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NatGeo doing a show on 9/11

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i walked by it the other day - it's down to about 15 stories now. talk about a clusterf*ck.


Not quite that low, but is finally coming down.


So the press was a few years early on that one.

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I don't even have to watch or read about this show to know what the conclusion is going to be. After about 40 plus minutes (Or however long the doc is) of speculation they are going to come up with some sort of obvious counter claim to the whole thing in the last 5 or so minutes then come up with a inconclusive but it makes you think conclusion.


I really would like more to be looked into as far as the Pentagon attack is concerned too much has been covered about the WTC attacks.

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Some points from Zeitgeist that I found interesting and would love to see disproved-


Bush/Cheney/Rice all went on record (there is video of each making that claim) that they never imagined a scenerio that hijacked planes would be used as bombs and flown into buildings

-USA Today and Peter Jennings reported in 1999 NORAD had flight drills that involved hijack planes being flown into targets, including specifically the WTC

-Oct 2000 FEMA emergency response manual included Operation "Mascal" which involved a hijacked plane being flown into the CIA building and the Pentagon

-NYT reported the government knew about the planned attack. They reported 12 countries (including Russia, France, Israel, England) warned our government about an impending attack using hijacked planes


Mathew Atta received $100,000 from General Mahmoud Ahmad (head of ISI) prior to the attack.

-September 11 2001 government officials were having breakfast with Ahmad

-911 commission official report- financing of attacks "of little practical significance"


Abdulaziz al Oman- one of the reported 19 hijackers, is alive and well. He had an interview with the Telegraph 9/23/2001 and said he was shocked to read he was one of the perpetrators of 9/11.

-At least 6 other hijackers of the 19 are still alive


Osama Bin Laden was treated at the American Hospital in Dubai in the late 1990's


Salef bin Laden met with Jim Bath to discuss handling of bin Laden family finances, pre-9/11. Jim Bath is connected to the Carlyle group. George Herbert Bush became chummy with the bin Laden family after flying to Saudi Arabia to meet with them in 1998, in a Carlyle Group meeting.

-On the morning of 9/11/2001 George H. W. Bush was meeting with Shafiq bin Laden(Osama's big brother) regarding the Carlyle group. The Carlyle group is linked with some of the biggest defense contractors in the world- and stood to gain an immense profit with the Afghanistan/Iraq wars.

-all public flights were cancelled after 9/11- except for the bin Laden family


Regarding the pentagon attack- 12 tons of steel and titanium from the plane vaporized- yet they were able to identify people with fingerprints.

-FBI grabbed all surveillance video of the attack- and never released it.

-the alleged pilot- by all accounts, was a horrible pilot. Yet he navigated a very difficult 270 degree turn into the pentagon


Flight 93 Shanksville- vaporized. Big hole in the ground, no remnants left. Steel melts at 2000 degrees- 500 degrees more then jet fuel burns.


WTC- no mention of the molten metal, nor any mention of the 45 degree cuts on the steel columns(which is how they do controlled demolitions). Many eye witnesses claimed there was an initial blast from the basement- and there is video where you can see what appears to be that. Experts stated that it would take 8 seconds for a billiard ball to hit ground if dropped from top of WTC. The building collapsed in 10 seconds. They suspected thermite. Fireman and clean up crews said nothing was left. One fireman said that the biggest remaining object he found was half a key from a keyboard. Amazing- they found one of the hijackers passports in pristine condition in the rubble.


Building 7- fire on the top two floors. Two days after the attack it collapsed- and it looks exactly like a controlled demolition.


Don't shoot the messenger. This proud American is just stating some points in the movie I found quite compelling.

