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  1. You didn't describe what ends you think convicted felon Donald Trump is a means to. I don't have a problem with politicians looking back at what went wrong or availing themselves of legal challenges but if those legal challenges fail, I expect them to accept the results for the good of the country. Trump didn't do that. Based on Donald Trump's recent conviction, and the time Michael Cohen served as least in part for his role in the 2016 election interference, Hillary was right.
  2. Meaning first woman President ever, i.e. Hillary. First black female President, i.e. Harris. And so on. And what bs do you believe Trump was serving? Are the Dems you know flabbergasted by what the Dem party has become?
  3. What is the end you desire? Hillary conceded. She also attended his bizarre inauguration.
  4. Tarheel seems to believe that it was a good thing that "Hillary Clinton intentionally misclassified" payments to Christopher Steele. So what's he complaining about?
  5. Hillary = POS. She might even be more hated than Pelosi as far as women in politics.
  6. I dont like Hillary. But tell me which of those is not true?
  7. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored her intelligence in 2019. Hillary wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic expert team causing inefficiencies and shortages in resources. Hillary wouldn’t have ignored the pandemic playbook that Obama left behind. Hillary wouldn’t have politicized the pandemic response. prioritize political gains over public health data, hindering effective management. Hillary wouldn’t have withdrawn from the WHO and obstruct global collaboration. Hillary wouldn’t have lied to Americans about the severity of the virus and kept telling Americans it would just go away… with heat, disinfectant, uv light, and unproven treatments. Hillary wouldn’t have downplayed the severity of the virus, compared it to the flu and claimed it would disappear on its own, delaying action. Hillary wouldn’t have had inconsistent messaging, actions and contradicted health professionals, thus eroding public trust in health advice. Hillary would have done her absolute best and idiots in red states would still die at higher rates just to own the libs.
  8. Remember that the crime Trump was actually charged and convicted of was falsifying the business records of the Trump Organization. He appears to have done so to hide a campaign contribution. Hillary also tried to cover up a campaign contribution and the FEC fined her for it. For some reason, the FEC did not fine Trump for doing the same thing.
  9. That might be the explanation . There’s a difference between mischaracterizing a campaign expense and not declaring a campaign expense. I don’t know anything about the Hillary issue, though, so not fair for me to say. And, in any event, it doesn’t change that what trump did is a crime.
  10. Why Joe Biden's Hur Interview Recording Was Hidden JAZZ SHAW You may recall that President Joe Biden previously sat down for an interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur regarding the investigation into the many classified documents that Biden improperly removed from the White House over the years. A transcript of that interview was grudgingly produced later, informing the public that charges would not be filed against Biden because he was supposedly unlikely to be convicted, being an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Something didn't seem right and the House sought the original audio recording of the interview, but the White House refused to allow it to be made public, with Biden making the stunning assertion of executive privilege based on "privacy" concerns to keep it hidden. Now, thanks to some digging by Judicial Watch, we may (possibly) know why that was done. According to a release from the Justice Department on Friday night, the transcript was altered with various words removed and significant "clean-up" work having been done to it. (You can read the original transcript here.) Transcripts of presidential records are not supposed to be altered. That is made clear in the Presidential Records Act. Of course, this is far from the first time we've seen the Biden administration playing fast and loose with those rules. We have regularly seen this White House "cleaning up" the transcripts of various speeches and press interviews that Joe Biden has done. Sometimes they simply change the words to reflect what Biden had "intended" to say. In other cases, his meandering utterances are simply recorded as "inaudible." Shockingly, Biden's team went even further, claiming that an audio recording could be "altered" using Artificial Intelligence. That's one of the dumbest claims we've heard coming out of this White House since virtually every appearance that he or any other official makes is potentially subject to the same type of hoax. But this situation is far more serious than any campaign speech or press conference. That interview was part of an official record related to an ongoing criminal investigation. It should have been transcribed verbatim and transmitted to the National Archive. This interview is of particular interest since it wound up being the basis for the DoJ failing to pursue charges against Biden while they chose to bring charges against former President Donald Trump for precisely the same alleged misdeeds. (Just as they said "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring charges against Hillary Clinton.) https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/06/02/why-joe-bidens-hur-interview-transcript-was-hidden-n3789485
  11. That Hillary raid on the Capitol was a sight to behold. Thousands of pant-suited women rolling up 100-page position papers to use as battering rams. Kale salads heaved at Capitol Police. "Hang Anthony Weiner" signs everywhere. Still makes me shudder.
