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Is Aaron Schobel starting to

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I understand that family is very very important, but if he really is on;y going to play for the Bills if he continues, shouldn;t he inform that team BEFORE the draft of his intentions. COme Aaron, who do you think you are? Brett Favre?


Haha I was just about to post something saying... do you think he is going to let us know before the draft what his deal is?... although before sat would do too seeing as I don't see how LB should be the pick in 1 or 2 but still... yes the answer is yes i am starting to get pissed about it... and yes i do want him to stay but atleast Butler gave teh team time to decide what they are going to do.

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I think they already know and don't want to tip their hands so close to the draft.

Excellent point. If the team knows his intentions, either way, why would they want to announce it? Keep everyone in the dark going into the draft.


Now, not that I think it matters. I'd be even more depressed about this team if it came out that their draft strategy depended upon whether or not Schobel was returning.

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I understand that family is very very important, but if he really is on;y going to play for the Bills if he continues, shouldn;t he inform that team BEFORE the draft of his intentions. COme Aaron, who do you think you are? Brett Favre?


What's the big deal?


the team knows they won't be paying Schobel in 2010

from their standpoint, he is already retired

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In answer to the original question, my answer is NO.


Pass rusher was a need last year, it remains a need this year. The Bills remain deficient in this area.


We will have to replace Schobel either immediately or next year. Our short and long-term needs remain the same.


Even if he plays this year, there's no assurance that he will play well as an outside linebacker.


Because of all of the above, we have to draft a pass rusher this year, regardless of Aaron Schobel.

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Retiring is not an easy decision to make, nor one you should rush to make. That said, Schobel should give his answer to the Bills FO and fans before the draft. A date/timetable should have been set. While not on the same level as Favre, there certainly is a similarity. And I find it annoying.

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Retiring is not an easy decision to make, nor one you should rush to make. That said, Schobel should give his answer to the Bills FO and fans before the draft. A date/timetable should have been set. While not on the same level as Favre, there certainly is a similarity. And I find it annoying.

I fixed that for you


The only one Schoebel has to inform of his intentions is the Bills FO, and they don't have to announce anything to the fans if they don't want to.


The Bills know more about his situation then they have let out and know what they will or won't have to do in the draft and FA

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He is definitely pulling a Favre. It's a tough line to walk. I was down on Schobel for getting paid and then not performing. I have found that his effectiveness is 100% dependent on being healthy. He is a veteran player that needs to make it to the regular season healthy and rested. Unfortunately he also needs to be with the team and learn the new defense.


The biggest issue though is how it effects our draft. We need to know immediately if we need to draft or find a free agent DE.

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I understand that family is very very important, but if he really is on;y going to play for the Bills if he continues, shouldn;t he inform that team BEFORE the draft of his intentions. COme Aaron, who do you think you are? Brett Favre?

It might be a bit annoying, but the team told him to take his time, so he is. If anyone is pissing me off, it is the front office and Ralphy and their lack of attempt to even be competitive much less turn this mess into a winner.

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It might be a bit annoying, but the team told him to take his time, so he is. If anyone is pissing me off, it is the front office and Ralphy and their lack of attempt to even be competitive much less turn this mess into a winner.

Im not a big Ralph fan , but Ralph brought in Nix and Gailey, which seems a decent attempt to become more competitive. He ate the last few years of Jaurons contract to do it which shows the old man isn't a complete cheapass. Do you say they arent trying to be competitive because they didn't sign one of the few big name free agents out there this year?


Don't confuse another AFC team signing a big name player as being bad for the Bills. Sometimes big name players hurt a team more in lost picks, less cap room, etc. Ask the Redskins how many of their countless big name signings helped them win games. Ask the Bears front office how limited the team's options are now that they have Cutlers deal crushing their cap room, or the Eagles with mediocre Jason Peters fatass salary. I think crybaby Brandon Marshall is gonna screw up Miami's locker room as much as he's gonna help on the field.


I like our off season moves so far, and the draft last year. LB Andra Davis was a smart move for us recently.


Hard to judge the front office yet, they're just getting rolling here.

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