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How do you deal with racism at work

The Poojer

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...and I know this is a very vague question, but it is something i am having to deal with and i am not sure how to act....i have a long story and don't want to bore anyone that doesn't want to be bored, but i am really struggling with how to deal with it....

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its all verbal and most of it is said outside of work...some of it is at work....its really complicated and i am really in a weird situation...it sucks....


Document, document, document. Write down everything, keep copies of emails, etc. Then let HR sort it out.

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it really is complicated and outside of work does actually play into things a 'little' bit here....why the f*** can't things be cut and dried??????


Shiv the mofo? (Sorry, it had to be said)


Seriously, there is not much you can do outside of work, but document anything in work and make sure HR knows about it.

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it really is complicated and outside of work does actually play into things a 'little' bit here....why the f*** can't things be cut and dried??????


Not knowing the situation, are you forced to be around this person outside of work?

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its all verbal and most of it is said outside of work...some of it is at work....its really complicated and i am really in a weird situation...it sucks....

Like Jack said, document it. I had been in a situation once before where I was actually the victim of the harassment but when I started to alert my superiors the other guy went to HR and ended up "winning." He had documented dates, times, words, and witnesses to all activities. This "won" him the "case." I know everyone thinks they are innocent but in this case, well, I was. It had to do with creating what he perceived as a "hostile" enviroment despite him physically and verbally threatening me with his military combat training.

Not only did this get me in trouble several other colleagues who witnessed it, including my boss, were reprimanded. Even though i went through the correct channels, my boss, my bosses boss, and than his boss, none of that mattered. My boss was reprimanded for not bringing this subject up to HR when it became "out of his control." His boss was able to skate off much of this because he played the whole card that he did not know what was going on. And his boss, who runs 1/4 of the companies local plant said he was not made aware of the seriousness of my actions. I was wrote up for "severe harassment of a teammate in the workplace creating a hostile enviroment."

Several of the colleagues also had notes placed in their files for not mentioning this to superiors or for being involved, even though it was through simply knowing of the events. The other guy got what he had been looking for, a transfer of departments and flourished. He came off looking like a saint. I came off looking like an ahole.


My advice to you is to stay as clear of it as you can. Say as little as you can to anyone involved. Slowly seperate yourself from that enviroment while not burning any bridges. Speak to your boss, document the date and anyone who may have seen you talking to him. Do not go to your next level of authority until you at least mentioned it lightly to your direct boss. If it involves either of those two or things have escalated since and it has been more than 1 week go to your HR department. If it was like my old job you can do like I did on a similar situation where I went directly to the plant manager.


HR is no joke, they are very limited in their abilities and will take on the side of caution every time. I was eventually fired from this job because I was accused of sexual harassment. There were about 5 of us at a desk and I had been called to take a look at a piece of material that did not match the specs. While at the desk I was apparantly too close to another co-worker, a black female, who went to HR saying I brushed up against her in a sexual way and she felt violated. I had no recourse living in a right to work state and despite the slander of the employee could do nothing who also accused me of making racial statements about her "chocolate." I asked to gather my things before I was suspended for investigation because I knew I would not return. They simply told me that I could come back and get my materials when I return. I laughed, I knew I was a goner. Sexual harassment and racism are the two biggest no-no's at a workplace. The new age workplace is way too soft.

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It's funny, all this time I've "known you" Poojer, I never got the impression that you were black.


Well he never said the racism was towards him and racism is not only towards black people. As a matter of fact I was going to say after all this time I didn't know he was a Mexican.

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Well he never said the racism was towards him and racism is not only towards black people. As a matter of fact I was going to say after all this time I didn't know he was a Mexican.


I'm pretty sure he's not either.


But, hey, Pooj, welcome to Pennsyltucky. Take away Philthadelphia and Schittsburgh and you've got Alabama.

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