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  1. No one has a cake. Not the patient nor the doctor. So how bout IUDs? thumbs up or down? Birth control pills?
  2. Oopsie. Bout time for some more stimy and commercial real estate bailout.
  3. Old news for those of actually paying attention and not busy being gaslighted by MSM 24/7. But four years earlier, while working as a national security analyst attached to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. At the time, the corruption-riddled energy giant was paying Biden’s son Hunter millions of dollars.
  4. Nothing says winning quite like when commies deflect from Joe's daily overt bouts of dementia with circa 1995 Biden style gaffes that Trump is guilty of today. That green sky clown world you guys keep bragging about living under is winning hearts and minds I tell ya!
  5. I'm concerned with the potential for individual acts of voter fraud and not some nebulous potential for "widespread" fraud. how bout we use the descriptive "consequential fraud", consequential being defined as affecting the results of an election? As far as I know, that's recently occurred only once recently ; In NC. There are some R pols in jail for it, I believe.
  6. Speaking of irony, how ‘bout Zelensky groveling in Saudi Arabia with the Prince who invested with Jared Kushner.
  7. another conspiracy theory. how bout a simple explanation? He's an egotistical, narcicisst who craves attention and has top notch carnival barker skills which he uses to great effect to con stupid people. many Americans are stupid...seems much more likely than a Manchurian candidate for the global elite. That said, Putin is in his corner.
  8. There is no defense for what she did buddy. So it would have been ok for Mike Vick to kill dogs in her state. It wasn’t just dog fighting he got charged with, they killed dogs that were of no use to them because they couldn’t fight. The only way this could have been remotely acceptable is if it was an old dog who was suffering and needed to be put down. Even with that there are more humane ways! Because your ####### neighbor neglects his dog doesn’t make this right Where do you come up with this? Plenty of people pissed off over the killing of babies by abortion. They are changing laws everyday because of it! Bout time to!
  9. ⬆️ Front seat on the Short Bus. Sometimes the driver lets him work the turn signal for him. EDIT: Supreme Court oral arguments on this still going on right now. Damn, Elizabeth Prelogar, Solicitor General, is good. This law geek is in love. And then I find out this: https://www.law.com/americanlawyer/almID/1202790713323/ Yes, she's the former Miss Idaho. How bout them potatoes. Put her on the Supreme Court now! Get some foundation to take Sotomayor to that West Texas rancho. https://people.com/sports/antonin-scalia-died-during-getaway-with-members-of-secret-hunting-society/#:~:text=When Supreme Court Justice Antonin,origins date back to 1695.
  10. What does he have to hide? The White House is REFUSING to hand over early drafts of President Biden’s 2015 Ukraine speech where he called for the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. These drafts are important as it is believed, based on public reporting, that the then-VP “called an audible” and changed U.S. policy toward Ukraine to benefit his son on the plane ride to Ukraine. Joe Biden later bragged about withholding a U.S. loan guarantee if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor. If the White House does not permit the production of these documents, our committee will consider the use of compulsory process. Read our letter to the White House Counsel 👇
  11. Good, now we have to overcome the isolationist trash in our country to get more arms to Ukraine https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/01/world/europe/eu-hungary-ukraine-fund.html European Union leaders on Thursday reached an agreement to create a 50-billion-euro fund for Ukraine, bringing onboard Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, who had been the primary obstacle to a deal. “All 27 leaders agreed on an additional €50 billion support package for Ukraine within the EU budget,” the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, said on social media just an hour into Thursday’s meeting. “This locks in steadfast, long-term, predictable funding,” he added. “EU is taking leadership & responsibility in support for Ukraine; we know what is at stake.”
  12. How bout I change to Kelly? Big enough ####### for u? Exalt is a verb. Nearly every verb can be followed by “at…” what specifically r u referring to (at) me? ex·alt /iɡˈzôlt,eɡˈzôlt,iɡˈzält,eɡˈzält/ verb hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of. "the party will continue to exalt its hero"
  13. I like the imbacilic edit down to one sentace to simplify my stance. Id expect nothing less from you. So highlight. Which of the stories would you like to denounce as propaganda or write a sentance and meme? How bout the one where boris johnson nix peace talks? The one that russia wants guarantees ukraine will never be entered into NATO before it attempts a peace talk. Or i can cut and paste a twitter rando that "knows stuff" like you do for facts. I dont know if you know this but we are in america with american media. Id think the citizens who are paying for the war across the globe would be let in on what OUR TERMS would be. Especially as any russian info is pretty scarce anyways. you seem really close with joe. Everyone on the board had alot of taxes taken out last couple years for this war. whats the plan to end this and keep Ukrainians alive? Fill us in.
  14. Just as always pass the buck !! I work with people that have had the EXACT same illness & i even had a bout with a throat thing that had cancer in it & i told my superiors & so did my friend that they had it & were going to have to have operations that's what responsible people do just so you know . Of course i don't have people that are my minions so i wouldn't know how to pass the blame because i depend on me to take care of my personal business not someone other than myself not even my wife . And the thing is if this is the way he takes care of his personal business just how great a job is he doing taking care of national business ??
