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Trent Edwards is your QB

Buffalo 66

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I am so sick of this Lefevour crap. Anyone can get hurt on any given play but just because Bradford takes one hit and happens to injure his shoulder he isn't tough? If Lefevour is this all-mighty specimen of a quarterback then why isn't he projected to go in the first? The way some of you talk about him you would think he should be the pick at #9.


Some of us actually watch College Football, we don't just talk about it...


Also, would you like for me to start a list of QB's who weren't projected to go in the first round, because I will.... let me know, I'll be waiting. :bag:

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Look at who they played. Seattle, Jacksonville, St. Louis, and Oakland. Three of those games could have went either way. I wasn't really overjoyed or impressed then and it would be nothing short of disappointing to see Edwards on the field in 2010.


Trent's inexpensive and could be a fit as a backup. I do feel that any QB that has spent all or most of his NFL career under Jauron and co. deserves another look.

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Trent Edwards IS your QB


Sorry Bills fans I hate to break the news, you guys are smart right? Then you all should know Trent Edwards will be the Bills QB in 2010. Say what you want, they may draft a QB but no way they will WASTE a draft pick on a veteran when this team is rebuilding.Come on dudes wake up Trent edwards will be the Bills starting QB, I dont like it, but whatever, Im just pulling for the Sabres, actually Im pulling for team USA and Ryan Miller at the moment! Say what you want but TE will be the Bills QB in 2010 unless Sam Bradford falls to us, we draft him, and Edwards gets hurt, which is a very good possibilty



Nobody here has a !@#$ing clue as to anything, its all speculation, correct??? I am just basing it on my own intuition just like everyone else does in the off season, including the EXPERTS who make millions a year in the off season, thats what you do in the OFF season, you sound like a real tool bag my friend


Outstanding. :bag:

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I have no problem with that.


a) I don't want to ruin a rookie by throwing him into a disaster.

b) I don't want to waste draft picks that we desparately need to rebuild both lines on a 1-2 year rent a QB.

c) Edwards is just as good as the assortment of crap that is available via FA.


The Bills need to draft a QB of the future (that means not starting until 2011 at the earliest), and they need to fix a bunch of other positions. Edwards is fine as caretaker for another rebuilding season.

Well said :bag:


Everyone seems to forget his first game against the Patriots in which he had some decent protections and a good game plan, he played very well.


"If" the Bills fix the O line and allow Edwards to be free from pinball treatment AND he has a good game plan, good play calls, and his receivers are put into position to make plays.


The first thing Gailey needs to do is force this team to learn how to run the ball effectively . If that wildcard playoff game the Ravens had against the Patriots IN New England didn't open up some eyes in Buffalo, then nothing will.




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Don't take offense buddy, opinions aren't welcome around here. And nobody really knows how to discuss without arguing, or how to take a joke, it's just the culture of the board.


If you state an opinion, it must fall in line with the opinions of the "more respected" board members, of course respect is gained by 1: post count, kinda like the online equivalent to a dick measuring contest and 2: creating speculation that the masses agree with


You, my friend made the grave mistake of stating the ever so unpopular, yet realistic opinion that TE may in fact be our QB next year. and you're entitled to that opinion, but dont act surprised if the lemmings on the board start verbally abusing you ever so classlessly, as they have been known to do.


My enormous post count thinks that Edwards is going to get traded or released because he has been damaged on a mental basis beyond repair.....but who knows?


I personally think that a new GM and new HC is going to want their own guy. I just dont know who that guy is.

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My enormous post count thinks that Edwards is going to get traded or released because he has been damaged on a mental basis beyond repair.....but who knows?


I personally think that a new GM and new HC is going to want their own guy. I just dont know who that guy is.

ya know it's really not as bad here as it is over at bb.com, it just gets aggravating when you are new and people either A: disregard your opinion because of your low post count, or B: cant construct a valid argument so they either insult and curse thru a keyboard or try to pick on spelling and grammar.


but back to the point, I agree that the new regime will probably want their own guy, I just hope its the right guy

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Sorry Bills fans I hate to break the news, you guys are smart right? Then you all should know Trent Edwards will be the Bills QB in 2010. Say what you want, they may draft a QB but no way they will WASTE a draft pick on a veteran when this team is rebuilding.Come on dudes wake up Trent edwards will be the Bills starting QB, I dont like it, but whatever, Im just pulling for the Sabres, actually Im pulling for team USA and Ryan Miller at the moment! Say what you want but TE will be the Bills QB in 2010 unless Sam Bradford falls to us, we draft him, and Edwards gets hurt, which is a very good possibilty


Thank goodness you were here to wake me up. This post is less than useless.