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Bush/Cheney/Rice all went on record (there is video of each making that claim) that they never imagined a scenario that hijacked planes would be used as bombs and flown into buildings

Of course they said that -- what else are they going to say? Yeah, we thought of that but didn't do anything to stop it! I'm sure that wouldn't have been brought up in the 2004 election. :(


On the morning of 9/11/2001 George H. W. Bush was meeting with Shafiq bin Laden(Osama's big brother) regarding the Carlyle group. The Carlyle group is linked with some of the biggest defense contractors in the world- and stood to gain an immense profit with the Afghanistan/Iraq wars.

Hasn't OBL been estranged from his family for decades? The world is full of complicated and contradictory relationships.


Regarding the pentagon attack- 12 tons of steel and titanium from the plane vaporized- yet they were able to identify people with fingerprints.

Vaporized? Says who? Just because it's not visible from a photo of the outside of the building taken from a couple hundred feet away doesn't mean there wasn't debris inside the outer wall that was penetrated.


WTC- no mention of the molten metal, nor any mention of the 45 degree cuts on the steel columns(which is how they do controlled demolitions). Many eye witnesses claimed there was an initial blast from the basement- and there is video where you can see what appears to be that. Experts stated that it would take 8 seconds for a billiard ball to hit ground if dropped from top of WTC. The building collapsed in 10 seconds. They suspected thermite. Amazing- they found one of the hijackers passports in pristine condition in the rubble.

Maybe no mention of any of this because it's absurd b.s? No one I spoke to who was there during the collapse ever mentioned an 'explosion'. What 'experts' are you referring to? And who says the passport was in pristine condition? Funny, every single time I've ever heard about this passport, someone used the word pristine.


Fireman and clean up crews said nothing was left. One fireman said that the biggest remaining object he found was half a key from a keyboard. Amazing- they found one of the hijackers passports in pristine condition in the rubble.

As far as nothing bigger than a half a key being found, that is simply nonsense. How did a passport survive the collapse? Simple, it didn't. It was blown out the other side of the building -- along with part of the guy that was holding it. I personally spoke to people that found sections of fuselage with seats still bolted to the floor and bodies from the waist down still in the seats. I worked with people who were right in the plaza when the first plane hit; they said debris was everywhere. Again...the planes didn't 'vaporize' when they hit the buildings.


Building 7- fire on the top two floors. Two days after the attack it collapsed- and it looks exactly like a controlled demolition.

What?? Since when does 7 hours = 2 days? And how exactly would you expect a heavily damaged building that burned uncontrolled for those 7 hours to collapse?



It would be easier to listen to some of this conspiracy nonsense if all these 'questions' weren't always laced with tons of silly, slanted language designed to sell the fantasy.

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Some points from Zeitgeist that I found interesting and would love to see disproved-


Bush/Cheney/Rice all went on record (there is video of each making that claim) that they never imagined a scenerio that hijacked planes would be used as bombs and flown into buildings

-USA Today and Peter Jennings reported in 1999 NORAD had flight drills that involved hijack planes being flown into targets, including specifically the WTC

-Oct 2000 FEMA emergency response manual included Operation "Mascal" which involved a hijacked plane being flown into the CIA building and the Pentagon

-NYT reported the government knew about the planned attack. They reported 12 countries (including Russia, France, Israel, England) warned our government about an impending attack using hijacked planes


Mathew Atta received $100,000 from General Mahmoud Ahmad (head of ISI) prior to the attack.

-September 11 2001 government officials were having breakfast with Ahmad

-911 commission official report- financing of attacks "of little practical significance"


Abdulaziz al Oman- one of the reported 19 hijackers, is alive and well. He had an interview with the Telegraph 9/23/2001 and said he was shocked to read he was one of the perpetrators of 9/11.

-At least 6 other hijackers of the 19 are still alive


Osama Bin Laden was treated at the American Hospital in Dubai in the late 1990's


Salef bin Laden met with Jim Bath to discuss handling of bin Laden family finances, pre-9/11. Jim Bath is connected to the Carlyle group. George Herbert Bush became chummy with the bin Laden family after flying to Saudi Arabia to meet with them in 1998, in a Carlyle Group meeting.

