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Official Bills-Jets Live Game Thread

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Pfft! The were outmanned today. The need to be full strength to take on that defense.


Yup. Takeaway our starters and we do not have enough quality depth to play with the big boys. Bills brass should put this in their back pockets and review when it's time to sign free agents and set up for the draft.

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The defense was good enough, it was the offense that didn't get anything going and put the defense in the hole.


I disagree...


The Jets shot themselves in the foot a TON in the 1st Half...The 1st Jets Dive alone was embarrassing...Sanchez completely bailed The Bills out on that one...This Game could have easily been 40-11...Both sides were outplayed badly today...The Jets pretty much did what the wanted to out there...They are just a bad match-up for The Bills and that's going to be a huge problem going forward for who knows how long unless The Bills can figure out a way to get more wins on both sides of the line of scrimmage vs. The Jets...It looked like men vs. boys out there...And it's been that way vs. the Jets for a while now... B-)

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It's only against a really good defense. Most teams we will do great against.


Maybe so, but you have to be able to beat the teams in your division. We happen to be in one of the toughest divisions in the league, so we have to build the team accordingly.

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The team sucked today. Hopefully this falls into "it happens" category-- like the Ravens the past two weeks. They have not laid an egg all year-- guess they were due.


Let's see how they respond next week. Now need to win 2 of next 3 on the road and get to 7-4 for the final 5 games.

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Well, this game showed us where we need to improve.


(pretty much everyplace??)



All and all run defense was pretty stout, goal line needs some work - no one keyed on fullback and he walked in easy.


Need to learn how to win the grind it out games and be patient, expected more TE and Nelson action on posts and passes down the seam. Jets were all over the short stuff and generally a bit more physical. Still not impressed with Sanchez, some of those ducks he threw just amazed me that no one picked them off, but our coverage is and has been suspect. This is also a team that we needed to challenge in the middle with their LBs crowding the line.


I did notice another that team goes after McKelvin and he does his patented fall into the receiver while flailing his arms about and drew that 40+ yard pass interference call that took us out of a close game.


Have less of an issue with McGee mis-timing his pass breakup attempt in the end zone - other than the ball had not even been thrown yet:) None of our corners are very well coached in my opinion... really struggle getting their heads turned towards the ball. If I were an opposing coach I would throw deep just about every play and let the hankies fly on this group. We need Aaron Williams to develop and they could use another solid DB in next years draft if we plan to play a lot of man.


All and all run defense was pretty stout, goal line needs some work - no one keyed on fullback and he walked in easy.


Need to learn how to win the grind it out games and be patient, expected more TE and Nelson action on posts and passes down the seam. Jets were all over the short stuff and generally a bit more physical. Still not impressed with Sanchez, some of those ducks he threw just amazed me that no one picked them off, but our coverage is and has been suspect. This is also a team that we needed to challenge in the middle with their LBs crowding the line.


I did notice another team that immediatly goes after McKelvin and he does his patented fall into the receiver while flailing his arms against on uncatchable ball that drew the 40+ yard pass interference call that took us out of a close game.


Have less of an issue with McGee mis-timing his pass breakup attempt in the end zone - other than the ball had not even been thrown yet:) None of our corners are very well coached in my opinion... really struggle getting their heads turned towards the ball. If I were an opposing coach I would throw deep just about every play and let the hankies fly on this group. We need Aaron Williams to develop and they could use another solid DB in next years draft if we plan to play a lot of man.

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