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49.6% of all people are lying to themselves


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Has anyone ever noticed the number of pro atheletes who's sons (and not daughters) seem to have strange medical conditions? Think it through before responding. I've often wondered about it resulting from what they put into their bodies for conditioning.



I noticed Aussie. I always thought it was because they sold their Soul to the Devil, but you may be right about the whole negative effects of Juice on the Body..... B)

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I am astounded at some of these remarks. Provide for your family the best that you can and be there and love them. I wouldn't trade my health for providing my family millions of dollars. They are happy with not only what I provide them with but also my being a loving component of the family. My dying early or changing my health or personality to be a Pro athelete and bring in more money is (and I don't normally post like this) one of the stupidist ideas I have ever heard of. How about working harder and smarter at what you do now to supply your family with more income? Maybe some of these comments are meant to be sarcastic, but they sure strike a nerve with me.

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I am astounded at some of these remarks. Provide for your family the best that you can and be there and love them. I wouldn't trade my health for providing my family millions of dollars. They are happy with not only what I provide them with but also my being a loving component of the family. My dying early or changing my health or personality to be a Pro athelete and bring in more money is (and I don't normally post like this) one of the stupidist ideas I have ever heard of. How about working harder and smarter at what you do now to supply your family with more income? Maybe some of these comments are meant to be sarcastic, but they sure strike a nerve with me.




The thing is, everyone acts as if taking steroids = poor health.


Sure, some 17 year old kid who buys roids off some dealer and pumps 10 times too many into himself might have a reaction. Pro athletes ALL OVER take steroids. They know what they are doing. It's limited risk. I don't think there was a chance of Barry's heart blowing up, or any other pro athlete who has the money to do it the right way... might sound dumb, but I think the media has made steroids a bigger, badder monster than they really are (health wise).


The people I agree with are those that say they would want to EARN their money and not get it the easy way with roids.


But to them I ask if they would give back a winning PowerBall ticket because they didnt work hard enough for thier $200 million.

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Got a hot date date.  My flight is at 8am tomorrow.



Oh, come on you know I knew the answer from the 10 other threads.... Though I do expect a full report in your blog before the weekend's out! :w00t:

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I am astounded at some of these remarks. Provide for your family the best that you can and be there and love them. I wouldn't trade my health for providing my family millions of dollars. They are happy with not only what I provide them with but also my being a loving component of the family. My dying early or changing my health or personality to be a Pro athelete and bring in more money is (and I don't normally post like this) one of the stupidist ideas I have ever heard of. How about working harder and smarter at what you do now to supply your family with more income? Maybe some of these comments are meant to be sarcastic, but they sure strike a nerve with me.



Easy for us adults to say today. Many of us have families and are established in our careers. What about a poor kid playing baseball? Eighteen years old and poor. He gets a contract and has a few bucks...he never progresses beyond AA ball though. Meanwhile he sees guys with less natural ability moving to the bigs and he knows they are on the juice. Most people that are close to elite status as an athelete are going to do it.


Mark Schlereth(sp?) came into the NFL the first year of testing. He has said publically that if not for testing he would have probably done it. A smallish lineman playing against behemoths looking for any edge.


Most of us have never been in that situation. What would you do straight out of college? Straight our of high school? Living the dream. Playing in front of thousands. Playing in front of tens of thousands. Playing in front of millions via TV. Are you sure you wouldn't do it? Playing for tens of thousands of dollars. Playing for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Playing for millions of dollars. Ida done it, and I wouldn't have given a thought to tomorrow.

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I'll be honest and say I took steroids for a brief time. It's hard to admitt this. Do I regret it? Yes, very much so. I'm afraid what it could have done to my health. At the time I didn't have kids. Now that I do I want to be around as long as possible. I know guys right now who have been taking them every day 9 months of the year. I think that's crazy and one day they may regret it. I had no side effects other than some zits (which I hated.) The only good part is when you went to the gym or went out to the field and your doing some incredible things with strenth that you didn't have before. Would I do it for that money? I can honestly say no. My family which is a 17 month old baby girl and my 6 year old girl, and my wife are more important. Take it as you will.

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I agree with Gringo, though I've been told I DO have a spectacular penis. :w00t:


An important distinction: There is a difference between HAVING a spectacular penis and BEING an incredible dick! :w00t:


Kidding. I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist the joke, but I'm KIDDING (we mock what we don't understand)

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The thing is, everyone acts as if taking steroids = poor health.


