, I would be really happy to see our younger players show up and have a solid game to take with them into the offseason. I like some of these young players from the last few drafts, and I expect many of them to contribute next year and in the years to come. If they can show up and make some noise, I'll be happy.


and this ^


You can tell I've been a Bills fan for a while when 7-9 actually sounds pretty good at this point...

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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Wow. You have officially entered into troll status.


I would be interested to find out how many people have already ignored this clown in his short but useless stay here.


See now, I did (so there is at least one, BTW when I ignore someone, I have noticed they tend to get booted within 3 weeks) but you quoted him so I saw it anyway :doh:


On subject, I live in Thailand now and haven't missed seeing every Bills game for 2 and most of a 3rd season now. That will not change on Sunday.

Edited by bowery4
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Will be watching and joining chat room with fezmid and regulars , good group of people. Each season does seem to pass by so quickly , mind you as we get older time goes by quickly as well meaning as quickly as a season ends a new one does begin and with it always hope for better. Following games for me more about community and good people.The team a far to long disappointment that one would think over time by mistake would have a good year or two. Look forward to this.

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