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N1H1 Update

KD in CA

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Remember all the outrage directed at those who suggested this hadn't been thoroughly tested?


The issue is the vaccine's strength. Tests done before the shots were shipped showed that the vaccines were strong enough. But tests done weeks later indicated the strength had fallen slightly below required levels.


Why the potency dropped isn't clear. "That's the $64,000 question," said Len Lavenda, a Sanofi Pasteur spokesman.

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Remember all the outrage directed at those who suggested this hadn't been thoroughly tested?


It was tested just like every other flu vaccine is. The only difference is the strain. The reason there was a shortage was that it grows slower than other strains do.

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The issue is the vaccine's strength. Tests done before the shots were shipped showed that the vaccines were strong enough. But tests done weeks later indicated the strength had fallen slightly below required levels.


Why the potency dropped isn't clear. "That's the $64,000 question," said Len Lavenda, a Sanofi Pasteur spokesman.


Ya right.


Potency smoltency... Have they been saying all along that children under 9 need TWO shots.


Isn't that a potency issue? And this was months ago I heard that.


Maybe I am way off base here, but something isn't right. They are: CYOA (cover your own ass) mode.

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The issue is the vaccine's strength. Tests done before the shots were shipped showed that the vaccines were strong enough. But tests done weeks later indicated the strength had fallen slightly below required levels.


Why the potency dropped isn't clear. "That's the $64,000 question," said Len Lavenda, a Sanofi Pasteur spokesman.

I would be shocked if the government can figure this out for $64k. I don't see any way. I would bet it will take them at least $10M. I think Len is purposely trying to make the number sound low to cover his butt. I would bet anything it ends up costing way more than $64k.

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Ya right.


Potency smoltency... Have they been saying all along that children under 9 need TWO shots.


Isn't that a potency issue? And this was months ago I heard that.


Maybe I am way off base here, but something isn't right. They are: CYOA (cover your own ass) mode.


Well here is my take on it. This recall is for the pediatric version of the vaccine. The only difference from the adult version is that the pediatric version of the vaccine does not contain the preservative thimerosal. Why does it lack thimerosal? Well despite there being no convincing clinical data to support the theory that there is a link between vaccines containing thimerosal and autism, government agencies and vaccine manufactures buckled to pressure from wacky anti-vaccine groups and agreed that thimerosal should not be in children's vaccines as a "precautionary" measure. I'd imagine they would begin by looking into the lack of the preservative as the cause of the potency issue.

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