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Drill, baby, DRILL!

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There is a list of things I'm not happy with Obama about. He has not given a press conference is almost a year now? That's not very transparent of him.





... but, it's not like Republicans have ever put anyone even close to qualified up for nomination.



Don't hurt yourself ducking the question. :D

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There is a list of things I'm not happy with Obama about. He has not given a press conference is almost a year now? That's not very transparent of him.





... but, it's not like Republicans have ever put anyone even close to qualified up for nomination.


Now if we can only find a running back that dodge defenses the way you just dodged my question we'd be SB Champs for sure. :D

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There is a list of things I'm not happy with Obama about. He has not given a press conference is almost a year now? That's not very transparent of him.


Ah, yes, the press conference metric. The ability to deliver canned answers in response to pre-screened questions. The true measure of leadership.


It pains me that the electorate is so !@#$ing stupid as to consider that meaningful.


... but, it's not like Republicans have ever put anyone even close to qualified up for nomination.


Clean up your own house. Let the Repubs worry about theirs.

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BP, the oil giant responsible for the spill, isn't committing to any firm number. Company spokesman John Curry has insisted that the figures he and his colleagues have consulted are simply a "guesstimate" and added that "there's a range of uncertainty, and it's very difficult to accurately gauge how much there is."


That sounds remarkably weaselish.


One guy, hopefully a crackpot, is estimating 20 million gallons already.

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That sounds remarkably weaselish.


Probably accurate, though. It can't possibly be easy to judge the rate of leakage from a well a mile down based on what you see on the surface.


One guy, hopefully a crackpot, is estimating 20 million gallons already.


25000 barrels a day? As I recall, a productive Saudi well is about 10-12000 barrels per day. 25000 is one seriously productive well.


Really, it sounds like a story where they just found the most alarmist guy they could and ran his estimate, just for sensationalism's sake.

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Probably accurate, though. It can't possibly be easy to judge the rate of leakage from a well a mile down based on what you see on the surface.


After reading more, it seems BP has had video from the spill all the time (well for a while). From the original article I linked. Now this calls into question, how close are these subs? Anyway, it would seem to be more accurate info than what the surface guys have.


BP has monitored the leaks 24 hours a day using cameras mounted on submarines at the mouth of the spill, but it has rebuffed requests from both academic researchers and news organizations to share access to the footage. The submarines are owned by Oceaneering International, a company contracted by BP to operate them. An Oceaneering International employee told ABC News that he "could walk right down the hall and watch" the footage coming from the bottom of the Gulf, but "can't share it without BP's express permission."


They actually just released some video, here. Maybe they are getting this from remotes operated from the sub? :D



25000 barrels a day? As I recall, a productive Saudi well is about 10-12000 barrels per day. 25000 is one seriously productive well.


Really, it sounds like a story where they just found the most alarmist guy they could and ran his estimate, just for sensationalism's sake.


I really hope you are right. Should be interesting to see what the experts make of a video announced on Twitter.

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After reading more, it seems BP has had video from the spill all the time (well for a while). From the original article I linked. Now this calls into question, how close are these subs? Anyway, it would seem to be more accurate info than what the surface guys have.




They actually just released some video, here. Maybe they are getting this from remotes operated from the sub? :D


Virtually meaningless to most people. All but experts will just use that to validate their preconceived notions of how good/bad the situation is.


I really hope you are right. Should be interesting to see what the experts make of a video announced on Twitter.


Hell, I couldn't even give you a rough order-of-magnitude estimate with that clip, and I actually know something about fluid dynamics. I doubt there are any "experts" at estimating high pressure oil leaks from broken pipes a mile under the ocean at 150 atmospheres pressure. Basically...we don't know. Simple as that. We just don't know.


25000 barrels/day doesn't exactly pass the smell test, though. But then, well production isn't the same as oil gushing from an unsecured hole in the ground, either.

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