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Everything posted by wide_right

  1. Bruce Smith and OJ Simpson. these are the only 2 players that one could argue are the best players ever at their position.
  2. Evans over Beebe, no doubt. Bills find a way to get him on the field. I don't think Stroud even comes close to starting over Wright. Stroud might be a little bigger but he's slow and Wright makes a lot more plays. I think our entire secondary is better now other than Strong Safety.
  3. if i were going to take a flyer on any of them, it would be grossman. he throws a nice deep ball. and when he preps properly he can mamage a game. his issue in chicago was maturity, if he's grown up some he could be a legit starter. certainly better than anything we currently have
  4. even though the head of officiating agrees it was a blown call, and it hobbled favre for the remainder of the game? if anything, Childress and Favre were way too passive during this .... if that were a Cowher or Brady they would have had a sh#t fit, and rightfully so. then maybe they would have gotten the officiating straight and we would have had a fair game.
  5. he was a good guitar player .... see "hit me with your best shot"
  6. could very well have changed the outcome of the game too
  7. there was nothing clean about one guy holding farve up high and another drilling him in the legs from behind
  8. his defenses are very predictable. he's gotten bailed out this year because of all the points the saints score. give bills D that same offense and i promise you they at least get to the conference finals even with the saints having the #1 offense this year greggo still only managed a 20th ranked defense
  9. good luck with that. post some pictures if you can. thanks
  10. i was responding to someone who said he would do just as well as kelly with the bills offense. i think you need to calm down
  11. oh really? running the no huddle in the buffalo winter? i call BS on that one. we had a glimpse of warner in an outdoot cold weather stadium with the Giants, and he stunk up the joint
  12. this gal's earlier stuff was unlistenable. but she's really come a long way and can play a mean solo now
  13. here's the list of QBs in the Hall whose careers began no later than 1965 (Namath) ... before that I didn't have a chance to see any of them: Troy Aikman, Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Dan Fouts, Bob Greise, Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Warren Moon, Joe Namath, Roger Staubach and Steve Young. which one(s) would you take Warner ahead of for Bills QB? none for me. i simply dont see him in that class
  14. well maybe, but when i look at things like poise in the pocket, reading the defense, a leader on the field, game awareness ... i dont see it in warner. what i see is a guy that had some success when he was on an offense with terrific WRs where he could just step back and put the ball up. a lot like an arena football style. when he had average WRs like NY, he got cut. he was frustated in the super bowl when he faced a smart D like New England.
  15. trent dilfer won the super bowl, jim kelly didn't. do you take dilfer over kelly? brad johnson won a super bowl and had a long career with pretty good numbers. does he go into the hall too?
  16. really? i cant think of any. he's also not a guy that other teams were clamoring over to get. no, sorry folks, he doesn't have the intangibles of a HOF QB
  17. Cowell really seems like a big d-bag, That show made him and now he's out to destroy it
  18. let's also get steve entman from that same draft to help on the dline
  19. The Rams were getting old and injured and losing FAs by the time they put Bulger in. Leinart didn't have much time with the 1st teamers. And he was an over hyped rookie anyway
  20. Is the show cancelled ? If not what are the plans to replace Simon?
  21. and coughing up the untimely pick or fumble. the guy had the best WRs in Saint Louis and the best WR Fitzgerald in AZ. when he was with Giants and the WRs were good but not great he struggled mightily
  22. for me he just doesnt pass the "smell" test when i watch him play. he always looks awkward and gets really frazzled with the slightest amount of pressure. and oh yes, those horrible fumble turnovers. he was replaced in saint louis by bulgar, and in ny by manning. i know some stats may say otherwise, but for me at least id never consider starting him over any HOF QBs
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