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Marc Bulger as a Bill?

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When will the washed up loser QB threads stop? Seriously, if a guy hasn't won anything somewhere else, why would you want him here? Seriously?? How many people would pay money to see these guys play?


here's the list of garbage QBs i have seen threads on here recently:


Donovan McNabb

Jeff Garcia

Jason Campbell

JP Losman (part 2)

Micheal Vick

Dante Culpepper

Chad Pennington

Charlie batch


and a few others that escape me at the moment. Why on God's green earth would anyone want a guy who hasn't won anything other than some regular season games and a few (very few) playoff games to come here. And if you're thinking veteran leadership, forget it, these guys will only mentor mediocracy.


Start new, with good solid coaching and a quality offensive scheme, surround said young QB with talent. forget the washed up bums, has beens, and never will-be's. I know the team hasn't won a playoff game since the music city mistake, but i have not sunk that low that i want to see some of this trash in a Bills uniform.


After I got 3-4 posts in I had the same thought. No more dumpster Diving. We need to take the approach that gets us a Roethlesberger, Stafford, Rodgers, or even Flacco or Sanchez young up and comer, then pull togehter a solid line that will allow us to run the football.


As a side note on QB's. I watched a you tube video of John Skelton. Have not heard much about him previously. What a horse and what a cannon... Reminds me a little bit of kelly, big guy short flick like throwing motion for a 20yard bullet. Anyone know any more about him?

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Just passing it along, but Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwan on Sirius were talking about Bulger and both said that he's better than what's in Bflo, Cleveland and Oakland and they'd all be lucky to get him. Don't know what I think of him. In some ways, playing in St. Louis is more obscure than Bflo.

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Bringing in a Veteran QB is a bandaid to the problem. The bills need to draft a QB or try and develop Brohm.

After our last 3 "franchise" QBs have been young and ready (Johnson, Losman, Edwards) and bombed, I'm ready to try something else. I'll take a guy who can actually play in 2010 over a guy who might be good someday and play for us for 15 years, or not.

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If you are confident of Buffalo being able to revive such QBs, might as well try it on Trent Edwards.

I agree, I just don't get why different is better...



Bulger is an injury prone battered wreck who has shown he can't get it done with a less then stellar O line.


Nix says they can't do it all in one year, which makes sense because this team has so many needs and they are switching offense and defense schemes.


It would make more sense to draft someone this year and develop him under Gailey, doesn't need to be a first round either as Clausen and Bradford will most likely be gone at #9.

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Actually, I would much prefer to see Garcia given a chance. He played well in all of his recent playing years. He's athletic, which, to me, indicates that he's the kind of older QB that could play at a high level for another year or two, on account of his mobility and athleticism. Anyway, I'd like to see him brought in as a mentor to a rookie this year, and let them compete in camp along with Brohm and maybe even Edwards (although with Edwards I'd be hesitant to see him play good in practice and then fold under pressure.)

Get real...old with NO ARM strenght. Yeah that will work good at the Ralph. :lol:

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Thats why the post was started with a question. About a month ago, Where have you been. on a fact finding mission?

The original post (or it's date) has nothing to do you making up random things to support your arguments.

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GOT DAMNIT STOP WITH THE BROHM SH*T...i would have him throw my trash out.... got damnit man....

I might get on the Brohm bandwagon if I ever see him do anything. So far in the NFL he's thrown 0 TDs and 5 picks. Doesn't give me any warm fuzzies. Had Lee open in the EZ but horribly underthrew it resulting in a pick.

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