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If Couch gets cut by the Packers

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His confidence is in the sh!tter, be he has the talent.



The thing about Tim Couch that continues to shock me is how little his play has improved from his Rookie year in 99. Since then he's thrown 49 TD's to 54 INT's, and has a QB Rating around 76...


Not exactly the progress you want to see from the #1 Pick Overall...


I wonder how different it would be in Cleveland today had they taken McNabb? But Couch seems broke right now. He's going to have to get a little humble, and find someone (or some Team) who can help. Not so sure a guy with Couch's obvious confidence problems should be anywhere near Green Bay, pre or post Favre. That does not seem like a good match at all...

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Sure, i'd bring him in as a backup or 3rd stringer. Maybe by mid season he'd be confident and repaired enough to go in if something happened to bledsoe. This guy needs a team to use him as a project before he can be a starter again. Although, if the arm troubles are true, then no way. Can't waste the whirlpool on this guy.

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I'd want to know more detail about his alleged arm problems. If they are not chronic and his salry demands weren't out of line for a guy who might be a second or third string QB, then I wouldn't mind having him in the mix, but he'd have to beat out the guys who are here. He gets no free ride.

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