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A "NEW" Study shows fat kids more likely to get picked on

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Girls have cleavage? A bit deranged observation, wouldn't you say?
Girls with nice cleavage get better service than flat chested women


Truly. Girls with cleavage...flat chested women...there's a lil sumfin sumfin going on in Stojan's mind I think.

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Still not as wasteful as the study that determined that placebos "have no effect". But pretty damned close.



I've got to find out how to get one of these research grants.


Don't worry about the details.


Just whip up a good presentation, and it's easy money.

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Kids really are pills when you get a bunch of them together. It must be that they exhibit a more raw and unfiltered version of human nature, but man are they cruel to each other. They try their darndest to find strange or undesirable traits in their peers, and then just hound them endlessly about it.


When I was in elementary school, I was the nerd...despite praise from the adults, I would've traded in my smarts if it meant the other kids would just leave me alone. I got along alright with most kids and I had a nice group of friends, but that didn't stop the bully types from making me miserable at every turn. Those days are long gone, but that crap sticks with you even if it's only in subconscious ways. One thing's for sure, it won't be pretty if I ever find out my own children are participating in bullying.

Something that has changed since my school days is the elimination of fighting. I'm not sure that's been a good thing. One thing that acted as an equalizer was if the bully ended up getting the crap kicked out of him. Back when I was in school,in the 60's and 70's,some fighting was allowed to go on. The teachers would find out what was going on,and who the instigater was,and apply disipline as they saw fit. Now,anybody fighting is immediatly suspended,regardless of who's at fault. I think that has actually led to more bullying.

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No, adults are responsible for their own health, no matter what their parents did.


I just don't know of too many 7 or 8 year olds who say "No McDonald's today, Mom. I'm watching my figure."


Do you have any idea how much soda and candy I ate as a kid but I was a friggin' toothpick. Know why? Because I got out every chance I could and ran around with my friends. That was my choice, not my parents. Must have been all that sugar.

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Do you have any idea how much soda and candy I ate as a kid but I was a friggin' toothpick. Know why? Because I got out every chance I could and ran around with my friends. That was my choice, not my parents. Must have been all that sugar.

Well, times have changed on a couple fronts. With the technology available kids are more likely to be entertained by a computer game, tv or other electronic device that you just didn't have access to. And while you could deny all that stuff, you run the risk of when they do discover it, it comsumes their time. Also kids aren't given the freedom to roam the neighborhood like they used to. With all the information available regarding children being kidnapped, etc it can be scary to let your young child out of your sight. What if somone would kidnap them? Heck, I do a lot of work for our local soccer club and I still feel obligated to tell my kids (5 and 7) when they are on the playground at the fields to make sure they don't talk to stangers etc. And that's with me able to see them but not really paying attention. When I was 7 I roamed around the neighborhood and was told to be home around suppertime. I don't think there are as many kids that get the opportunity to just disappear for awhile.

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Well, times have changed on a couple fronts. With the technology available kids are more likely to be entertained by a computer game, tv or other electronic device that you just didn't have access to. And while you could deny all that stuff, you run the risk of when they do discover it, it comsumes their time. Also kids aren't given the freedom to roam the neighborhood like they used to. With all the information available regarding children being kidnapped, etc it can be scary to let your young child out of your sight. What if somone would kidnap them? Heck, I do a lot of work for our local soccer club and I still feel obligated to tell my kids (5 and 7) when they are on the playground at the fields to make sure they don't talk to stangers etc. And that's with me able to see them but not really paying attention. When I was 7 I roamed around the neighborhood and was told to be home around suppertime. I don't think there are as many kids that get the opportunity to just disappear for awhile.


Yes, things are so much scarier now. :nana:


I'm so glad I'm not a kid these days. When my uncle was a kid he and his friends used to play at the local gravel pit. One day there was a cave in of some sort and my uncle was buried and killed. When I was a kid we go to that same gravel pit and my mom (his sister) used to say "have fun, be careful."


I'm also glad I don't have kids because they'd all be kidnapped, murdered or sexually assaulted by now.

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Yes, things are so much scarier now. :w00t:


I'm so glad I'm not a kid these days. When my uncle was a kid he and his friends used to play at the local gravel pit. One day there was a cave in of some sort and my uncle was buried and killed. When I was a kid we go to that same gravel pit and my mom (his sister) used to say "have fun, be careful."


I'm also glad I don't have kids because they'd all be kidnapped, murdered or sexually assaulted by now.

I'm sorry that you lost your uncle that way.


I'm not saying it's any safer or more dangerous now, but with the information available to parents I feel it's effected how kids are treated these days as opposed to 30-40-50 years ago. Just even searching on some keywords from your tragic example comes back with this site:



Back in the day we were lucky to hear about anything like these accidents from outside of our town. Now as a parent someone can ask you "Didn't you know that <insert risk here> was dangerous...". As a parent I feel some responsibility to be aware of possible issues because I have the information available. Not that I'm perfect or anything, but it's a decision I make as a parent. I make sure my kids are active, but I also realize they will not be as active as I was because their environment is different.

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I'm sorry that you lost your uncle that way.


I'm not saying it's any safer or more dangerous now, but with the information available to parents I feel it's effected how kids are treated these days as opposed to 30-40-50 years ago. Just even searching on some keywords from your tragic example comes back with this site:



Back in the day we were lucky to hear about anything like these accidents from outside of our town. Now as a parent someone can ask you "Didn't you know that <insert risk here> was dangerous...". As a parent I feel some responsibility to be aware of possible issues because I have the information available. Not that I'm perfect or anything, but it's a decision I make as a parent. I make sure my kids are active, but I also realize they will not be as active as I was because their environment is different.


Well seeing I wasn't born probably 30 years after my uncle died I really don't miss him all that much. :w00t:


Just because there is more information and more news outlets does not mean that there are more preditors out there. It just means we're more aware of it. The fact that because of this your kids will be less active than you makes me feel very sad for them.

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Well seeing I wasn't born probably 30 years after my uncle died I really don't miss him all that much. :doh:


Just because there is more information and more news outlets does not mean that there are more preditors out there. It just means we're more aware of it. The fact that because of this your kids will be less active than you makes me feel very sad for them.

Don't feel sad for them, they'll be fine. They'll just eat less sugar than I did.


Change happens.

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Do you have any idea how much soda and candy I ate as a kid adult?but I was a friggin' toothpick. Know why? Because I got out every chance I could and ran around with my friends.wifes That was my choice, not my parents. Must have been all that sugar.

That is valid fitness strategy that carrys though to adulthood.

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