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Your plans for 4/20?


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110 pound is not different?


I already granted you I made a mistake. I wasn't thinking that one through. Then again, I have an excuse and I am not at work. Are you sure you have never made a mistake? Perhaps one of more long reaching consequences than forgetting to calculate the original BAC to do reductions from? I am referring simply to the board of course.

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OK, I'll give you a small point, because of time of comsumpsion, gray area. Again I see what your saying but its not whats been siadn in early posts. Follow? :thumbdown:


Levi? Dude, go to bed or smoke another splieeef if you cant keep up.. :D

Hey, I didn't smoke anything today, I had topology to do B-) Sleep, on the other hand, is something I'm in dire need of.

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I already granted you I made a mistake. I wasn't thinking that one through. Then again, I have an excuse and I am not at work. Are you sure you have never made a mistake? Perhaps one of more long reaching consequences than forgetting to calculate the original BAC to do reductions from? I am referring simply to the board of course.



We're cool

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We're cool


I don't have an issue with you.


sorry. jUst reading this whole thread I'm wondering if that might be a factor in the responses. I could be wrong.


It can and certainly is. Once you have kids it makes a huge difference. Once the kid gets to the crawling stage, there is no way to smoke safely. Sure, you can lock the door, who is there with the kid? Take turns? Sorta boring. We fell out of the habit pretty much except on our weekends. Then when he was outside or at school (bartender and cocktail) we might partake. Since our divorce, I get a little more free time. There is no doubt though that kids change things, at least for us.

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I don't have an issue with you.




It can and certainly is. Once you have kids it makes a huge difference. Once the kid gets to the crawling stage, there is no way to smoke safely. Sure, you can lock the door, who is there with the kid? Take turns? Sorta boring. We fell out of the habit pretty much except on our weekends. Then when he was outside or at school (bartender and cocktail) we might partake. Since our divorce, I get a little more free time. There is no doubt though that kids change things, at least for us.


Sorry, man. Was not ment to get personal I wont judge you on your "D".


going through one now....20years plus....

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because drug dealers dont ID people. like gas stations, and liquor stores, and... wait for it... Marijuana Dispensaries!


the current setup is handing kids a gateway drug. a gateway to learning how to buy drugs. how to find drug dealers. how to safely associate with someone very dangerous just to buy a plant. THAT is what the current setup is teaching kids.


maybe if they werent hanging out a drug dealers house, and instead were in their basement (maybe high) starting a new band, or perfecting their painting skills, they wouldnt be exposed to Meth and Coke. but what do i know. im too high to be rational.

coke and heroin are both derivatives from plants, should we legalize those also, they're just plants, right :thumbdown:

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coke and heroin are both derivatives from plants, should we legalize those also, they're just plants, right <_<


That is not terribly logical. Why would you legalize more addictive poisonous plants? Did you happen to catch where marijuana is on the scale out of curiosity? Did you factor in tobacco as has been mentioned multiple times?

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That is not terribly logical. Why would you legalize more addictive poisonous plants? Did you happen to catch where marijuana is on the scale out of curiosity? Did you factor in tobacco as has been mentioned multiple times?

the point is, lets say you legalize pot, have a functional legit dui test for it, set the age restriction on it to 18, great, whats the next drug that kids will gain access to easier b/c they cant buy pot in the stores? it'll be easier to find coke then booze, pot or cigs. then the argument will be well, why not legalize that too, its a plant, I drive better on it b/c im more aware, blah, blah, blah.


the whole arguement is a cop-out


plus if we legalize coke and heroin it will put those cartels out of business too, so lets do it, we can tax it all, have all the increased revenues, and have a whole nation of !@#$ed up junkies, thats the way to go


oh and btw, coke is not physically addictive, its been proven, so its no more addictive then pot, both are mentally addictive

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the point is, lets say you legalize pot, have a functional legit dui test for it, set the age restriction on it to 18, great, whats the next drug that kids will gain access to easier b/c they cant buy pot in the stores? it'll be easier to find coke then booze, pot or cigs. then the argument will be well, why not legalize that too, its a plant, I drive better on it b/c im more aware, blah, blah, blah.


the whole arguement is a cop-out


plus if we legalize coke and heroin it will put those cartels out of business too, so lets do it, we can tax it all, have all the increased revenues, and have a whole nation of !@#$ed up junkies, thats the way to go


Huh? Really? I don't agree. By your rational NOTHING should be legal or else it will lead to something else.


Truth be told out of - cigs/alc/weed, weed would be and probably is the cause of the least amount of deaths statistically speaking.

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Truth be told out of - cigs/alc/weed, weed would be and probably is the cause of the least amount of deaths statistically speaking.


Probably by a factor of fifty.


I agree the 'gateway' arguement is bullsh--. Just like the 'pot makes me lazy' arguement is bullsh-- as Magox pointed out above.


If you are an addictive person, than you are going to find plenty of unhealthy things to feed your addiction: food, cigs, drugs, alcohol, spending money, sex with skanky waitresses, etc. Making pot legal isn't going to result in an explosion of coke/meth/heroin addicts because the idiots who can't control themselves already are addicted.

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Probably by a factor of fifty.


I agree the 'gateway' arguement is bullsh--. Just like the 'pot makes me lazy' arguement is bullsh-- as Magox pointed out above.


If you are an addictive person, than you are going to find plenty of unhealthy things to feed your addiction: food, cigs, drugs, alcohol, spending money, sex with skanky waitresses, etc. Making pot legal isn't going to result in an explosion of coke/meth/heroin addicts because the idiots who can't control themselves already are addicted.

who's to say, addicts have to start somewhere, and when pots behind the counter that means its easier for kids to access the illegal stuff (coke, heroin, etc)

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