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Getting Somebody Back Using Their Cell Phone Number


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There is somebody I really want to get back at for his treatment of me and my wife.


This guy loathes receiving calls on his cell phone that are not business related. So, I want to find a website or service to give his cell phone number to with which he will begin to receive many useless calls. I've tried to find sure-fire ways, but have yet to. Any suggestions?

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There is somebody I really want to get back at for his treatment of me and my wife.


This guy loathes receiving calls on his cell phone that are not business related. So, I want to find a website or service to give his cell phone number to with which he will begin to receive many useless calls. I've tried to find sure-fire ways, but have yet to. Any suggestions?


Don't bother with revenge, it only make things worse. Unless he did something truly awful to you and your wife, I'd let it go.

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I'm suprised no one brought this up yet?


Shiv the mofo......... :unsure:


Definately illegal..... In case you were wondering....


For the record, so is punching him in the face.


But, probably leave a lot less evidence than harrasing him over his phone.

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Don't bother with revenge, it only make things worse. Unless he did something truly awful to you and your wife, I'd let it go.



+1 - if it is not an issue that you can respectfully handle face to face through direct conversation I would let it go. Revenge is likely to only provoke him and to get you in trouble.

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Write it on a bunch of bathroom walls. I did it to get back at a guy who kept calling my house number (Honestly wouldn't have minded if he called my cell) at odd hours of the night for no real reason. I told him to stop because he was waking up my parents and he didn't stop. I asked him a bunch more and he was just being a D-bag (To this day I don't know why he did it). This was many years ago in high school but the dude was just an odd prick.


So I decided to get his number and throw it everywhere I could find. I wrote filthy things next to the number just to give him a taste of his own medicine. Well it worked and he changed his number. Eventually he stopped because I threatened to kick his ass. So yeah take the high road and just be the better man.

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Go to Craiglist.org and put up a free add that he is giving away his barely used Trek bike because he's moving and doesn't want to take it with him. Make sure that you put up the add on a major city (Philly, New York, San Fran, etc.) and within minutes of putting it up, his phone will not stop ringing from people calling it until you take the add down. Make sure you check the box that says that you want to be contacted by phone instead of email and also put something in there like "Call Mike at xxx-xxx-xxxx). The best part about it is that he'll have no idea who these people are or what they're talking about, but he also will not know that it's you unless you tell him later.


I did this to a friend twice and once I was with him when the calls started. It's a perfect storm of confusion and anger! Plus, once you take the add down, it will stop and you can either tell him or put it back up at random times.

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There is somebody I really want to get back at for his treatment of me and my wife.


This guy loathes receiving calls on his cell phone that are not business related. So, I want to find a website or service to give his cell phone number to with which he will begin to receive many useless calls. I've tried to find sure-fire ways, but have yet to. Any suggestions?


If it's a REALLY serious offense do this. Get a stamp made with his name and address on it. (Do it in a far away city and pay cash) Along with the name and address, have them put $500 reward if found. Then go to garage sales and buy a lot of cheap books. Stamp them and then drive through the worst section of town randomly throwing them out the window.

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I heard a story today on CNN. Dude is pissed at his ex-girlfriend. Puts a post on Craigslist as if he is his girlfriend saying wants a rape fantasy, where she lives and address etc.


So pervert sees this add before it is yanked and rapes the chick. Both are going to prison.


I would stay from pranks on craigslist.

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I heard a story today on CNN. Dude is pissed at his ex-girlfriend. Puts a post on Craigslist as if he is his girlfriend saying wants a rape fantasy, where she lives and address etc.


So pervert sees this add before it is yanked and rapes the chick. Both are going to prison.


I would stay from pranks on craigslist.


:wallbash: I highly doubt long enough though. :lol:

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Thanks for the ideas, specifically the craiglist one (not the rape lol). I'm not going to go into detail on why, but it has to do with a powerful guy that owes us money. The only way to really upset him directly that's safe for us would be with his cell. It's on a previous OTW post of mine if you're interested.

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Go to Craiglist.org and put up a free add that he is giving away his barely used Trek bike because he's moving and doesn't want to take it with him. Make sure that you put up the add on a major city (Philly, New York, San Fran, etc.) and within minutes of putting it up, his phone will not stop ringing from people calling it until you take the add down. Make sure you check the box that says that you want to be contacted by phone instead of email and also put something in there like "Call Mike at xxx-xxx-xxxx). The best part about it is that he'll have no idea who these people are or what they're talking about, but he also will not know that it's you unless you tell him later.


I did this to a friend twice and once I was with him when the calls started. It's a perfect storm of confusion and anger! Plus, once you take the add down, it will stop and you can either tell him or put it back up at random times.


Do you think a prank like that could be traced back to me if I make up a fake craigslist account? Would the IP address be traceable?

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