Sure, some 17 year old kid who buys roids off some dealer and pumps 10 times too many into himself might have a reaction. Pro athletes ALL OVER take steroids. They know what they are doing. It's limited risk.  I don't think there was a chance of Barry's heart blowing up, or any other pro athlete who has the money to do it the right way... might sound dumb, but I think the media has made steroids a bigger, badder monster than they really are (health wise).


The people I agree with are those that say they would want to EARN their money and not get it the easy way with roids.


But to them I ask if they would give back a winning PowerBall ticket because they didnt work hard enough for thier $200 million.



Just about any drug can be used in a way that won't cause guaranteed health problems. Take the two most negatively looked at drugs in our culture, heroin or cocaine. People theoretically could use these drugs a couple of times a year with limited risk. Problem is they are extremely addictive both mentally and physically and hardly anybody can use them without being excessive.


While steroids don't hold as much physically addictive properties as cocaine or heroin I'm pretty confident the mental addiction more then makes up for it. Think about being able to accomplish unparalleled fame while your body takes you to places you never thought it could. Seeing your once normal self transform into a athletic marvel, making muscle gains that you could never approach before etc.


How easy would it be to just give all that up? Then addiction sets in, depression, finally health problems. If it was so easy for people to control drugs then drugs would not be such an issue. The problem is drugs control people whether they are performance enhancers or just a simple escape from reality.

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The thing is, everyone acts as if taking steroids = poor health.


Sure, some 17 year old kid who buys roids off some dealer and pumps 10 times too many into himself might have a reaction. Pro athletes ALL OVER take steroids. They know what they are doing. It's limited risk.  I don't think there was a chance of Barry's heart blowing up, or any other pro athlete who has the money to do it the right way... might sound dumb, but I think the media has made steroids a bigger, badder monster than they really are (health wise).


The people I agree with are those that say they would want to EARN their money and not get it the easy way with roids.


But to them I ask if they would give back a winning PowerBall ticket because they didnt work hard enough for thier $200 million.



Tell that to Mike Webster. I think the link to Steroid abuse and heart problems has been proven to MY satisfaction.

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A poll on ESPN.com asked:


"Would you take steroids if it helped you earn millions of dollars as a pro athlete?


50.3% say yes

49.6% say no 


(apparenly .1% are BF_In_Indiana, and found the question unfair to Ron Artest, but I digress).



Yeah, it worked out great for Giambi. A tumor in his stomach along with some 'intestinal parasites'. Sounds like things are going great.


BTW, no one takes steroids so that they can play baseball. They take steroids to get an edge while playing baseball - say, to go from hitting 40 HR a year to maybe 73. I doubt there are many players in the minors who are just a steroid or two away from being in the Bigs. I'm confident that all the steroids in the world couldn't help anyone from TSW make it in pro sports (sorry guys).


The sad part about Bonds is that he was a HOF player before he ever started using (probably in the late 90's after seeing Griffey voted player of the decade and all the fuss about Sosa/McGwire, along with no one caring about what they were using).

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The thing is, everyone acts as if taking steroids = poor health.


Sure, some 17 year old kid who buys roids off some dealer and pumps 10 times too many into himself might have a reaction. Pro athletes ALL OVER take steroids. They know what they are doing. It's limited risk.  I don't think there was a chance of Barry's heart blowing up, or any other pro athlete who has the money to do it the right way... might sound dumb, but I think the media has made steroids a bigger, badder monster than they really are (health wise).


The people I agree with are those that say they would want to EARN their money and not get it the easy way with roids.


But to them I ask if they would give back a winning PowerBall ticket because they didnt work hard enough for thier $200 million.



100% correct

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Shhh.  It's only a small penis and acne you have to worry about, don't be silly.



poor liver health, weak immune system, no more testosterone produced by the body, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, stroke, hair falling out in clumps, joint problems..........who cares your a rich cheater :w00t::w00t::w00t::P

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100% correct



I must be overfrightened over undereducated about steroid use... but everything I have heard, and in limited cases seen... show them to be a bigger hazard then you are pointing out. If the logic of this conversation is based on them not being harmful, my earlier remarks were inappropriate.

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I must be overfrightened over undereducated about steroid use... but everything I have heard, and in limited cases seen... show them to be a bigger hazard then you are pointing out. If the logic of this conversation is based on them not being harmful, my earlier remarks were inappropriate.



Yes, because the cases you have seen were most likely not done under any medical supervision and were probably not very good steroids.

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