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Everything posted by wide_right

  1. He's the only player I ever wished gruesome career ending injury on.
  2. The other problem is Mitchell and Parrish's moms were allowed to vote.
  3. It's based on other teams needs of course. I see Bears trading a 1st for Evans as they need a proven deep threat to go with Cutlers strong arm. Schoebel my best guess doesn't get a 3rd because of his age and chronic threats of retirement, and because he likely only agrees to a Texas team near his home, wherein both Cowbiys and Texans get consistent pressure from the rigth side and don't really need him. Sad how our 1st from last year Maybin gets nada (ok, maybe a 5th.)
  4. now that she's lost her looks, her attitude is unbearable. she should have shown some skin when she had a chance too,
  5. possession had not been established, these things always turn into a scrum.. however i did see what looked like a clip on manning on the pick, but the images were brief
  6. give it a rest and leave the guy alone. you make all of us bills fans look like asses
  7. must be nice starting out 4 & 0 in the division every year with raiders and chiefs. and broncos with orten arent much better either. bills trade places with chargers and they could have been 9 & 7 (5 & 1 in division instead of 2 & 4)
  8. SD most over rated< most over hyped team our there. its not that they break hearts, its that theyre just not that good
  9. it's all nasty stuff, just stay away from it. unless you like the sound of 15 year olds putting together their first garage band
  10. not bad, guess i was expecting more. but i'm still there if she needs me during one of those long cold buffalo nights
  11. To assess "realness" you need to see them dynamically. In this case, I conclude real: Real
  12. left hand of course it's why we shake with our right hands only
  13. Knox a distant 3rd behind Pop Warner Saban and AFC Probowl Roster Levy?
  14. back when i played for Large Mouth Bass University, i used to look forward to our rivalry with Frogmouth, our rallying cry for them was "BOHICA"
  15. sounds line one blunt and one brew too many for this guy
  16. it's really quite shocking the scrubs on that list. and the more recent you get, the more scubby it gets.
  17. knox for sure. anyone who can't see that is a big freaking idiot. saban coached in a pop warner league. and levy went 0-4 with what amounted to the afc pro bowl team.
  18. chuck knox i think it can be argued did the most with the least
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