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Ipad 2 or Asus Transformer


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anyone have any experience with these two tabs? Ive narrowed it down to these two....leaning towards transformer due to android as my phone is android and I have found an app to teather the two...any thoughts or suggestions?

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anyone have any experience with these two tabs? Ive narrowed it down to these two....leaning towards transformer due to android as my phone is android and I have found an app to teather the two...any thoughts or suggestions?


I have an iPad 1. I got to play with the ASUS pad yesterday. Frankly...I'd take the ASUS, hands-down, simply because I hate Apple's ridiculously draconian business model ("You put something on your iPad...it belongs to us now! Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!") And because I want to do mobile development, which I can't do for the iPad without paying Apple for the privilege.


But really...the thing that made the IPad what it was isn't the hardware, it's the integration with iTunes that makes it a mobile media device. That's also why they're so draconian about linking content to hardware via their infrastructure - they understand that's both what makes the iPad attractive to consumers, and is a significant revenue generator for them. I considered buying an ASUS - but I'm holding out for Amazon's Android oft-rumored table (supposedly due for release in October), since they'll be the first company to release one that can link hardware and content in such a way as to challenge the iPad.


And God, do I hope they're successful. I !@#$ing hate Apple.

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I haven't looked at the differences between the Transformer and the Xoom, but I have the latter and love it. SD slot (finally activated), regular HDMI cable (Apple has a proprietary format that you have to pay $40 for), multiple app stores (Amazon gives away a free app every day, the official marketplace is nice too). And like Tom said, I hate the iTunes ecosystem - if they don't get a cut of the deal, you're not allowed to play with them. No thanks.


Since you already have an Android phone, an Android tablet is a no-brainer (similar to folks who get an iPad simply because they already have apps for their iPhone).

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I have an iPad 1. I got to play with the ASUS pad yesterday. Frankly...I'd take the ASUS, hands-down, simply because I hate Apple's ridiculously draconian business model ("You put something on your iPad...it belongs to us now! Bwaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!") And because I want to do mobile development, which I can't do for the iPad without paying Apple for the privilege.


But really...the thing that made the IPad what it was isn't the hardware, it's the integration with iTunes that makes it a mobile media device. That's also why they're so draconian about linking content to hardware via their infrastructure - they understand that's both what makes the iPad attractive to consumers, and is a significant revenue generator for them. I considered buying an ASUS - but I'm holding out for Amazon's Android oft-rumored table (supposedly due for release in October), since they'll be the first company to release one that can link hardware and content in such a way as to challenge the iPad.


And God, do I hope they're successful. I !@#$ing hate Apple.


Give in. Resistance is futile. :ph34r:

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I'm typing this from the ipad2. Love it,andt I actually use it for work more than home because it's great for taking to meetings and using for notes and the office suite rather than taking my laptop with me - absolutely somethign you can do with an android tablet as well . I can't speak to the transformer, but if you prefer android it seems like a great device based on the cnet review I saw. I could be wrong, but I don't think it comes with the keyboard. I'd go to best buy and try both out and see what you like. I am one of the few that likes apple BECAUSE of the strict controls they put on the app store. I may miss out on 47 iterations of a fart app because apple is so "closed" but Im ok with that :) I don't have to dig through piles of garbage on the app store to get what I'm after - and for the most part the apps are of high quality.

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I am one of the few that likes apple BECAUSE of the strict controls they put on the app store. I may miss out on 47 iterations of a fart app because apple is so "closed" but Im ok with that :) I don't have to dig through piles of garbage on the app store to get what I'm after - and for the most part the apps are of high quality.

Ummm, I think you might be confused; just because everyone has to pay King Jobs for the privilege of using the mighty iOS platform, doesn't mean that there isn't a pile of garbage apps on the platform. As an example, here's a video of 31 fart apps for the iPhone being used in 90 seconds...



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Don't like the iPad??????? Good luck with the bugs,and crashes with that *other* crap.

Oh, and by the way: As usual: Windoze 7 (The 'latest,and greatest' in buggy crap) SUCKS! (I have to use that schitt every day at work)


Bugs and crashes on that "other" crap? Windows 7 is buggy and sucks...? Maybe it's time to look in the mirror.:ph34r:

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