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Six month Assessment of Nix Gailey regime

Nix Gailey six month assessment  

170 members have voted

  1. 1. How Do you assess Front office moves so far?

    • Excellent Job Turning this francise around
    • Too early to tell, so far so good
    • Slight improvement over DJ/Russ
    • No Improvement, Same old mediocrity
    • RW did it again, headed to disaster

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I disagree with thos who say you can't critique the new regime. I actually like the question and I will attempt to give my honest opinion. Granted it is a very early assessment and opininon.


The Good


(1) Like that they have an offensive minded coach and I hope he will be able to restore some of that Bills offensive Mojo.

(2) Like that they addressed stopping the run with N/T Troup.

(3) Like that they have a dynamic weapon named Spiller.

(4) I like that they still have Lynch on the team. without a doubt there is baggage but "he can play." Hope he's not traded.

(5) I really like the transition to the 3-4 defense. There will be growing pains...

(6) Liked the LB pickup from the Broncos.


The Bad


(1)The QB position looks to be weak. Not sure Gailey can make any of these guys quality starting QBs.

(2)The Ol looks to be weak and very young. Wanted to draft a big time OL with the 1st or 2nd pick. I am not high on WANG.(3)The WR core looks to be weak. Lost TO and Reed. This will hurt some. Easley is too raw to be effective this year. Hardy appears to be lost. Johnson shows promise. Poor Lee Evans who happens to be my favorite Bill. Can you imagine how good he would be on a team who had an offense?


All of this is just my opinion and not based on facts. Just my two cents.


Outlook for this season is bleak. I say 4 and 12.


Not that thwere would be anything wrong with that if you were. :rolleyes:

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I understand your where your going...However, you have to agree it sure is hard to be opitimistic about this teams future considering the past ten years. That's all I have to say.

No I don't


If Nix and Gailey were here and a major part of the last 10 years, then i could agree, but this is a new group of guys with different plans trying to turn the team around

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I would seriously question anyones sanity that could make an assessment before year 1 is even in the books.....

CHECK THE MADDEN :rolleyes: Ratings .... that's all any of us need!


Actually, this is a good question ... obviously we don't know how the team will do but we have seen some attitude changes as well as a major difference at One Bills' Drive and that seems to be a commitment to winning and making the players work.


Under Coach Dick well he was a pleasant enough fellow ... but had no burning desire to win. These guys are not like Williams was with the bull horn but the players physical conditioning is being looked at and Gailey wants both mental and physical toughness.


Obviously, the OL is still a major question and the QB game of roulette is spinning wildly with the great unknown being where the ball will stop and whether that will matter.


I like our receiving corps and Easley keeps impressing me on tape and from the camp reports. Plus Stevie Johnson has always had potential. So, if the QB can get the ball in the air I think we have the weapons at WR and Nelson at TE. Our running backs should be as good as any team's and our secondary is already one of the best.


So ... right now it's too early to know for sure but I am definitely liking this team a whole lot more than I have in the last 5 years. Yea, TO was an upbeat move last year ... but I just thought it would help us score some but I forgot about the play to not lose mentality that was the controlling factor for our Bills.

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No I don't


If Nix and Gailey were here and a major part of the last 10 years, then i could agree, but this is a new group of guys with different plans trying to turn the team around


I hate to beat a dead horse here. My point is haven't you been saying this for 10 years and counting. First with Greg Williams, then Marlarkey and Donadope, Dick Juaren and Levi.....

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Your optimistic viewpoint isn't shared by all but nevertheless good post

Hey, Nanker hit on all the major I can see as well.


Some folks here are just perpetual downers - some still pine for Bill Cowher ferchrisakes.


I love the direction Gailey and Nix are taking the Bills. Yes, no games won or lost yet, but it is clear to see the foundations of a good strong team being built in Buffalo.


I am very excited to see what the new regime can do on the field on Sundays.

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I hate to beat a dead horse here. My point is haven't you been saying this for 10 years and counting. First with Greg Williams, then Marlarkey and Donadope, Dick Juaren and Levi.....

No, you enjoy beating this dead horse, apparently.


Are you saying that Bills fans always turn optimistic when a new regime comes in, and there is a renewed glimmer of hope?


I'm not sure who you are accusing of being optimistic (on and off perhaps) over the last ten years. Good lord, people should KNOW BETTER than to have hope for this bunch.

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I voted #2, too early to tell. But I'm not 100% sure on the "so far so good" part. I like that Coach Gailey is an offensive minded coach. I don't like that they didn't go get us a QB. I also don't like what they've done at the WR position. But I am staying positive that Coach Gailey can make it work with what we've got. The switch to 3-4 has me concerned. I like that we got Spiller and at least for now are keeping ML.


But yeah, it's too early to say either way. Once we line and real games start I'll have a better idea. For what it's worth I like what I've seen of the OTA highlights.

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Hey, Nanker hit on all the major I can see as well.


Some folks here are just perpetual downers - some still pine for Bill Cowher ferchrisakes.


I love the direction Gailey and Nix are taking the Bills. Yes, no games won or lost yet, but it is clear to see the foundations of a good strong team being built in Buffalo.


I am very excited to see what the new regime can do on the field on Sundays.



"I love the direction Gailey and Nix are taking the Bills. Yes, no games won or lost yet, but it is clear to see the foundations of a good strong team being built in Buffalo." Wish I could say the same but I can't. IMO, building a foundation to winning football games starts with 3 major components. A solid QB which the Bills don't have. A solid offensive line which the Bills don't have. A solid defensive line with a good pass rush which the Bills don't have. To date, I think the new regime has failed to adequately address these three needs.


