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McWashed Up!


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I am tired of hearing fans say that we need McNabb. We don't! He is on the decline. Did you watch the wild card game he just played in, against the Cowboys? He's not Brett Favre. It pains me to say this, but I feel the Eagles would have been better off with the dog killer running their offense this year.


Forget McWashed Up and draft Tebow.


Did you think of that Nickname all by yourself, or did your mother help you after you finished your homework?


This is the worst thread I've seen here in a LONG time. Well done, sir.



^^^THIS +1

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there are some dumb posters on here. but you are towards the top.


obviosuly we have no line. but the answer is not to suddenly get a scrambling qb - ala vick or tebow. the answer is to fix the line and then get the right QB.


if you own a house, you don't suddenly put in a new furnace and AC unit when the foundation is all jacked up. you fix the most important, essential part of the house first, then you put in those parts that make the house function and run.


the line is the most important part of an offense. show me a team that has won a superbowl without a great O-line. thre hasn't been one. the closest i've seen were the cards with mike gandy, and we know how that turned out.


mcnabb is also no where CLOSE to washed up. he very well has 2-3 solid seasons left. he still has great arm strength and the ability to read a defense, two things this team lacks. sure, his accuracy is not at 65% but he doesn't need to be. he'd be a nice upgrade for 2-3 years especially if we drafted tebow or lefouver to sit behind him and learn.


Uh, did you miss last year's Super Bowl? The Steelers' line was terrible last year, and equally bad this year. The main difference was Polamalu's injuries.

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Donavan McNabb is right for this team for so many different reasons


- Productive

- Leader

- Ticket seller



Even IF he is on the downside of his career he is a guy who could come in immediately and produce. He will need a line in front of him which is why that 1st pick (and a key free agent) would need to be used on OL....particulary OT's.


We can groom Brohm

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I am tired of hearing fans say that we need McNabb. We don't! He is on the decline. Did you watch the wild card game he just played in, against the Cowboys? He's not Brett Favre. It pains me to say this, but I feel the Eagles would have been better off with the dog killer running their offense this year.


Forget McWashed Up and draft Tebow.


Yeah, I don't want anyone's sloppy seconds !!!!!!! Don't want him...Don't want Vick, Garcia, Warner, Bulger....etc...Favre? well that's a horse of another color I guess but really he's a one to two year answer at the most!!!!!!!

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Yeah, I don't want anyone's sloppy seconds !!!!!!! Don't want him...Don't want Vick, Garcia, Warner, Bulger....etc...Favre? well that's a horse of another color I guess but really he's a one to two year answer at the most!!!!!!!

who do you want?

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McNabb is older and in worse condition than Bledsoe was when we picked him up.


cant believe im saying this, but id rather have Vick.


Unless we draft a QB this year and McNabb is a 1 or 2(max) band-aid.

Your Bledsoe comparison is apt. Back in 2001, the Bills were a 3-13 team: a rebuilding team by any sane definition. Yet after the 2001 season, TD made the unforgivable mistake of trading away a first round pick for an aging veteran player (Bledsoe).


The Bills are once again in rebuilding mode. Now fans want to trade away a first day draft pick for another aging veteran QB (McNabb)!


Stuff like this is why people say that once a coach starts listening to the fans, he'll end up sitting next to them.

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