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The proper way to mount toilet paper?


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I have always assumed overhand was the proper method...It just seems to make sense...You're rolling it towards you, you can see the perforations where you tear the sheets, it's all very easy. Underhand makes no sense, it's harder to tear because you're kinda reaching under the roll...It's a disaster.


My girlfriend grew up in a house with underhand, I grew up with overhand...We each install the TP to our personal preference when the roll goes empty...Although I think she's beginning to see the logic of the overhand roll but is holding to the underhand out of principle and tradition.


Thank you for confirming that the nation is overwhelmingly overhand.

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Overhand, naturally.


Next question, where do you locate the mount?


This is equally as important. I'd say best position is along side of you on the opposite side as your wiping/tearing hand. People who mount it on the wall in front of the toilet always baffle me. It's never close enough to reach without leaning!

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For years I was an underhand man. But I now find myself preferring overhand.


After further analysis, I actually believe it has to do with the individual setup of the toilet/roll. I have found it some setups underhand seems to be more convenient, but overhand works best in most situations.


Context, as usual, is necessary to consider before answering the question.

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For years I was an underhand man. But I now find myself preferring overhand.


After further analysis, I actually believe it has to do with the individual setup of the toilet/roll. I have found it some setups underhand seems to be more convenient, but overhand works best in most situations.


I think it really boils down to how your father liked the roll dispensed.

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under is more visually appealing without question....over just looks kind of sloppy.


Edit: I see that I am yet again in the minority. :lol:



That is because it takes a little time and work to kept the over roll kept. "Point it" and it won't look sloppy... Actually neater! Oh, ya... That takes a whole 3 seconds to do. People don't even have time to change the roll... It is a wonder how the heck they get their ass clean. Maybe people should be conscientious and put a new roll on before the old one is totally spent... Then leave the old on-top of the new one for the next person... Of course "pointing" both. See that is the problem, nobody likes to do a little extra, especially for the next fella. Don't even get me started on people who hit the head and lay a butt blaster down without putting a layer of toilet paper on the water first! That is freaking down right scary and sick! ;):w00t:







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:lol: loose on the floor is what happens when you place it in the over configuration. ;)


No. What the eff, you Speedy Gonzales? I am sure when you walk into a hotel that just had housekeeping, it is all loose on the floor? No it is not, and it is overhand... And Again, mostly "pointed."


A little bit of "time and effort" goes a long way folks... Even when wiping your ass!



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Hmmm...I think I'll go down to my basement and see how the inventory stands...




...43 double rolls.


Which may seem a lot, but as a song once said, "The future's uncertain and the end is always near. Let it roll, baby, roll ..."










Storms a coming Cincy, you can never be too prepared!


Down to an even 26 rolls myself... Of course single-ply, 1,000 sheet rolls... For all you macho-types out


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