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Goats for today


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Also, as I said in the shoutbox, that series where Fitz took the offense out of FG range was the turning point.


I'd really like to know why Gailey wanted to throw the ball in NYG territory on the 2nd to last possession, with the team in FG range

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Also, as I said in the shoutbox, that series where Fitz took the offense out of FG range was the turning point.


I'd really like to know why Gailey wanted to throw the ball in NYG territory on the 2nd to last possession, with the team in FG range


That and the second pick on his second underthrown (and second pick) ball deep to Johnson......

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And the ref on the non pass interference call in the 3Qtr.


you should be used to the incompetence - Bradshaw's "TD", Roosevelt being drilled in the had after an incompletion, etc.


People can trot out the same "one play does not make a difference" BS, but I'd have loved to have seen the outcome had the last of Florence's 100 penalties not been called. Or if the PI on the pass to FJ on the Bills' 1st series been called. Both were very obvious calls, but we know how that turned out...

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Also, as I said in the shoutbox, that series where Fitz took the offense out of FG range was the turning point.


I'd really like to know why Gailey wanted to throw the ball in NYG territory on the 2nd to last possession, with the team in FG range


THAT was the game killer. Run the ball and the clock. Three points were almost guaranteed.

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Can't really give a goat to Fitz. He made some mistakes but he was under a lot of pressure by the O-Line and still put up 24 points.


Nope... Two bad picks, and his taking us out of FG range were bad, very bad. Then on fourth he threw right into the Defensive line man. Passing lanes Fitz, sometimes ya gotta move or go elsewhere.


Fred played well as usual with a couple big plays, but other than Naaman's long run on a short pass for a score, there weren't many other positives for the Bills....


Florence played horribly

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This is on the coachs today. The defense looks horrible and i believe it is the schemes.


Chan never should have called a pass play on the 2nd int. 1st down on the NY 27 with 4:02 left in a tie game. You run the ball there, and run the clock down. So if Fitz makes a good throw and they score does anyone really think the Giants would not be able to score with 4 minutes left.


Horrible pass play call by Chan.

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Can't really give a goat to Fitz. He made some mistakes but he was under a lot of pressure by the O-Line and still put up 24 points.


Really? Fitz threw two pathetic deep balls to Johnson that gave the WR no chance, let me repeat NO CHANCE, to even make a play to stop an interception. Fitz, with those two picks, and the stupid plays taking them out of FG range in the first half singlehandedly lost the game. By that I mean, if the defense gives up what it did, those two turnovers and one lost field goal attempt should have resulted in more than the 3 points thet lost by.


Also, the defense is still a joke. No pass rush exposes what are average DBs. How many sacks since week 1?

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