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Everything posted by wide_right

  1. I thought scheduling would have the worst teams play their peers ... for parity's sake. Those teams are clearly superior to us.
  2. Appreciate the enthusiasm BUT 0 & 16 far more real possibility.
  3. Whole schedule is brutal. NFC is bad luck of the draw, but for sucking so bad how did we get Ravens, Bengals and Steelers? Jags are no push over and Browns own us. Hardest schedule I've seen in years. Mercifully we have Chiefs to hedge against winless season.
  4. Elin was never all that to me in the first place. I know she's a woman scorned and everything and I feel for her. I'm just saying
  5. Bullock is over the hill and showing extreme signs of wear. http://i2-images.tv2.dk/s/42/14569242-143e...5f18f41b13.jpeg Forfeited her chance years ago at eternal Goddess stature by not showing skin and now she's pushing menopause. Really, why does everyone think of Phoebe Cates as eternally hot? She was WISE enough to show skin in her prime. Bullock, that pinhead Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer and others have no room to complain. THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE
  6. Better than clean solo. Guitar sounds ok, it's the background that's bad. Why not just put up a vid with the guitar alone demonstrating different pickup combinations?
  7. Pretty slick fingering but let's hear that baby scream some.
  8. Wait a mniute, Big Ben's not black? Since when?
  9. 11. "I wouldn't be caught dead in those ugly ass shoes." OJ Simpson
  10. The best defender of the Jordan era was Dennis Rodman. Certainly a valuable and well compensated player. But no where near the compensation of the best offensive players at the time like Jordan, Iverson and Malone. As far as 3 point line, agree its added some scoring to the game, and taken away some of the value of be strong under the boards. But we're really only talking degrees of difference ... the game may have gone from teams averaging 80-something points per game to 90-something, but either way that's still a huge emphasis on scoring compared to other sports.
  11. When a game is so heavily oriented to scoring, the offensive star is more valuable than a defensive one. Russell great record for sure ... but he fit into a system. MJ in his prime would have made any team a contender due to his offensive talent.
  12. well you bolded 4 and said 3 dont qualify. taken 1 at a time: Hall: i really dont know what happened to himl, so maybe he doesnt qualify. and hes so unimportant im not going to bother looking him up on wikipedia Lowe: caught making a sex tape with under aged girls, before sex tapes were in vogue. ok so he came back and got a tv show gig, he's still a loser and the sex tape seriously damaged his career ... remember he was most popular brat packer at the time, Cruise included Crispin: although technically he may not have disappeared, his performance on Letterman relegated him to perma-loser status in my book http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALapHYNSmoA Coleman: I don't see how being arrested for domestic abuse doesn't qualify as "fallen." you disagree? http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2010/01/...ing_on_bai.html
  13. You can sort of hear that in the examples you posted. Different amps and different players, but the 1st link sounds more raw Les Paul like. 2nd one more like Boston's sound, which was a compressed Les Paul.
  14. Oh yeah Cameron, what a dork. He should resurrect the "Bibleman" character with Willie Aames. btw, Cameron married a hottie from Buffalo, what the heck was she thinking?
  15. Why is Drew Barrymore on the list? She's been in several box office winners as an adult and remains a major hollywood attraction. And why are Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Crispin Glover and Gary Coleman not on the list? For me, I'd go with Olsen twins; annoying x 2. Can you imagine having to take a long car ride with those whiney elfs?
  16. ridiculous. last thing bills will do is trade for another has been QB when they already have at least 2 on the roster
  17. better find out where that's made first. if not america i wouldnt go near it for $1400
  18. Seems like you're stuck on a Les Paul setup. Instead of substitutes, just try and find a deal on one. There's a reason they're famous. Even if you don't like it in a year you can sell it for not much more than you paid (or wait 20 years and it will be worth 3x as much!)
  19. If you want something so fake, it doesn't even exist, try this Les Paul ad on for size: http://cgi.ebay.com/Gibson-has-information...=item414d9100dc
  20. When you say something like .... "As for your preference for the commercial sound, I understand that. Most people find it easier to listen to hooks and a packaged approach to sound. It helps explain why pop music (like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga) is more popular than jazz and classical music." ... you're obviously being dismissive. And I never said I have a general preference for the commercial sound (whatever that is). I said I prefer Schon's later work with Journey to the earlier dullish fusion stuff.
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