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If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.

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If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.


You might trade away a first for manning?

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Did he actually say we should trade our first rounder for McNabb?

Is this guy out of his mind?


I read that too. Just because a guy is a football writer doesn't mean he actually knows anything. Fortunately, he's not actually running the Bills.


I probably won't be reading too much of his stuff any more. That article was plain silly.

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If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.


Might? Might!?


I'd trade five 1st rounders for Manning!

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If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.


I would trade Maybin for McNabb wouldnt you?


This is the Bills guys, we draft Whitners and McCargos and Maybins with our top picks, not Ed Reeds, Ngatas and Orakpos. Our first round picks are basically UDFA. We have the same personnel in the FO as last year, just without guy. Nix was in the draft room when they signed off on Maybin. What makes you think it will be any different this year?


a top ten pick is worth squat in the hands of the Bills FO. We might as well get a sure fire PB QB out of it.

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Just to play devil's advocate here, the knock against McNabb seems to be that he's older and he's not going to be able to play that much longer. So let's say he's got 3 decent years left that he could give to the Bills. On the other hand, you could use a high draft pick like our first rounder to bring in a rookie who in all likelihood isn't going to really be a solid NFL QB for a few seasons (and that's if we somehow mnage not to draft another bust who we take a few years to find out he doesn't have it). Say we sign that guy to a 5 year rookie deal at huge money because he's a top 10 pick - in a best case scenario he might only give us 3 solid years before his contract is up, and if he's a good young QB at the end of those 5 years you think Buffalo's going to pony up the big $ it would take to retain his services? You could say that with McNabb or a rookie you're only going to get a few good years - at least McNabb's proven and could be cheaper.....

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You are absolutely nowhere as a team until you have the quarterback situation resolved. I would give our number one for McNabb if I had to. I will almost always take proven over question mark every time. With that settled we can move on otherwise no matter what else we do everything will revolve around the hole at quarterback. Our number one pick will not solve 10% of what's wrong with this team but McNabb can make our o-line look better, get back to having weapons at wide receiver get their eight out of the box and use our tight end. Also take the pressure of "Don't let up ten points or its over" off the defense.

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If we trade our #1 for Mcnabb it clearly shows we are run by a bunch of clowns. I might trade the #9 overpick for Manning, Brees, Rivers, Brady and maybe a Rogers but not for an aging vet like Mcnabb. I would love to see a play for him but anything more than a thrid round this year is too much. Fix the DAMN Lines first he is not a good enough QB to make the line look good like manning can.


MIGHT? Are you nuts?


MAYBE for Rodgers? you are clearly out of your damn mind.

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McNabb was more productive than ALL top 10 picks in the '09 draft. Tyson Jackson had a great year, so did Michael Crabtree, Matt Stafford, and DH-Bey....it is NOT just the Bills who have not had impact players in the 1st round. The draft is a complete crapshoot and there are just as many failures and busts as Pro Bowlers. Probably most 1st rounders end up being decent NFL players but certainly NOT great players. That being said if you trade for McNabb I think you have to make it conditional to protect yourself. Give a third round and a player with conditions that if he does make the Pro Bowl it becomes a 2nd and if he takes you to the SB it becomes a 1st. I do not think any team will outright trade a 1st for him just b/c of his age. But with conditions you do protect yourself.

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no way for a first round pick. Whitner and Lynch are two good players at positions of need and the Bills should use one of them with perhaps a third round pick. Can you spell "Drew Bledsoe"? He was an okay qb for us but his skills declined pretty quickly. With Evans and a good offensive line and some strengthening of the D we can get to the playoffs next year with McNabb in the saddle, but he isn't the long range plan for the future. We'll get a younger qb from free agency and go heavy into trying to find the franchise guy in next year's draft.

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