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The two bombs to Owens: Good throws or bad throws?

Kelly the Dog

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It's really amusing to search back a year on the board and read people gushing about how great Edwards is. You yourself said he could go down as one of the greatest draft picks in Bills history. Now you're saying he has no skills.



Go figure. :lol:

PS - I never said he "had no skills." Personally, I now suspect that he's not temperamentally suited to be an NFL QB despite the fact that his skill set is adequate enough to win in a number of contexts (i.e., good coach and good supporting cast). I could be wrong and he could hang around and become a solid vet. We'll see.

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Personally, I do'nt give a **** if they were excellent throws, great throws, good throws, average throws, below average throws, poor throws, or epic failure throws.


What I care about is were the passes, completed passes? And it turns out, they were completed passes.


End of story. Next!

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Personally, I do'nt give a **** if they were excellent throws, great throws, good throws, average throws, below average throws, poor throws, or epic failure throws.


What I care about is were the passes, completed passes? And it turns out, they were completed passes.


End of story. Next!



Incredibly short sighted but if we don't take into consideration missed opportunities for points and field position then I get your point. I guess I'm not as enthusiastic about what should be a run of the mill reception. Personally I hold the players to a higher standard and want to see TDs when we have the opportunity not just breath a sigh of relief when we actually complete a pass over 10 yards in the air.


How low our expectations have truly sunk *sigh*

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No 300-yard games since Losman v. Houston in November 2006.



300-yard passing games are by no means the bellwether of offensive aptitude, but that stat should really hit people like a sledgehammer. It's been three years since a Buffalo QB has thrown for 300 yards. Three years. Peyton Manning is averaging more than 300 yards passing per game this season. He has thrown for more than 300 yards in eight out of the nine games this season.


We now think it's a good outing if our QB gets over 200.

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300-yard passing games are by no means the bellwether of offensive aptitude, but that stat should really hit people like a sledgehammer. It's been three years since a Buffalo QB has thrown for 300 yards. Three years. Peyton Manning is averaging more than 300 yards passing per game this season. He has thrown for more than 300 yards in eight out of the nine games this season.


We now think it's a good outing if our QB gets over 200.



Yet more evidence of our sadly diminished expectations. So much so that we defend and make excuses for mediocre to bad performance.

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Incredibly short sighted but if we don't take into consideration missed opportunities for points and field position then I get your point. I guess I'm not as enthusiastic about what should be a run of the mill reception. Personally I hold the players to a higher standard and want to see TDs when we have the opportunity not just breath a sigh of relief when we actually complete a pass over 10 yards in the air.


How low our expectations have truly sunk *sigh*

Great point about expectations. Monte Kiffen told he defense on the Bucs, I EXPECT you to get turnovers, that is not enough. I EXPECT you to SCORE. That is the way his defenses played & Rhonde Barber is still playing that way.

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And then Roethlisberger would be a bust today, don't forget that.


You want a top-shelf QB? Get a competent front office and staff that doesn't totally !@#$-up developing him first.


Good call. The FO is to blame for alot of the problems. They sell tickets and merchandise, not win games. I wouldn't even care if they kept, no one punch me, Dick but got rid of all the FO and got a capable OC. However I did like watching Levitre at LT. It looked like it gave TE more time in the pocket.

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There were two Buffalo News articles that mentioned that Edwards threw two nice accurate passes to Owens deep. IMO, they were not good throws at all, and missed him by about four yards. Both times Edwards had a lot of time to throw and was looking that way the entire time. Owens was wide open both times, and "good" throws were easy touchdowns, especially the first one. A good quarterback makes a good throw when he has a lot of time, and a good look, and a wide open WR. Those were not good throws and it's part of, if not Edwards biggest problem: He's simply not accurate down the field.


Those are two easy touchdowns. They were not good throws.


Part of me says that any 45 yard completion is a "good" play. And the first one led to a VERY nice throw by Edwards to Evans for the score. That was a great pass. But ultimately, if Edwards is going to be good, and a franchise QB, and the future, he needs to be able to not only hit the big play but throw an accurate deep ball, and he consistently does not.


I said it before, and will say it again, with an accurate QB -- and I'm not talking Manning or Brady -- but decent players like Matt Ryan and Flacco and Shaub -- Terrell Owens is leading or close to leading the league in touchdowns this year with 8 or 9, and that is counting all the drops he has made. He has been open deep every single game and there have been at least eight times where he was there and wide open and the ball was thrown but way inaccurate.


Maybe this didnt deserve its own thread but who thinks those two passes were "good" throws when he had all day, wide open WR, and easy TD but got a long completion instead.


The first throw was decent, the timing was off just a bit as Owens was actually open earlier, but the throw was there. The second was well underthrown. The problem remains that Edwards can't control the deep ball because he doesn't have the power to throw the deep ball with ease and under control. The telling throws were those two deep outs he threw to Owens late in the game. He just can't stick those throws and defenses know it and they don't have to defend the whole field.


For whatever reason Edwards has virtually no snap or rotation in his hips. He's stiff as a board. His throw is all arm with a little leg kick finish. Good QB's work long and hard developing those core muscles to get snap and torque into their throws. Trent doesn't use his hips AT ALL and not surprisingly has no power despite showing occasional zip on shorter routes. I assume he just isn't athletic enough to do it because it's hard to believe he hasn't been coached on the issue.

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