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What Happened to all of the Hot Chick........

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Yes. Because the whole 'police yourselves --- if you wouldn't show it to your mother, don't use it as an avatar' policy failed... or some people here have a very weird relationship with their mothers.


On a site that wants to remain family- and fan-friendly, some posters pushed the envelope too far to see what they could get away with. There were several instances of Seinfeld-ian "I think I see a nipple!" and borderline pornography. And so, SDS and the mods felt they had to take corrective measures. It's their show. Don't like it? You don't have to post here.


If one wants to see that kind of stuff, there's plenty of places to find it online.


And, true to form of people who can't or won't follow the rules of TBD, this should have been put on the Customer Service board.


Did anyone else try to click on the underlined "plenty" thinking it might be a link to "that kind of stuff" :blush:

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