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[OT] Oh, the horror

Just Jack

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Did they at least rescue the unbroken ones???????


I'm sure there is some way the liberals can pin this on George W. Bush.

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I am outraged that some people have the nerve to come on this board and say I don't like that kind of beer, so I could care less....


How dare you!!!! It's BEER god damn it!!! What kind of football watching, beer drinking man are you?


If your at the game tailgating, and you have to choose between beer you don't like, or water, which one are you taking?


I would hope that you take the beer.................

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:)  Such a horrific loss. I did notice that the tops on these are the normal caps and not the plug type cap that you find on some other types of Grolsch. Still a horrifiying loss!!!



We always called them flippies.


Poor bastards. Never had a chance. Not a freakin chance.

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There is probably even a more tragic part to this picture. Generally, when there is a loss like this with any type of perishable good on the highway, they usually dispose of the survivors too. A truck full of Bud tipped over on one of the ramps here in Orlando a couple of years ago and they detroyed the whole shipment even though less than a quarter of the load was lost.

This is a tragedy of incredible proportions!!! :)

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That's a dubious image. Firstly, beer transported over a distance is in the typical 40- footer, with rear-opening doors. For it to somehow leave the trailer in that more or less symmetrical pattern over a short road footage seems to me like a contrived digital photo.


Most beer truck spills/tipovers occur during local delivery. Because they run local routes and service this or that tavern - some get large deliveries, some a few cases, with a mind towards optimizing distances, they often end up with very unbalanced loads.

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