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Honest opinion of Fewell


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Perry Fewell is not the answer for the Bills but for people to keep comin down on him despite having 16 players on IR, a bunch of scrubs who dont belong in the NFL, and a clueless front office, it clearly shows that Common sense is clearly lacking amongst some of you.


Please tell me how much better an overpriced coach could have done with these band of scrubs.


Could Parcells, Shanahan or the Chin get more out of Fitzpatrick, Josh Reed or Erin Schobel?


Give me a break, the Bills have a collection of scrubs and a poor front office

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Would you rather play Press Coverage or the 46 defense with the scrubs on this team?


I mean, u might be looking at defensive ineptitude of unimaginable proportions.


Despite the lack of talent and no support from a putrid offense they more or less held their own against the Patriots twice and the held down the high powered Saints until the very end.


I mean this team is playing with safeties at linebacker and converted wide receivers at safety!!!


Come on point the finger at the guys who have overpaid for the scrubs on the team

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Perry seems like a guy in way over his head, and has a (largely) dreadful roster to work with. Not exactly a recipe for success.


He did manage to beat one of our rivals, and that's worth something, but meh .... same old, same old. This season can't end quickly enough.

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The thing I have about Fewell is that he learned from Dickless Jauron.

He's definitely his own man, but what has he learned that will benefit him in his progression as a HC?

To not be a Dickless Juron?


In my view he needs to go learn under someone else for awhile.

I do think he'll be a very good HC in the NFL one day. He's a better one now than Ted Cottrell.


If he gets handed the reins to the club next spring I think the FO will be setting us up for years and years more of frustration of watching inadequate coaching/playing/and bad player development. And, that's IF the FO gets decent players.


I think Bobby April will walk as soon as possible because he didn't get the Interim position.

Fewell probably has as good a chance as Marv Lewis to become a decent head coach one day.

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Flush the whole operation down the toilet. New GM, pick the coaching staff, pick the scouting staffs, fire Modrak, fire Guy, fire Overdork, fire the strength and conditioning joke dept. fire the trainers.
And flush down the toilet any fan that wants to keep anyone from the current operation.

Now THAT would be a fresh start!

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Perry Fewell is loved by his players. So was Jauron.


The team was infused with a breath of fresh air when Jauron was canned, and it lasted all of 3 weeks. Now that the fizzle has faded, these are the same Bills as they were under Jauron.


Scheme-wise, the Tampa 2 has become the worst defense in the league. It is outdated, and after what, 4-5 seasons we still don't have the right personnel to play it properly? Safeties playing LB? Modrak and Guy are responsible for making these calls on these players. They need to be replaced.


Fewell may have an excellent rapport and be a good guy, but now that the excitement of a coaching change has faded, we find the same problems occurring. Most of this roster is not good enough to be on a teams practice squad, let alone starting on game day.


So, the scheme is outdated and should be scrapped. But the front office also needs to be canned because of its alarming failure in finding suitable players to fit the scheme for the past 8-9 seasons.


We need better everything.

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when he went into half time with a time out in his pocket after letting the patriots run the clock down on the 1 yard line, that made my mind up. In the end it lead us toa 56 yrd FG attempt with no time left.


I couldn't believe what I was watching when that happened .... and then I remembered who I was watching.


If we use our timeouts there, we either stop them from scoring entirely, or they score a TD/FG and return the ball to us with 1:25 to use.


Instead - we basically engineer the absolute worst result. They take multiple plays and score a TD, running the clock down - knowing that they will again get the ball back to start the 3rd quarter.


Horrid, and another example of something that keeps us in the "L" column that has nothing at all to do with the talent on the field. Unless, of course, we assume we had a defensive player captain on the field with brains enough to call the timeout himself.

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What is your honest opinion of Perry Fewells coaching job. I think he is doing a pretty good job with the players he has on the team. Way better than Jauron ever did. That being said I still would like a top tier coach. If the team cannot et one I say stick with him. The team plays hard, agrressive, and is competitive.


Just say "no" to Perry for HC.......


At this point, Maybin should get some PT along with Hardy, if not for anything else but to measure their game play and get them some experience. I'm sorry, play to win as always, but let's get them into the game for crying out loud.

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