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Brian Baluga most overrated prospect in draft? We'll take him&#33

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.


If this FO is anything like the past few, this guy is ours if this projection is correct. Mike Williams version 2.

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.


If this FO is anything like the past few, this guy is ours if this projection is correct. Mike Williams version 2.


We've been discussing Bulaga's falling draft status for over a week now. In his pre draft press conference, Nix made a comment about (hypothetically speaking) seeing only two OTs as top ten prospects. That if this were the case then they would go with another position. I think this was to soften any Bulaga fan outrage if the Bills pass on him at #9. I've got to believe that Bulaga only gets picked later in round 1 by the Bills if there were a trade down scenario.

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.


If this FO is anything like the past few, this guy is ours if this projection is correct. Mike Williams version 2.

Mike Williams version 2? Are you serious?


Also, where have you and Don Banks been? This has been a story for over a week. How about skimming through the threads and reading the other Bulaga thread(s).


Just because a player is overrated doesn't mean he is Mike Williams version 2.


Anthony Davis - OT- Rutgers would be considered the Mike Williams version 2. Davis like Williams has a terrible work ethic, is lazy and doesn't seem to interested in football other than getting paid. Until Davis starts acting like he wants to be a football player, I would never take him in the first round. He has all the talent in the world and can be a Pro Bowler but he takes plays off and doesn't work hard. Sounds just like Mike Williams.


Bryan Bulaga on the other hand, who I agree Is a little overrated but never less an above average RT has a good work ethic, he enjoys football and he is far from lazy. Bryan Bulaga is no where near a Mike Williams type.


And finally, THIS IS A NEW FRONT OFFICE AND COACHING STAFF... stop relating things back to the old coaching staff and front office.

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No, J. Clausen is easily the dude most over-hyped.


Except that he hasn't been 'hyped' at all. Rather, he has been maligned at every turn despite a performance on the field that was at least as good as any other QB in the draft.

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No, J. Clausen is easily the dude most over-hyped.

Except for Clausen is leap and bounds the most NFL ready QB in this draft class and has been mentored by some pretty good Offensive coaches. He has been playing in a NFL offense for 3 years already.


This Jimmy Clausen Hate is getting really old.


I bet you and most of the people that bash or discredit Clausen have never seen him play. I for one dont have cable unless I'm at school. On the weekends I'm at home and we dont have cable.. So Im stuck watching all the games on regular T.V and NBC airs every Notre Dame game.. so I have seen alot of Jimmy Clausen over the past 3 years.


He played with a pretty painful foot injury all year last year while having average- below average talent around him and he put up awesome numbers. Hes tough, has good arm strength, accurate, good poise, good mechanics, good quick delivery, good throw on the run, hes mobile..... AND the only negatives or question marks people have about him is that he is cocky, has smaller hands than most QB's, sometimes floats the ball, and sometimes is too quick to check down under pressure and he's short... BUT Gruden, Jaws, and many others say that the cocky, immature attitude that people complain about is about when he was coming out of high school. Also Jimmy Clausen is 6'2 1/2" which is not that short like people act like it is. And the argument that he sometimes floats the ball... thats because at Notre Dame he had a good connection with a few receivers and timed it well and just threw up the ball for him to go get when he didn't have the safety playing back.

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Except for Clausen is leap and bounds the most NFL ready QB in this draft class and has been mentored by some pretty good Offensive coaches. He has been playing in a NFL offense for 3 years already.


This Jimmy Clausen Hate is getting really old.


I bet you and most of the people that bash or discredit Clausen have never seen him play. I for one dont have cable unless I'm at school. On the weekends I'm at home and we dont have cable.. So Im stuck watching all the games on regular T.V and NBC airs every Notre Dame game.. so I have seen alot of Jimmy Clausen over the past 3 years.