  15. You want it both ways. Stop main lining news max yet you know russia is reeling. Where is this info? What are you main lining? How bout iran? Are they reeling? Seem like they are a bit emboldened as of late. Id say we are alot more on the brink with three threats directly attacking us or allies then any time trump was in office. Hell we have texas saying enough while biden is opposing them defending thier own border. We might be on the brink of CIVIL WAR. All this chaos is normalized because 'you know" the alternative is a unmitigated clown show. Because biden passed a bunch of huge bills that noone can honestly say have benefitted from...hes done better. Ill believe it when i see it but as of now...cost, crime, housing, war, immigration. Every bit of it is far worse now, then its ever been. you guys never give any real world examples on how life was so much worse. He SAID stuff. The media Told me things. Hes ACCUSED of. How about policy? You know real tangible things that effected your life and not opinion.
  16. Oh Tommy, there is a certain JE NE SAIS QUOI with your posts… Think about the different components of an abortion law: 1. Temporal limits. 2. List of exceptions. 3. Processes by which exceptions are granted. 4. Any constitutional protections. 5. Federal protections up to the temporal limit (or limits, in cases of state-by-state legislation). 6. Trustworthiness of politicians promoting said law. Now think about what makes France’s current abortion situation different from Trump’s proposal, given the context of these 6 components. Also, make sure you understand what the difference between component #4 and component #5 implies. While your point about the media’s narrative framing is technically true, I also find their framing to be apt. Component #1 is basically the only commonality here between France and Trump. WOAH. Leh-nerd Skin-erd. Now there’s a name I haven’t seen posting in a long time…a long time… In France, I believe it’s 4 full months, technically, from one’s last period. So imagine this scenario: Mademoiselle Adamski casually walking down a street in Paris, listening to “Par Les Paupieres” by Alizee, with a (plant-based) croissant in hand. She’s looking particularly ELECTRIC that day with her blonde highlights and a Chartreuse-colored long-sleeve pencil dress from Les Sublimes, ruched from the waist to the upper thighs. She serendipitously bumps into some guy along the sidewalk who looks like Timothee Chalamet. He cannot resist the scrumptious sight…and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout that croissant, Leh-nerd!! Long story short because this is a family board (think: 50 Shades of KAY…very hawt…), eight months pass by and everyone’s favorite verbose vegan has a visible baguette in the oven. But the Timothee look-alike is suddenly no longer in the picture because, well, it’s a long story… So Kay visits a therapist and cites the overwhelming mental distress. Or how the Timothee look-alike was actually some rapist who more closely resembled Gerard Depardieu. A quickly signed note or two later and…well…do you now see the contrast between France’s “pro-life” policy and what the pro-life debates are like here in America? Read my previous posts if you’re still confused. Or call on our friend, Muppy, to help explain things. Adieu, - La Kay
  17. how bout this: we give the Israeli's mississippi or some other shitehole southern state. The palestinians move to where Israel is....btw, doesn't matter my concern. It's the Palestinians who will remain "concerned".
  18. I agree. Speaking on his track record for anyone to believe he will do that is a bit naive. He prob will spend and expand and bomb.....but thats just maintaning our trajectory. Exactly what we have going on now. I also dont think you are at all concerned about what hes talking about. Instead you just root for the exact inverse type of fascism. I mean right wing terrorism is the number 1 threat to this country. The ULTRA MAGA, the supremists are the REAL issue. Right? Seems both sides want to eliminate their rivals. I dont like commies marxists or q anon extremists in my country. How bout you? Erase media that doesnt sugar coat maga? You give alot of power to one guy. He cant even erase twitter when hes got truth social.
  19. Joe Biden Suffers Severe Confusion Over Donald Trump, and That Was Just the Beginning To point out that Joe Biden suffers bouts of senility every time he speaks publicly is to comment on the fact that the sun rose. You just expect it at this point. Some appearances are worse than others, though, and the president's speech on Wednesday was a perfect example of that. Appearing in Colorado to give yet another misleading speech on "Bidenomics," the president claimed to have "cut the deficit by $7 trillion," and that was the most sentient point he made despite being completely false. With that out of the way, let's get to the real story of the speech, which is Biden's steep mental decline. Whoever is heading up the drug cocktail team at this point is clearly in over their heads. To be fair, though, no one has ever faced a challenge like this. Imagine trying to get the dosage just right only to end up with this result. {snip} Never mind that what he's saying is false. One of the strikes against Trump among fiscal conservatives is that he doesn't want to cut or reform social security (raise the retirement age, etc.). Biden is just outright lying about that, and there's also no plan in Congress being pushed by Republicans to do that either. What an embarrassment. Well over 300 million people in the United States, and this is the best we could do? Really? https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/11/29/joe-biden-suffers-severe-confusion-over-donald-trump-and-that-was-just-the-beginning-n2166980 .
  20. Post some ranking sources for media bias that you approve of....Sure, WSJ is far left. Moron. How bout you trade in your lab coat for a helmet and go report for us?
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