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Teen suicide due to bullying

Terry Tate

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Kids who are having a rough go of it, whether it's bullies, or home life, and they feel like there's nowhere to turn, and it will never end, will sometimes end it themselves. These kids were bullied for being gay. Maybe they were, maybe not, and it was just a convenient bully tactic.


Asher Brown, 13


Seth Walsh, 13


Billy Lucas, 15


Maybe you help someone. Get the word out. This project is directed at gay teens, but any kid being bullied would benefit from similar words of encouragement. It gets better.

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Strange, this is the first thing that popped into my head:


"Papa said to mama as he passed around the blackeyed peas,

"Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense,

pass the biscuits, please."

"There's five more acres in the lower forty I've got to plow."

Mama said it was shame about Billy Joe, anyhow.

Seems like nothin' ever comes to no good up on Choctaw Ridge,

And now Billy Joe MacAllister's jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge."


"The other theme is a darker one, about the indifference we often show towards the loss of human life. The speaker's family talks about a young man's suicide in the most nonchalant way possible. The line "Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense/ pass the biscuits, please" is a great example. Aside from the speaker, no one seems to know or care much about Billy Joe. His death is just a source of dinnertime gossip, like the weather."


"Bobby Gentry has historically remained coy about the meaning of her song. According to her, the main theme of Billy Joe was simply death and dying, and the ways in which we can be indifferent and oblivious to the suffering of others."


Quotes From Here


You are right Terry, people need to get the word out. Maybe 40+ years later we can finally get it all right...

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RIP x 3


As bad as bullying is at this age, I believe it will never truly go away. Young kids will always seek out those who are different to pick on. It's a human nature thing for a lot of people...elevate yourself by degrading another. It's not a pretty truth, but it's the truth.


The answer, then, is to try our best to teach better coping mechanisms so that the results aren't this disastrous.

Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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RIP x 3


As bad as bullying is at this age, I believe it will never truly go away. Young kids will always seek out those who are different to pick on. It's a human nature thing for a lot of people...elevate yourself by degrading another. It's not a pretty truth, but it's the truth.


The answer, then, is to try our best to teach better coping mechanisms so that the results aren't this disastrous.



Exactly Sage!


Just read the below link this morning:


Story out of Rutgers


I mean W(ho)TF would do something like the two did by videotaping and then posting it online... I mean my God! That is pure evil.

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Exactly Sage!


Just read the below link this morning:


Story out of Rutgers


I mean W(ho)TF would do something like the two did by videotaping and then posting it online... I mean my God! That is pure evil.

So sick and and tired of this Rutgers story. The kid killed himself. Yes, that's a tragedy, suicide is awful. My point is not about suicide it is about every freaking one of us and the kid himself not those two kids. We are a nation who is sexually repressed and not tolerant of gays (that is as a majority). Why this kid took his life we cannot be sure but we can only assume that it was related to being outed. The majority of us would have whipped this other kids arse. He, instead, due to his own fears and issues killed himself.

Did those kids bully him? certainly.

Did those kids break a law of privacy? it appears so.

Would a healthy person kill themself over such an incident? it is arguable, but no.

I have been the victim of bullying, quite severly, it made me feel like poo but I got tough skin and realized the world isn't here to kiss my arse.


PS: For those saying he is in a better place, such as on his facebook they forget Laviticus. Thou shall not lie with a man as thou would a woman. But, than again, what would I know, I'm an atheist, to me he's worm food.

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So sick and and tired of this Rutgers story. The kid killed himself. Yes, that's a tragedy, suicide is awful. My point is not about suicide it is about every freaking one of us and the kid himself not those two kids. We are a nation who is sexually repressed and not tolerant of gays (that is as a majority). Why this kid took his life we cannot be sure but we can only assume that it was related to being outed. The majority of us would have whipped this other kids arse. He, instead, due to his own fears and issues killed himself.

Did those kids bully him? certainly.

Did those kids break a law of privacy? it appears so.

Would a healthy person kill themself over such an incident? it is arguable, but no.

I have been the victim of bullying, quite severly, it made me feel like poo but I got tough skin and realized the world isn't here to kiss my arse.


PS: For those saying he is in a better place, such as on his facebook they forget Laviticus. Thou shall not lie with a man as thou would a woman. But, than again, what would I know, I'm an atheist, to me he's worm food.



Yeah, this Rutgers story is a little overblown. Obviously it wasn't a nice thing to do and it's very sad this kid decided to kill himself, but no one is throwing themselves off a bridge because a small number of people saw a video of them kisisng someone. Clearly he already had some major problems.

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Yeah, this Rutgers story is a little overblown. Obviously it wasn't a nice thing to do and it's very sad this kid decided to kill himself, but no one is throwing themselves off a bridge because a small number of people saw a video of them kisisng someone. Clearly he already had some major problems.

http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/120528-teen-suicide-due-to-bullying/ Go read his honorary facebook page. People are acting like the video of him kissing a man is the gravity that made him fall. I am not a homophobe by any means and cannot tolerate those that are but clearly people do not see the point. This facebook page was trolled hard last night and it disturbs me more that people are responding to his death than it does that he was spied on.


I especially love the 14 yr old kid who's quote was "God Bless you Tyler! Nobody should have to feel scared or intimidated to be themselves. It is a basic human right! My prayers are with you and your family. No matter what others may say God loves all his children." Clearly, he does not know God has a book out. You cannot bless a homosexual, they're homosexual!

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http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/120528-teen-suicide-due-to-bullying/ Go read his honorary facebook page. People are acting like the video of him kissing a man is the gravity that made him fall. I am not a homophobe by any means and cannot tolerate those that are but clearly people do not see the point. This facebook page was trolled hard last night and it disturbs me more that people are responding to his death than it does that he was spied on.