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Funny enough, the scenario is VERY similar to what we saw back in 2006, the year after TD was fired. The Bills had a new coach GM (Marv), head coach (DJ), and serious doubts about whether their annoited QB of the future (Losman), who had most recently lost his starting gig to a journeyman backup (Holcomb), was the answer. The team made a decision that throwing a hot shot rookie into the mix at that juncture was NOT the way to go. Thus, they by-passed Cutler in the draft and went with Whitner. Ironically, Losman went on to have his best year as a pro that year, passing for over 3000, taking every snap, and finishing with a decent QB rating.


Now, the question is: whose philosophy was it to NOT draft a young QB that early? It doesn't sound like it was Modrak, given that word has circulated that Modrak was very much in the corner of folks who wanted to draft Cutler. If this was from the very top (i.e. Wilson), then obviously nothing has changed, although I do get a sense (as of today) that Ralph is more willing to let Buddy and Chan do their thing. I will say that if the current decision makers are presented with an honest to goodness trade-down scenario as Marv supposedly was back in 2006, I would tend to believe that Nix would welcome the additional draft picks.


Buddy saw first hand in San Diego that drafting a QB, when the existing starter has been underwhelming (i.e. Rivers and Brees) may not be a bad move.


That is to say, that it would NOT surprise me to discover that Trent Edwards is the opening day starter -- AND the Bills make a move early in the draft to take a QB. In fact, an early QB selection probably says more about the team's opinion of Brohm than it does Edwards.

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Guest dog14787
That could be a hundred dollar article dog! :bag::bag::bag::bag:


I wouldn't worry to much Push, just someone speculating.



There probably is about a 50/50 chance though I'm guessing.

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Regarding Trent Edwards' arm-strength, accuracy, and overall 'dweebiness', I give you Dakota Fanning's biggest fan...


Trent Edwards Arm



If anyone thinks this clown will be the Bills starting QB, they need to have their head - or their eyesight - examined by a competent medical professional.


Personally, I doubt Edwards even makes the Bills roster.

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Don't take offense buddy, opinions aren't welcome around here. And nobody really knows how to discuss without arguing, or how to take a joke, it's just the culture of the board.


If you state an opinion, it must fall in line with the opinions of the "more respected" board members, of course respect is gained by 1: post count, kinda like the online equivalent to a dick measuring contest and 2: creating speculation that the masses agree with


You, my friend made the grave mistake of stating the ever so unpopular, yet realistic opinion that TE may in fact be our QB next year. and you're entitled to that opinion, but dont act surprised if the lemmings on the board start verbally abusing you ever so classlessly, as they have been known to do.


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Guest dog14787
There was no difference between Trent pre- and post-concussion. The record had to do with the opponents. The performance and decision-making was exactly the same.


Trent is not an NFL caliber QB, never has been, and never will be, pre- or post-concussion.



NFL caliber QB, hmmm, starting in the NFL makes him what then?


TE may have suffered a few injuries and had to work under sub-par coaching and management that has impeded his development, but folks like Bill Walsh and Marv Levy endorsed and backed Trent Edwards for a reason.


Gailey very well may choose to do back him also except this time Trent Edwards will get more then just his HC or GM's endorsement, he will be given an actual Offense that will work in the NFL. Something the Bills QB's haven't seen in a long, long time.

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Sorry Bills fans I hate to break the news, you guys are smart right? Then you all should know Trent Edwards will be the Bills QB in 2010. Say what you want, they may draft a QB but no way they will WASTE a draft pick on a veteran when this team is rebuilding.Come on dudes wake up Trent edwards will be the Bills starting QB, I dont like it, but whatever, Im just pulling for the Sabres, actually Im pulling for team USA and Ryan Miller at the moment! Say what you want but TE will be the Bills QB in 2010 unless Sam Bradford falls to us, we draft him, and Edwards gets hurt, which is a very good possibilty


Please do not post anymore

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Guest dog14787
Regarding Trent Edwards' arm-strength, accuracy, and overall 'dweebiness', I give you Dakota Fanning's biggest fan...


Trent Edwards Arm



If anyone thinks this clown will be the Bills starting QB, they need to have their head - or their eyesight - examined by a competent medical professional.


Personally, I doubt Edwards even makes the Bills roster.



Awwww Senator,


What are you going to say when TE starts and has success this season, its a fluke? Gailey needs his head examined?


Or maybe Trent Edwards just needed an O-line and competent OC. I've seen you post as much yourself, what, is TE somehow exempt from what you know to be true?

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