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What a bush league city

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Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands.

Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead."


No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.)


Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.

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Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands.

Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead."


No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.)


Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.



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Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands.

Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead."


No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.)


Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.



A guest should exhibit good deportment - chiefly by keeping one's trap shut absent extreme (life-threatening) situations.


Manners are an artifice - our natural state tending towards choking each other in the street. It's generally realized by most folks that good manners are therefore necessary when out in public.



Rise above, walk proud, and take satisfaction in the fact that the surest way to the dislike of men is to behave well where they have behaved badly.

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Hate to say it... I went to Ulrich's a month ago... turn left and get to the intersection of Washington and Virginia? I think it was Virginia... anyway I'm heading all the way down Washington to jump on the 190.


Now, if I had decided to stay at the intersection of Washington and Virginia... and I had bowling ball, and I had someone set up 10 pins right at the end of Washington, right in front of the Sabres' arena... it's not out of the realm of possibility to get a 300.



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Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands.

Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead."


No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.)


Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.


same thing happens here in Atlanta downtown. actually, most major cities have financial/business districts downtown that become ghost towns at 5:30pm. if you, or the bartender, wanted action you should have hit the Elmwood strip where there are always plenty of people out and about.


as for the game attendance, even the Braves dont pack the seats for a Tuesday night game (probably not even half full). are you surprised that a mid-week AAA game is empty?


what a bush league tourist...

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same thing happens here in Atlanta downtown. actually, most major cities have financial/business districts downtown that become ghost towns at 5:30pm. if you, or the bartender, wanted action you should have hit the Elmwood strip where there are always plenty of people out and about.


as for the game attendance, even the Braves dont pack the seats for a Tuesday night game (probably not even half full). are you surprised that a mid-week AAA game is empty?


what a bush league tourist...


Atlanta's problem is just like South Florida's/Charlotte's/Jacksonville's. Everybody's from somewhere else, so unless they're playing the Yankmees, only so many people show. Buffalo may have deteriorated in many ways into a 'bush league' city, but insulting its' sports fans is just dumb, even from a canadian. Nobody gives a sh1t about minor league baseball anywhere.

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Recently went over the border to a tuesday night Bisons game. Maybe a hundred in the stands.

Free tickets where i ate dinner. Talked to the bartender, who said about the down-town workers: "they all go home. This place is dead."


No newspaper coverage of baseball or football. (Hey, the Sabres are out of it now.)


Hey Buffalo, things are going on. hire some reporters.

cool, don't come back.


and i say that, because:

1) you musta been with all 3 of your friends (me, myself and I)

2) i just had four buddies from Ontario come up last weekend and we had a hootenany.

3) let's get this straight, you paid maybe $6 for a bisons ticket, ate for probably $15 (not including your Shirley Temples), so all in all it cost you $35 to cross the border, if you bought a hot dog or 3.

4) in Montreal, where i just came from, all of that, including the 7 beers and 3 shots i had, added it up to say $105.

5) there are slow times in sports. what were you expecting, a game story on the Bills losing to New England? (i know, which one?)

6) i've spent a week in London, Ontario, one night, and still found something to do.

7) yes, in most cities but Buffalo, TUESDAY, is generally the night everyone goes out. :rolleyes:

8) and i'm sure you're just living it up in, where, Stevensville?





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Bisons don't draw on weeknights until after school let's out and people are on vacation. As far as there being no reporters there...uh did you go inside the press box? Something tells me you didn't. And as far as them being in the paper, buffalo news covers them, they even have a link on their site specifically for the bisons.

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cool, don't come back.


and i say that, because:

1) you musta been with all 3 of your friends (me, myself and I)

2) i just had four buddies from Ontario come up last weekend and we had a hootenany.

3) let's get this straight, you paid maybe $6 for a bisons ticket, ate for probably $15 (not including your Shirley Temples), so all in all it cost you $35 to cross the border, if you bought a hot dog or 3.

4) in Montreal, where i just came from, all of that, including the 7 beers and 3 shots i had, added it up to say $105.

5) there are slow times in sports. what were you expecting, a game story on the Bills losing to New England? (i know, which one?)

6) i've spent a week in London, Ontario, one night, and still found something to do.

7) yes, in most cities but Buffalo, TUESDAY, is generally the night everyone goes out. :rolleyes:

8) and i'm sure you're just living it up in, where, Stevensville?






To be fair the hootenany scene ain't what it used to be.

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What does he expect when the city / area has no idea how to attract businesses through tax and other incentives because the state and local governments rape them and the people because they can (and need to) to keep their own jobs.

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cool, don't come back.


and i say that, because:

1) you musta been with all 3 of your friends (me, myself and I)

2) i just had four buddies from Ontario come up last weekend and we had a hootenany.

3) let's get this straight, you paid maybe $6 for a bisons ticket, ate for probably $15 (not including your Shirley Temples), so all in all it cost you $35 to cross the border, if you bought a hot dog or 3.

4) in Montreal, where i just came from, all of that, including the 7 beers and 3 shots i had, added it up to say $105.

5) there are slow times in sports. what were you expecting, a game story on the Bills losing to New England? (i know, which one?)

6) i've spent a week in London, Ontario, one night, and still found something to do.

7) yes, in most cities but Buffalo, TUESDAY, is generally the night everyone goes out. :rolleyes:

8) and i'm sure you're just living it up in, where, Stevensville?





Aww, c'mon, theres lots to do in Stevensville now that its summer, Zooz (Sorry, Safari Niagara) is now open!


No one has ever confused Buffalo as the party capitol of the world, and except to see phenom pitchers playing their last minor league game, no one is packing minor league stadiums on a week night, besides NY and Boston, not many major league stadiums are packed on week nights

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if youre comparing toronto to bflo i can understand the comments


but remember that toronto is a super metropolitan city, like ny or la, so ***** always going on there. bflo is just a serious minor leaguer in comparison


when i visit toronto i cant help but take a walk down younge street at about three in the morning. theres some interesting **** that goes on in that street at that time. at least there used to be, i havent done that in at least ten years. but the last time i did it i stood outside an all night deli drinking a huge can of malt liquor and chatting with the hookers about how bidness was going and watching the crazy people. lmao but true

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What does he expect when the city / area has no idea how to attract businesses through tax and other incentives because the state and local governments rape them and the people because they can (and need to) to keep their own jobs.


Don't mean to get all PPP here, but tax incentives aren't always the best tool in economic development. Just saying.


The city is kick-ass awesome in a brutally depressing way. Like the '90s.

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