I especially love the 14 yr old kid who's quote was "God Bless you Tyler! Nobody should have to feel scared or intimidated to be themselves. It is a basic human right! My prayers are with you and your family. No matter what others may say God loves all his children." Clearly, he does not know God has a book out. You cannot bless a homosexual, they're homosexual!

So how many pizzas have you sent to Dharun Ravi's place? :D

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I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

Leviticus announces that men who lay with men are sinners, and a sinner cannot be blessed. I think it is horrible that all people cannot appreciated but it bothers me that so many people are saying how this kid is in heaven. I wish there was a heaven, but if there was, according to the Bible, he is not there.



"Honestly, this is like the second or third post by jboyst62 that I have read in the last couple days, that made me wonder what the hell he was talking about!"

I get distracted every 4 seconds and have to restart my brain, it's really, really annonying.

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So sick and and tired of this Rutgers story. The kid killed himself. Yes, that's a tragedy, suicide is awful. My point is not about suicide it is about every freaking one of us and the kid himself not those two kids. We are a nation who is sexually repressed and not tolerant of gays (that is as a majority). Why this kid took his life we cannot be sure but we can only assume that it was related to being outed. The majority of us would have whipped this other kids arse. He, instead, due to his own fears and issues killed himself.

Did those kids bully him? certainly.

Did those kids break a law of privacy? it appears so.

Would a healthy person kill themself over such an incident? it is arguable, but no.

I have been the victim of bullying, quite severly, it made me feel like poo but I got tough skin and realized the world isn't here to kiss my arse.


PS: For those saying he is in a better place, such as on his facebook they forget Laviticus. Thou shall not lie with a man as thou would a woman. But, than again, what would I know, I'm an atheist, to me he's worm food.


If I didn't know better, I would think you were ieatcrayonz.


Because you have been bullied, and gotten through it, like most of us, you are right to be sick of this story. It is magnanimous, oh wise one, to concede that "suicide is awful", but I am glad you straightened it all out by pointing out that people who commit suicide are not healthy. I am sick of this story now, too.


There is no Stadium Wall rule, that I know of, that requires you to comment on everything, particularly if you have nothing to say.

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Leviticus announces that men who lay with men are sinners, and a sinner cannot be blessed. I think it is horrible that all people cannot appreciated but it bothers me that so many people are saying how this kid is in heaven. I wish there was a heaven, but if there was, according to the Bible, he is not there.



Holy crap! Playing the Bible card? Really?


You don't think Jesus may have lay down with Peter and Paul on occasion? Leviticus doesn't say anything about blow-jobs or taking it up the poop-shoot.


Seriously, what a pitiful argument. Even if you believe this stuff, doesn't the Bible teach you to PRAY for sinners? Or is it OK to forget that part? Why isn't it possible to bless a homosexual, even though you think it's a sin. Didn't Jesus bless Mary Magdalene, who many believe was a whore? Why do so many of today's Christians focus on the damnation and forget about the forgiveness?

Edited by The Dean
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Leviticus announces that men who lay with men are sinners, and a sinner cannot be blessed. I think it is horrible that all people cannot appreciated but it bothers me that so many people are saying how this kid is in heaven. I wish there was a heaven, but if there was, according to the Bible, he is not there.



"Honestly, this is like the second or third post by jboyst62 that I have read in the last couple days, that made me wonder what the hell he was talking about!"

I get distracted every 4 seconds and have to restart my brain, it's really, really annonying.

Levitticus also says leprosy is contagious. it isn't. I wouldn't put a lot of money on Levitticus for accuracy about disease, morals or the word of God for that matter.

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Levitticus also says leprosy is contagious. it isn't. I wouldn't put a lot of money on Levitticus for accuracy about disease, morals or the word of God for that matter.


jboy is an atheist.


This story is not as much, to me, about hate crime and anti-gay as it is about bullying taken too far.

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jboy is an atheist.


This story is not as much, to me, about hate crime and anti-gay as it is about bullying taken too far.



Indeed. Bullying is a horrific thing, IMO. Yes, it might be natural at a certain age. But our culture actually seems to HONOR it, to a degree. We had a similar discussion some years back, and there were a few posters who seemed to defend bullying, and focused on the weakness of the victims. What a shame, really.

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Indeed. Bullying is a horrific thing, IMO. Yes, it might be natural at a certain age. But our culture actually seems to HONOR it, to a degree. We had a similar discussion some years back, and there were a few posters who seemed to defend bullying, and focused on the weakness of the victims. What a shame, really.


I remember a similar discussion on this board a couple years ago. It devolved into the internet tough guys fondly reminiscing about their days on the block playing Smear the Queer and complaining how kids are pussies these days.

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Indeed. Bullying is a horrific thing, IMO. Yes, it might be natural at a certain age. But our culture actually seems to HONOR it, to a degree. We had a similar discussion some years back, and there were a few posters who seemed to defend bullying, and focused on the weakness of the victims. What a shame, really.

The main thing here is that if the subjects of bullying have underlying mental health issues, it breeds disastrous results such as these suicides. You'd think that once people got to a certain age they'd recognize the issues that might be the result of their actions. Maybe some of us were just raised better.

Edited by LeviF91
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The main thing here is that if the subjects of bullying have underlying mental health issues, it breeds disastrous results such as these suicides. You'd think that once people got to a certain age they'd recognize the issues that might be the result of their actions. Maybe some of us were just raised better.



Part of the problem, is there are still many parents who tell kids to suck it up and deal with it.... instead of maybe recognizing that the underlying issues need to be addressed before a suicide takes place. if you aren't taught to recognize the issues, it's a lot tougher to get help for them before it is too late.

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