To be fair to NIX/GAILEY they inherited a bad team with so many holes. As a result, it is going to take years to address these issues. I do like the 3-4 defensive scheme and Gailey's offensive talents...

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Assessing at this point is like assessing how the relationship is going an hour before the first date.

+1 My only asssessment is that they are undefeated under their regime.

to those saying this is a Bills board and we have a right to express our thoughts .... those that don't have an opinion positively or negatively are STATING THEIR OPINION !!

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"I love the direction Gailey and Nix are taking the Bills. Yes, no games won or lost yet, but it is clear to see the foundations of a good strong team being built in Buffalo."


Wish I could say the same but I can't. IMO, building a foundation to winning football games starts with 3 major components. A solid QB which the Bills don't have. A solid offensive line which the Bills don't have. A solid defensive line with a good pass rush which the Bills don't have. To date, I think the new regime has failed to adequately address these three needs.

To be fair to NIX/GAILEY they inherited a bad team with so many holes. As a result, it is going to take years to address these issues. I do like the 3-4 defensive scheme and Gailey's offensive talents...

I agree, I'm not drinking the Nix-Gailey kool-aid yet, they need to show me they know what they are doing. So far I'm not impressed at all, and here is why.


The entire NFL world watched in the 2009 off season as the Bills made headlines by trading away their ONLY all pro player, LT Jason Peters.


Then the 2009 draft and the Bills select a DE with the first pick when the NFL world knew he was going to be a 2-3 year project,everyone except Jauron &Co. The Bills still needed to replace Jason Peters at LT and didn't, not in the draft, not in free agency. The result was a disaster of a season and complete failure at both tackle positions to protect the several different QB's, and give any of them time to throw.


So here we are again this off season, new head coach, new GM, and same old story. Someone, somewhere at OBD has the greatest faith in D.Bell at LT to ignore the position again early in this years draft. Then they band-aid the right tackle position with another scrub from the Raiders,as if Langston Walker wasn't bad enough.


With the very same scouting crew still intact Buffalo for the last 8 years, the guys who selected Aaron Maybin #1 in 2009 and failed to find decent O line talent in the draft for nearly a decade. I have no faith in Bell, Meredith, Wang and Calloway ever becoming decent starters, these same scouts have a 8 year history of drafting mid to late round O line draft picks that fail.



CBS Sport.com has the Bills selecting Jake Locker with the #1 overall pick in next years draft, and it looks promising to me. :rolleyes:











Should the Bills actually get the first overall pick next year because they are the worst team in the NFL next season...I can only wonder if the next Wal-Mart head coach RW hires will be smart enough to actually try and find top talent for the tackle positions. The Rams selected Sam Bradford first overall this year and the very next pick was OT Roger Saffold.

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As JFH said, I put my sanity on the line by stating the following:

I think most of the things the new crew has done so far have been very encouraging.

  • They Brought NFL Caliber Offensive Coaching Back to Buffalo
  • They're Maintaining an Open Competition for Most Roster Spots
  • The Model for "Their Kind of Guy" is Tough, Determined and a Workaholic
  • Brought Bruce DeHaven Back - after losing the absolute best ST coach we had since Bruce DeHaven got shoved out the door by Wade
  • Took the TVs out of the Weight Room
  • Brought in TWO Tough, Competent S&C Coaches and ****-canned the pretender that previously took up space at OBD
  • Hired More Assistant Position Coaches Than Ever Before in Buffalo
  • Are Hiring a Team of College Scouts
  • They Fired John Guy and Hired Doug Whaley
  • Express in no Uncertain Terms a No-Nonsense Culture-Changing Attitude
  • They Didn't Mortgage the Future by Making Wild Trades on Draft Day
  • They're Committed to Building Through the Draft
  • They're not Pursuing a Litany of Over-the-Hill Players That Other Clubs Have Jettisoned
  • They Haven't Taken the Bait on Troubled Players With Expensive Price Tags Whose Teams are Dangling Them in the Trade Winds

What I don't like...

It's still three and a half months till the season starts.


Exactly right!

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I agree, I'm not drinking the Nix-Gailey kool-aid yet, they need to show me they know what they are doing. So far I'm not impressed at all, and here is why.


The entire NFL world watched in the 2009 off season as the Bills made headlines by trading away their ONLY all pro player, LT Jason Peters.


Then the 2009 draft and the Bills select a DE with the first pick when the NFL world knew he was going to be a 2-3 year project,everyone except Jauron &Co. The Bills still needed to replace Jason Peters at LT and didn't, not in the draft, not in free agency. The result was a disaster of a season and complete failure at both tackle positions to protect the several different QB's, and give any of them time to throw.


So here we are again this off season, new head coach, new GM, and same old story. Someone, somewhere at OBD has the greatest faith in D.Bell at LT to ignore the position again early in this years draft. Then they band-aid the right tackle position with another scrub from the Raiders,as if Langston Walker wasn't bad enough.


With the very same scouting crew still intact Buffalo for the last 8 years, the guys who selected Aaron Maybin #1 in 2009 and failed to find decent O line talent in the draft for nearly a decade. I have no faith in Bell, Meredith, Wang and Calloway ever becoming decent starters, these same scouts have a 8 year history of drafting mid to late round O line draft picks that fail.



CBS Sport.com has the Bills selecting Jake Locker with the #1 overall pick in next years draft, and it looks promising to me. ;)











Should the Bills actually get the first overall pick next year because they are the worst team in the NFL next season...I can only wonder if the next Wal-Mart head coach RW hires will be smart enough to actually try and find top talent for the tackle positions. The Rams selected Sam Bradford first overall this year and the very next pick was OT Roger Saffold.


Fantastic follow up from my post. You took the words right out of my mouth.

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