He played with a pretty painful foot injury all year last year while having average- below average talent around him and he put up awesome numbers. Hes tough, has good arm strength, accurate, good poise, good mechanics, good quick delivery, good throw on the run, hes mobile..... AND the only negatives or question marks people have about him is that he is cocky, has smaller hands than most QB's, sometimes floats the ball, and sometimes is too quick to check down under pressure and he's short... BUT Gruden, Jaws, and many others say that the cocky, immature attitude that people complain about is about when he was coming out of high school. Also Jimmy Clausen is 6'2 1/2" which is not that short like people act like it is. And the argument that he sometimes floats the ball... thats because at Notre Dame he had a good connection with a few receivers and timed it well and just threw up the ball for him to go get when he didn't have the safety playing back.

Starting to grow on me , but I`m still not quite sure.
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You're right. Because one writer has one quote from an unnamed source, who made the genius leap to compare Bulaga to a guy who went to the same college as him, BB is the most overrated player in the draft. :thumbsup:


Bulaga just turned 21. Gallery turned 24 at the start of his rookie year. Bulaga has longer arms, which is overrated anyways. And if we apply this "source's brilliant logic, Clausen is the next Brady Quinn and Bradford is the next Jason White. What dumb, lazy logic.

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.


If this FO is anything like the past few, this guy is ours if this projection is correct. Mike Williams version 2.


Mike Williams II is exactly what this kid is. He is a right tackle that should be taken low first or in the 2nd round tops. I never have understood the hype to be honest. slow footed, short arms, the guy is a Right tackle.

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You're right. Because one writer has one quote from an unnamed source, who made the genius leap to compare Bulaga to a guy who went to the same college as him, BB is the most overrated player in the draft. :thumbsup:


Bulaga just turned 21. Gallery turned 24 at the start of his rookie year. Bulaga has longer arms, which is overrated anyways. And if we apply this "source's brilliant logic, Clausen is the next Brady Quinn and Bradford is the next Jason White. What dumb, lazy logic.



I don't care where the guy played. Slow footed, short armed. The guy is a Right tackle. Hell maybe a probowl RT someday down the line which is something we dont' need. We just need solid play from both tackle spots and we signed our RT in free agency. You sure as hell don't take him at #9.

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I don't see how this kid is a mike williams II. Baluga seems over-rated and all, but mike williams wasn't over-rated. The guy was a complete bust. At worst, baluga could be a decent RT (from what others are saying) and Mike williams is completly worthless in the NFL. Mike williams had a huge attitude problem which is what started his downhill spiral. I don't see any mention of baluga having an attitude problem.


If we take baluga, I can't say I would hate it because we need OTs. He doesn't seem worth the 9th overall pick, but if he actually adds something to the team and makes it better, I would be happy at this point. Especially with picks like maybin, mcargo, and whitner not adding much at all.

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.

A week before the draft, some NFL personnel men will also tell you night is day and 90% of TSW members are Mensa members...

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Per Don Banks of SI.com:


There are some NFL personnel men who believe Iowa offensive tackle Bryan Bulaga is the most overrated prospect in this year's draft and say he could be the second coming of Robert Gallery once he gets to the league.


If this FO is anything like the past few, this guy is ours if this projection is correct. Mike Williams version 2.


who gives a fu-k what don banks thinks or what he supposedly heard with his inside info. mayock has him in his top 5 his arms are 1 inch shorter than the lenght they like so the guy is going to suck bull sh-t.


the differance in galery and bulaga is night and day and it has mostly to do with one thing heart and dedication,in that respect they are not even on the same planet.


i wish we had 53 guys with bulagas talent heart and work ethic because we might never loose a game.

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Don't know how this turned into a Clausen thread - other than the title "most overrated prospect in the draft" - but I do like to explore the personality and character strength of a #1 pick who's gonna cost a fortune but will hopefully be well-worth it for the next 10 years or so. One way is to take a look at how they spend their time off the field...


Bryan Bulaga - loading sandbags/aiding flood victims


Jimmy Clausen - setting his own fine example



Am confused at comments that Bulaga's a RT, since he played LT at Iowa and most project he can start at LT in the NFL or, at the least, successfully move there very quickly...


Bulaga has prototypical size to play either tackle position but it’s his intangibles that make him an elite prospect and not project. Playing in the lunch pail, grind it out style of the Big Ten he’s a heady, driven, full of piss and vinegar type of bookend that will keep his quarterbacks’ jersey clean for 10 years.







