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From Bill Simmons' Black Friday mailbag


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Q: As I sit here watching my hapless Bills I am once again reminded that my relationship with this team is like a bad-long term relationship. You know, the kind where you are dating a guy and he eventually becomes comfortable with you and feels like you are such a good pal he no longer has to impress you by buying gifts and taking you to nice dinners and next thing you know you are in a relationship that is so non-exciting you decide to break it off. Then he apologizes and says he will work harder so you say ok, I'll give it another shot, he can change (because at this point you really believe men can change). And it starts again, he's back to sending flowers, taking you to nice dinners and you are all excited and you think he's changed (but he really hasn't...and you know this but you convince yourself he has so you can be happy for a little while) and eventually things go back to the way they were. The endless cycle keeps going until someone finally has the wherewithal to just put the relationship out of its misery and end it. I feel ashamed for having loved the Bills again. They have gone back to their old ways. When will I learn?

— Francesca, Philadelphia, PA


SG: You left out the part where your boyfriend flies to Toronto once a year to have sex with someone else.

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I had a lot of skepticism and then the friggin Redskins game sucked me in again. It was not a gimmicky win via umpteen takeaway game. Just straight up domination........I said I don't know how, but this actually is a good team.



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I had a lot of skepticism and then the friggin Redskins game sucked me in again. It was not a gimmicky win via umpteen takeaway game. Just straight up domination........I said I don't know how, but this actually is a good team.




what if they do that against the jets tomorrow?

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what if they do that against the jets tomorrow?


pigs will fly

hell will have frozen over

the sun will set in the east

the moon will turn blood red

witches will cast spells backwards and

the undead will rise again to walk the earth


That, is what will happen if they do that against the JESTS tomorrow.

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pigs will fly

hell will have frozen over

the sun will set in the east

the moon will turn blood red

witches will cast spells backwards and

the undead will rise again to walk the earth


That, is what will happen if they do that against the JESTS tomorrow.



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The Jets shut out the Bills tomorrow. I see no reason why the Bills score a single point tomorrow, other than off turnovers.


I have been a fan of the Bills for over 25 years. I always am rooting for them to win.


Why are you a fan?

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pigs will fly

hell will have frozen over

the sun will set in the east

the moon will turn blood red

witches will cast spells backwards and

the undead will rise again to walk the earth


That, is what will happen if they do that against the JESTS tomorrow.



no reason to watch the game then?

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If the Bills win tomorrow I will buy an Angus cow.

There I said it.

Don't all cows have anguses?


Not Angus, I deal with Charolais. All hail the white cow!

You should buy a Buffalo if the Bills win… a sacred White Buffalo. You might have to take out a second mortgage but you have to admit it would be pretty cool seeing it grazing in the pasture.

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You should buy a Buffalo if the Bills win… a sacred White Buffalo. You might have to take out a second mortgage but you have to admit it would be pretty cool seeing it grazing in the pasture.

They eat 3.5 to 4.5 times what a cow will eat. A bull will eat 2 to 2.5 over a cow. They are expensive, but I have always wanted a buffalo and a zebra. I will never get one, though, no sense in it. Next up is pigs, then maybe chickens.

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