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ATF running guns to Mexico

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I thought there was a more substantive thread on this here, but a quick search of the archives came up with nothing....


UPDATE on this story that further proves the ATF's incompetence and agenda-ridden tactics. Obama likes to tout that guns smuggled into Mexico from the U.S. is what's causing all the violence, no doubt as a vehicle for federal gun control measures.


Well, 1) it's been proved by CBS in their series that 90% of the cartel's supply is smuggled in from Mexico's SOUTHERN border and 2) Of those that went across the U.S. border, most of them came from the ATF in "Project Gunrunner," which was supposed to track the movement of the guns and follow with arrests... except that the guns weren't tracked and there've been no arrests. Only a dead Border Patrol agent (widely believed to be fired from one of the ATF-provided weapons), and now, confirmation that ATF-provided AK-47s were used in the torture and murder of a Mexico state attorney's brother.




The more details that come out on this, just further shows the ATF's warped and gun-grabber agenda-driven methodology. This agency needs to be reigned in, and the people behind this clusterf--- need to be put in jail themselves.

Edited by UConn James
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  • 1 month later...

Now it comes out that three supervisors from this fiasco have been promoted to senior positions in the BATF.


LA Times: ATF promotes supervisors in controversial gun operation; The three, who have been criticized for pushing on with the border weapons sting even as it came apart, receive new management jobs in Washington.


I have no doubt that the impetus for this fiasco came from on high.


As I wrote, the more that comes out on this, the worse it smells.

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Now it comes out that three supervisors from this fiasco have been promoted to senior positions in the BATF.


LA Times: ATF promotes supervisors in controversial gun operation; The three, who have been criticized for pushing on with the border weapons sting even as it came apart, receive new management jobs in Washington.


I have no doubt that the impetus for this fiasco came from on high.


As I wrote, the more that comes out on this, the worse it smells.

Fiasco is the perfect word if I was the Mexican government I'd be more than a little pissed and If you really wanted to slow down the Cartels why don't you sell them guns with RFID tags and C4 in the stock- or sell them Ammmo where every third bullet expands jamming the barrel causing a back fire- and I agree that this did probably come from on high and it's not the first time that people engaged with activity that deserves a jail sentence got a promotion instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ATF Director Out of Top Job; Transferred to Justice Dept.


Yet, in true D.C. style, he's shuffled to the Justice Department (because interminable fug-ups are the best meters-out of justice, don't you know) and ATF will do a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


It's not the individual people who are running the agency that are the problem. It is the agency's policy, and size/scope of their influence that leads individual agents/directors to believe they're above the law and can't be touched. Because as it stands, they are, and they can't.


When ~2000 taxpayer-bought AK-47s are funneled to the drug cartels, and a Border Patrol agent is killed with one of those weapons, the perpetrators of this deal get promoted or transferred. <_<

Edited by UConn James
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ATF Director Out of Top Job; Transferred to Justice Dept.


Yet, in true D.C. style, he's shuffled to the Justice Department (because interminable fug-ups are the best meters-out of justice, don't you know) and ATF will do a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."


It's not the individual people who are running the agency that are the problem. It is the agency's policy, and size/scope of their influence that leads individual agents/directors to believe they're above the law and can't be touched. Because as it stands, they are, and they can't.


When ~2000 taxpayer-bought AK-47s are funneled to the drug cartels, and a Border Patrol agent is killed with one of those weapons, the perpetrators of this deal get promoted or transferred. <_<

That's how government "works". DoD is the poster child for this kind of crap. I wonder how many people will be disciplined over losing track of sixty BILLION dollars? <_<

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Evidence Suggests Cover-Up in ATF Scandal, as More Guns Appear at Crime Scenes


Just hours after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry was one the government intentionally helped sell to the Mexican cartels in a weapons trafficking program known as Operation Fast and Furious.


Also late Thursday, Sen. Charles Grassley's office revealed that 21 more Fast and Furious guns have been found at violent crime scenes in Mexico. That is up from 11 the agency admitted just last month.


Your ATF, ladies and gents!


Fully 90% of the guns in Mexico come from their southern border, but the blame goes to the U.S. and the NRA, (as usual) and an anti-gun administration tries to amp up the problem and the left media uses the government's !@#$-up to push for more private owner/dealer regulation. Foreign Policy magazine. Washington comPost.


This is the pot calling the Dove soap bar black. How about the ATF stops giving them AK-47s first, and THEN see where we are?

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This is interesting because the belief all along had been that Brian Terry was not killed by one of the F&F guns.


What's particularly interesting is that NO ONE in DC seems to realize precisely what is responsible for that big light they see heading toward them. Issa and Grassley are being relentless on this issue, and from the cheap seats I can't help but feel like the longer the administration acts ignorant or stalls on F&F, the harder this is going to hit them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Secret recordings raise new questions in ATF 'Gunwalker' operation


Law enforcement sources and others close to the Congressional investigation say the Justice Department's Inspector General obtained the audio tapes several months ago as part of its investigation into Fast and Furious.


