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Drill, baby, DRILL!

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The funny thing is, if the federal government were to take things over, they'd just end up subcontracting out to exactly the same people to do exactly what they're doing now.


CNN just said "the feds" "gave" BP "approval" to try to seal the well again. Well...good for BP, now when this low-probability "top kill" plan doesn't work they can point fingers at the federal government and say "Hey, they supported it too!"


Ayup. Pass the buck.


I do find it amazing that no one had ever thought of how to do this before. I understand that you can't practice this but still: Not having some real contingency plans in place makes BP (and every other offshore driller...just happens that BP got the first big collapse) look absurd. It's not like it's hard to imagine this happening.

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Twitter thread from from a supposed engineer working on the top kill. I don't use Twitter, but it appears the account was first active just May 22nd. Nothing really worth reading.




There is a J. Curtis (Curt) Grindal, here who works for Alpha Petroleum.

In 2007, Curt joined Alpha Petroleum Services to work on a series of projects including development of Gulf of Mexico deepwater fields.


Probably shenanigans, but if he really is working on it, they probably have him under lock and key by now.

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