Also don't know how the nonsense started that his 'arms are too short'...


Bulaga brings great size to the position standing six feet six inches and weighing 312 pounds. This is the kind of size in an offensive tackle that NFL scouts love. While some players that size are not stellar athletes, Bulaga is indeed a solid athlete and is one of the better athletes at the offensive tackle position in this year’s draft. Bulaga is able to get off of the line quickly and engage the defender right where it counts and keep contact with the defender until the play is finished. Bulaga’s hand work is very good as well and he places his hands well and keeps them on the defender.


Bulaga is also a long strider who gets from one point to another very quickly. Even though he is tall (his legs are very long) Bulaga has a lower center of gravity than most offensive tackles built like him which is a plus. Bulaga also has a huge wingspan and his long arms help keep defenders away from his body (which he does very well) and allows him to control defenders at the point of attack. While there is some room for Bulaga to get stronger he is still one of the strongest offensive tackles available and should be able to outmuscle many NFL defenders with the strength that he has.


Bulaga quietly makes big plays in all phases of the game and is a strong asset in the red zone especially at the goal line. He would make a great lineman to run behind when trying to get the ball in the end zone from short distances. He moves his feet very well also and can move from side to side effectively keeping contact with the defenders. With his long reach, he is able to keep his hands on defenders and move them the way that he wants (re-direct).


Bulaga has a big time mean streak which is essential for any NFL left tackle. He is also very strong and won’t be outrushed by most defenders in the NFL providing he can work on his technique and continue to improve. Bulaga is also good at picking up defenders on blitzes. Overall, his pass protection is solid and he doesn’t struggle there. He is sound fundamentally run blocking but could use some work there. Finally, Bulaga does very well at finishing his blocks and blocks until the whistle blows. He is a smart player who learns quickly and is a true leader.




Bulaga is widely considered the second or third best tackle prospect in this year's draft behind Russell Okung of Oklahoma State. After a 2009 junior campaign in which he was named a first team All American and was recognized as the Big Ten Conference Offensive Lineman of the Year, Bulaga decided that he likes his chances in this year's draft and walked away from the college game a year early.


Bulaga is 6'3, 315 pounds and demonstrates good technique. Bulaga is a heady player with a great understanding of how to play his position that comes from playing under head coach Kirk Ferentz. Ferentz was Iowa's offensive line coach in the 80's and held the same position in the NFL for six years before taking the head coaching job at Iowa in 1999. (Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz is widely respected in the NFL for how he coaches his linemen. He was an offensive line coach from the Cleveland Browns and Baltimore Ravens from 1993-98 and is known to be relentless on his Iowa linemen.)


Bulaga isn't the fastest lineman in this year's draft, but he'll give 100% of himself on every play and is quick and mobile enough to keep up with speed rushers...


Bulaga does a great job recognizing blitzes, stunts and other defensive schemes. He's great in both pass and run protection and will make that second block up field on running plays. Bulaga also takes angles well and rarely lets a defender get an angle or leverage on him.


There are those who consider his 33.25" arms too short, but Bulaga isn't concerned. "I've never really had a problem with my short arms, I guess," he said according to the Des Moines Register. "I never really got myself in a position where I thought, 'Gosh, I wish my arms were longer.'"




If he's still there for the taking at #9 when our turn comes, put me down for Bulaga.

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Don't know how this turned into a Clausen thread - other than the title "most overrated prospect in the draft" - but I do like to explore the personality and character strength of a #1 pick who's gonna cost a fortune but will hopefully be well-worth it for the next 10 years or so. One way is to take a look at how they spend their time off the field...


Bryan Bulaga - loading sandbags/aiding flood victims


Jimmy Clausen - setting his own fine example



Just curious, when was that photo of Clausen taken? I heard that his often posted speedo pic was when he was 17-18.

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oh my god, a college kid drinking!!!!!!!!! thats just incredible, I can't believe a college kid would be at a party, and drinking too, well thats just great, he must be a terrible person.


nice to see Bulaga doin some charity work, but that has no relevance to clausen, unless you can prove clausen has NEVER done any charity work ever.

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