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Chad Ochocinco plans to wear Henry's number 15 jersey on Sunday


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I like the sentiment...although seems the NFL may not.


Be interesting to watch what happens with this one....




They'll fine him, and they should.. the NFL doesn't mind one bit, that he wants to honor his fallen teammate. But, he doesn't have to do it in such a way that it will piss-off the NFL or draw attention to Chad Johnson. Just wear that black number 15 patch, like all the others Bengals will be doing.

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They'll fine him, and they should.. the NFL doesn't mind one bit, that he wants to honor his fallen teammate. But, he doesn't have to do it in such a way that it will piss-off the NFL or draw attention to Chad Johnson. Just wear that black number 15 patch, like all the others Bengals will be doing.


Is there another way that Chad Johnson can honor the guy's memory without his goonish publicity displays?

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I like the sentiment...although seems the NFL may not.


Be interesting to watch what happens with this one....




the NFL really has it out for Ochocinco. He's a solid dude that's good for business, unfortunately the NFL wants to pound the life out of the game. Guy wears a sombrero and gets fined $30K Trent Cole throws two punches and gets $15K, something not right there.


personally I think Ochocinco is doing something quietly classy by wearing Henry's jersey--moreover I don't think any fine the NFL levels at him will change his mind. I say more power to him.

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I don't understand all the hatred for everything that Ochocinco does. What does he do that is controversial and offensive? Nothing. He is a guy who loves the game of football and has fun with it.


With this instance, he is showing his respect to his fallen friend and I have no problem with it. He knows he is going to get fined for it and he is okay with that so why is it a big deal? I respect the man for it.

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Or maybe he's just trying to honor a fallen brother in his own way? But no, let's be ignorantly cynical and just assume the worst...that's what usually flies around here, so why not?


+1. The guy wants to honor his friend. I hope he has his best game of the season, which I think he will.

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Everything Chad Johnson does is about one thing, drawing attention to Chad Johnson.


If I really wanted to pay a tribute he should show up, play and not doing anything during the game that gives anyone any reason to say anything about him. Allowing people to talk about the game and Chris Henry is far more tribute then the Johnson sideshow.

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Didn't the same thing happen when Manning was going to wear the same shoes that Unitas wore?


As for Chad, its sad that the NFL fines him for having fun playing the game. Nothing he does is hurtful to anyone else or disrespect the game. He just has fun and gets the crowds into it. Maybe the NFL should fine players and penalise teams if if the fans and players do anything but "golf clap" after a good play.


Its not like his plans were to wear the jersey, score a TD and then grab a girl out of the crowd and smack her around after doing some drugs

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the NFL really has it out for Ochocinco. He's a solid dude that's good for business, unfortunately the NFL wants to pound the life out of the game. Guy wears a sombrero and gets fined $30K Trent Cole throws two punches and gets $15K, something not right there.


personally I think Ochocinco is doing something quietly classy by wearing Henry's jersey--moreover I don't think any fine the NFL levels at him will change his mind. I say more power to him.


I agree with you on all of this, They do have it out for him and its messed up.


I also think its a good thing for him to wear his friends jersey. He misses him and he wants to honor him. Did anyone on this board see how shaken up Chad was in the locker room? There's no way he's doing this just for another "Chad Stunt". He's doing it out of respect for his friend. Not for attention.

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Everything Chad Johnson does is about one thing, drawing attention to Chad Johnson.


If I really wanted to pay a tribute he should show up, play and not doing anything during the game that gives anyone any reason to say anything about him. Allowing people to talk about the game and Chris Henry is far more tribute then the Johnson sideshow.


Good to know you decide how other people should express themselves.

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I'm all for Chad's intended observance. He was very close with Chris Henry. I think it's a poignant and sincere touch for a fallen comrade.


IMO, the NFL has to use better discretion when enforcing some of their rules. There are wide disparities in the NFL's "priorities." They seem really concerned with squelching the last bit of individuality from the game. It seems like they wouldn't mind having numberless robots out there playing, if they could make the same money off them that they do actual human beings. The NFL is all for marketing players but God forbid the players violate the uniform code, even for a good cause.


It made me think of when Mike Nolan wanted to wear a suit to honor the coaching profession and his father, Dick Nolan who like most coaches of that era, wore a suit on the sidelines. Of course the NFL prohibited it until they could have Nike design a suit for coaches. He and Jack Del Rio were permitted to wear the Nike-designed suits for two games. Meanwhile, Belichick walks around in a hoodie with cutoff sleeves.


What exactly is the NFL trying to accomplish with these rules? Wouldn't they seem like much less of a soulless corporation if they showed some wisdom in these matters?


Thank goodness the union appears to be backing Chad on this one. It's a good stand.


So far the NFL has no comment on how they're going to handle this. I think they realize that this could be a big PR hit against them if they mishandle it.

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I'm all for Chad's intended observance. He was very close with Chris Henry. I think it's a poignant and sincere touch for a fallen comrade.


IMO, the NFL has to use better discretion when enforcing some of their rules. There are wide disparities in the NFL's "priorities." They seem really concerned with squelching the last bit of individuality from the game. It seems like they wouldn't mind having numberless robots out there playing, if they could make the same money off them that they do actual human beings. The NFL is all for marketing players but God forbid the players violate the uniform code, even for a good cause.


It made me think of when Mike Nolan wanted to wear a suit to honor the coaching profession and his father, Dick Nolan who like most coaches of that era, wore a suit on the sidelines. Of course the NFL prohibited it until they could have Nike design a suit for coaches. He and Jack Del Rio were permitted to wear the Nike-designed suits for two games. Meanwhile, Belichick walks around in a hoodie with cutoff sleeves.


What exactly is the NFL trying to accomplish with these rules? Wouldn't they seem like much less of a soulless corporation if they showed some wisdom in these matters?


Thank goodness the union appears to be backing Chad on this one. It's a good stand.


So far the NFL has no comment on how they're going to handle this. I think they realize that this could be a big PR hit against them if they mishandle it.

Wasn't it RBK suits? not Nike

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This IS typical NFL. Remember when the NFL said no to Peyton Manning on wearing the high tops to honor Johnny Unitas? Roger Goodell is a terrible commissioner and is the biggest violator of his own conduct policy. He may be one of the worst commissioners in the history of sport

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This IS typical NFL. Remember when the NFL said no to Peyton Manning on wearing the high tops to honor Johnny Unitas? Roger Goodell is a terrible commissioner and is the biggest violator of his own conduct policy. He may be one of the worst commissioners in the history of sport


Football is the one true competitive sport left because the commish is forcing salary caps--something owners certainly do not want. Baseball has become pointless because of weak stupid commissioners, so Goodell deserves some credit. However this boner over killing excitement and individuality is straight up insane. As well as the decision to have "The Who" (quotes since--really, who are they kidding) to play the Super Bowl. But that's neither here nor there.

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