-On the morning of 9/11/2001 George H. W. Bush was meeting with Shafiq bin Laden(Osama's big brother) regarding the Carlyle group. The Carlyle group is linked with some of the biggest defense contractors in the world- and stood to gain an immense profit with the Afghanistan/Iraq wars.

-all public flights were cancelled after 9/11- except for the bin Laden family


Regarding the pentagon attack- 12 tons of steel and titanium from the plane vaporized- yet they were able to identify people with fingerprints.

-FBI grabbed all surveillance video of the attack- and never released it.

-the alleged pilot- by all accounts, was a horrible pilot. Yet he navigated a very difficult 270 degree turn into the pentagon


Flight 93 Shanksville- vaporized. Big hole in the ground, no remnants left. Steel melts at 2000 degrees- 500 degrees more then jet fuel burns.


WTC- no mention of the molten metal, nor any mention of the 45 degree cuts on the steel columns(which is how they do controlled demolitions). Many eye witnesses claimed there was an initial blast from the basement- and there is video where you can see what appears to be that. Experts stated that it would take 8 seconds for a billiard ball to hit ground if dropped from top of WTC. The building collapsed in 10 seconds. They suspected thermite. Fireman and clean up crews said nothing was left. One fireman said that the biggest remaining object he found was half a key from a keyboard. Amazing- they found one of the hijackers passports in pristine condition in the rubble.


Building 7- fire on the top two floors. Two days after the attack it collapsed- and it looks exactly like a controlled demolition.


Don't shoot the messenger. This proud American is just stating some points in the movie I found quite compelling.


And it's all on the internet, so it must be true.



Never mind that I saw the plane that hit the Pentagon. The fact that you can quote a dubious internet source saying that there was no evidence of a plane clearly indicates that I saw a pterodactyl or something... :unsure:


(And by the way...look up some old footage of aircraft impact testing on solid concrete structures. Planes tend to - vaporize, basically - when impacting a large stone block).

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I didnt wade through this whole thread but I did see parts of the special. If an aircraft didnt hit the pentagon what happened to the aircraft and the 70 some odd people on board?

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I didnt wade through this hole thread but I did see parts of the special. If an aircraft didnt hit the pentagon what happened to the aircraft and the 70 some odd people on board?

It was diverted to the Bermuda Triangle in a deal with the UFOs so they could conduct some long term anal probe experiments.

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It was diverted to the Bermuda Triangle in a deal with the UFOs so they could conduct some long term anal probe experiments.

Well it was Washington so the whole anal probe thing isnt out of the question.

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I didnt wade through this whole thread but I did see parts of the special. If an aircraft didnt hit the pentagon what happened to the aircraft and the 70 some odd people on board?


They landed it in Ohio, killed the passengers and crew, and gave it a false registration and a paint job and turned it into a VIP transport.

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I've always been puzzled at the imbalance in remembering 9/11. So much focus is placed on the World trade Center and hardly anything on the Pentagon. The entire Pentagon attack still seems weird. For one, the impact wound on the building so narrow? Why no sign of damage from the wings hitting?




The aircraft hit the ground about 50 - 100 yards from the building and then slid into the structure. The wings were probably torn off when it hit and then dragged with the fuselage into the pentagon.


Also, there is a CCTV video of the plane actually hitting the ground and then sliding into the pentagon.

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The aircraft hit the ground about 50 - 100 yards from the building and then slid into the structure. The wings were probably torn off when it hit and then dragged with the fuselage into the pentagon.


Also, there is a CCTV video of the plane actually hitting the ground and then sliding into the pentagon.


Wings are also not very solid, and not very impact-resistant head-on. To put it simply, a long thin object, even if it's hollow, is going to punch through stone and concrete a hell of a lot more effectively from a forward aspect (e.g. a plane fuselage) than a side aspect(e.g. a plane wing).

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