Then, the sources say for some reason the Inspector General passed the tapes along to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona: a subject in the investigation. It's unclear why the Inspector General, who is supposed to investigate independently, would turn over evidence to an entity that is itself under investigation.


In the audiotapes, ATF Agent MacAllister tells Howard that a third weapon recovered at the Brian Terry murder scene last December is an SKS assault rifle. Agent MacAllister claims to know that the SKS "had nothing to do with" the Brian Terry murder and, unlike the WASR's, did not trace back to the Lone Wolf gun store.


It's unclear why a weapon would be, in essence, missing from the evidence disclosed at the crime scene under FBI jurisdiction.


Giving evidence to those under investigation, missing evidence from the Brian Terry murder scene....


Walk on, people. Nothin' to see here!

Edited by UConn James
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  • 2 weeks later...

Newly uncovered documents suggest AG Holder knew about Project Gunwalker 9 months prior than he claimed


The documents seem to contradict what Holder told a House Judiciary Committee on May 3, when he said he could not recall the exact date, but he'd "probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."


However, in a July 2010 memo, Michael Walther, director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, told Holder straw buyers in the Operation Fast and Furious case "are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels."


Until now, there's been an attempt to portray Operation Fast and Furious as a rogue operation by ATF agents in Phoenix and the Arizona U.S. Attorney's Office. But insiders claim these documents show the Department of Justice in Washington was intimately aware of the case almost from the beginning.


So here they are, eeking out this case bit by little bit over the course of 6 months of congressional testimony and investigation, and by the time it's completed, I fully expect everyone to say, "Old hat!" And the beat goes on for everyone involved. No consequences.... other than higher-paying jobs in D.C.


ATF is irreparably dysfunctional.

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I can't find the story but I believe it was either on foxnews or yahoo news jsut yesterday that there are documents proving Holder knew about this debacle 9 months sooner than he acknowledged, if that is true he should (go to prison but we know he is a protected political elite so that wont happen) or realistically be fired immediatly or resign if obama doesnt have the stones to hold him accountable.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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I can't find the story but I believe it was either on foxnews or yahoo news jsut yesterday that there are documents proving Holder knew about this debacle 9 months sooner than he acknowledged, if that is true he should (go to prison but we know he is a protected political elite so that wont happen) or realistically be fired immediatly or resign if obama doesnt have the stones to hold him accountable.




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I can't find the story but I believe it was either on foxnews or yahoo news jsut yesterday that there are documents proving Holder knew about this debacle 9 months sooner than he acknowledged, if that is true he should (go to prison but we know he is a protected political elite so that wont happen) or realistically be fired immediatly or resign if obama doesnt have the stones to hold him accountable.


It's shocking how little the MSM has covered this story. I always think about how they would cover these stories if Palin were president. What if her AG had lied at a hearing about when he knew we were letting guns "walk" into the hands of mexican drug cartels? That one of these guns had killed an American agent. They would be going absolutely nuts right about now.


What if she had given half a billion dollars to a company who's viability was shaky at best but had been a major contributor to her campaign? Then the company predictably goes bankrupt after lying a month earlier that they were stable. The MSM would roast her over hot coals and tell everyone how many poor people could have been fed with half a billion dollars. What if she had ok'd three quarters of a billion dollars to Boehner's sister-in-law's company?


If I were a GOP candidate I would declare the MSM as the opposition and promotional arm of Obama and the democratic party. They're a willing partner to the coverup of one of the most corrupt administrations in history.

Edited by 1billsfan
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not that different then when the CIA was slinging crack in South Central in the 80's. Our corrupt government doing business as usual


Quick, you're missing out on free pizza at Zuchotti Park.

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This will blow your mind...





"[The White House and Justice Department] will tell you that I'm the only reporter--as they told me--that is not reasonable. They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I'm the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I'm unfair and biased by pursuing it."



I've got to gives props to this MSM reporter (clearly there are some holdouts to maintaining credible journalistic standards) breaking the oath of serving and protecting the supreme leader Obama at any and all costs.

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This will blow your mind...





"[The White House and Justice Department] will tell you that I'm the only reporter--as they told me--that is not reasonable. They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I'm the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I'm unfair and biased by pursuing it."



I've got to gives props to this MSM reporter (clearly there are some holdouts to maintaining credible journalistic standards) breaking the oath of serving and protecting the supreme leader Obama at any and all costs.


If Ms. Attkisson doesn't get a Pulitzer for "Investigative Reporting" in 2012 (the awards are given in April).... She's been all over this at every turn. It's rather a good sign that she's hit a nerve on the situation when people who are part of the conspiracy get pissed at a reporter for discovering the truth.


My father once called CBS the Communist Broadcast System, and that was before Katie Couric took over.... This series has taken it a tack back toward respectability in my esteem.

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