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Do you have to stop when leaving Walmart when they ask to look in your


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I'd rather some of the guys in this thread punch me in the nose if I was a greater than be the whiney little bitches they are and just keep walking.

I think some people like to get their panties in a wad over nothing and create matters out of nothing, as well. Nine times out of ten I am not that busy to spare a few seconds nor am I that annoyed over having to show the receipt. It boils down to that I just do not want to and oddly I think about that once in a while studying it as if it is some sort of character flaw or insight in to my inner psyche...thus the thread and seeing what people think. It has lead to some interesting dialogue.


I think you hit the nail on the end. These receipt checkers are being employed simply to give old people jobs and so Wal-Mart doesn't look evil. They're not real security.


If it bothers you, next time you walk by one, just tell them, "My hands are really full today. Do you mind letting me pass this time?"


I do not even bother with that, if I am in a hurry I just hand them my receipt or say I am sorry I am in a hurry and it is in my pocket. I have stopped a few times in the last couple months only because they were so kind about it..."excuse me sir, would you mind if I look at your receipt?" were pretty much what they asked.

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I think some people like to get their panties in a wad over nothing and create matters out of nothing, as well. Nine times out of ten I am not that busy to spare a few seconds nor am I that annoyed over having to show the receipt. It boils down to that I just do not want to and oddly I think about that once in a while studying it as if it is some sort of character flaw or insight in to my inner psyche...thus the thread and seeing what people think. It has lead to some interesting dialogue.




I do not even bother with that, if I am in a hurry I just hand them my receipt or say I am sorry I am in a hurry and it is in my pocket. I have stopped a few times in the last couple months only because they were so kind about it..."excuse me sir, would you mind if I look at your receipt?" were pretty much what they asked.


Keep the receipt in your pocket and when they ask for it tell them your hands are full and can they reach in a get it. The old lady will love you for it.

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  • 10 months later...

i think it was a horrible act and that degenerate deserves a very severe punishment, but I absolutely abhor how EVERYTIME something like this happens how traumatized the victim has become. I get it, especially a 70 year old person, but come on....



“I haven’t been able to sleep. I am anxious, depressed, frightful and I lose my concentration,” she said. “I freeze when I see a Wal-Mart commercial and haven’t been in any Wal-Mart since this happened. So I can’t even take advantage of my 10 percent discount.”


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Pooj, I am with you. This woman is getting 5 years in jail..and it says in the article she will most likely do 5 yearsin prison, for punching someone in the face. First offense, no criminal record at all..wow!


God rest her soul, but I think had this happened to my mom she would not want to ruin this woman's life for a horrifying, yet one time, lapse in judgment.


btw, I am no bleeding heart liberal, but that the paper chooses to leave the blatantly racist comments on their website is beyond me.

Edited by plenzmd1
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The CVS near my house has a door sensor that for some reason LOVES to chime when I walk through it. Both ways too. I am not sure if there is some alien device implanted in my head that sets it off or what.


Sometimes when I am walking out and the buzzer starts going, I like to stop, look around quickly and suspiciously, yell out "RUN FOR IT" and take off out the door...

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