  12. Yes, that’s what Trump told us: 2016 Iowa Caucus - Rigged‼️ Emmy Awards - Rigged‼️ 2020 Election - Rigged‼️ Election lawsuits - Rigged‼️ E Jean Carroll trial - Rigged‼️ NY fraud trial - Rigged‼️ NYC criminal trial - Rigged‼️ NYC Courtroom thermostat - Rigged‼️ Hillary:
  13. because if it's not results you like it's clearly a rigged setup? right Hillary?
  14. Remember when Hillary lost and they rioted. Resisted. Spend four years attacking him at every turn?
  15. Donald Trump Was Found Guilty, and Not a Single Mind Has Been Changed By Joe Cunningham I am not exactly breaking news here. Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of... business fraud? Paying off a porn star? Having an affair? We're still not quite sure. Even some legal experts are dumbfounded. There's a claim of fraud, but the only person who seems to have been defrauded was Trump when his lawyer, Michael Cohen, stole tens of thousands of dollars from one of his businesses. Donald Trump had a scumbag for a lawyer and had an affair with a porn star. Congratulations, you convicted Donald Trump of being everything we knew he was personally - a privileged rich guy with poor judgment. Those are a dime a dozen in New York, much less across the rest of the country. But Trump's real crime was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016, and the Democrats will never let that go. Since he won the GOP nomination in 2016, they have tried to put him in prison. Now, eight years later, they got him. Will it impact anything? Hard to tell. Nothing new was really learned from all this, except that you can now buy Trump prison merchandise from both sides of the aisle. I don't want to be too flippant, it's just exhausting. We've seen the poll numbers on whether a conviction will impact how people vote. It's basically a wash. The most recent polling shows nearly an equal number of people are more likely to vote for Trump or Biden based on a conviction, while two-thirds of American voters' decision remains unchanged. If you are more likely to vote for Trump despite the outcome, you were probably going to vote for Trump anyway. If you were more likely to vote for Biden because of the conviction, you were already highly likely to vote for him anyway. I do not think there are many undecided voters at this point. I think there are a lot of people who are going to wash their hands of this foolishness and stay home. I think Trump supporters are more motivated to donate and go out and vote, and I think Biden supporters are more motivated to scream about the polls being wrong when Trump gets a bump from this. https://redstate.com/joesquire/2024/05/31/donald-trump-was-found-guilty-and-not-a-single-mind-has-been-changed-n2174897
  16. Manhattan Jury Finds Former President Guilty in Bookkeeping Case by Victoria Taft Donald Trump was found guilty today of 34 counts of falsifying bookkeeping records. There was already little doubt when this trial began on April 15, 2024, with jury selection that this collection of Manhattanites would find Donald Trump guilty. Manhattan voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020. As the trial dragged on for weeks, keeping the 2024 GOP candidate on the sidelines, it became crystal clear that Judge Juan Merchan was the prosecution's plus-one to this party. Merchan was all-in on the prosecution's confusing, Jenga-like legal theory of the case and did all he could to hold up the rickety superstructure https://pjmedia.com/victoria-taft/2024/05/30/verdict-in-trump-case-n4929403
  17. My favorite part of Trump Administration Part I was him trying and jailing political opponents like Hillary despite getting fun chants about doing so on the campaign trail. Failed fascist.
  18. If only Hillary went to Wisconsin. I am far more aware of this because that happened when 15 days became indefinitely. Trump would have had to go full fascist to stop what was happening. This day is a continuation of the coup of 2020 and another battle in the revolution that started the minute he came down the escalator.
  19. Well this sounds to me like it was an inexperienced Turkish campaign worker/taken out of context/ Deep State AI/ Obamas Birth Certificate/Hillarys Emails. Donald is a blameless, Holy champion of the middle class, God-fearing American.
  20. If I'm Joe I'd be worrying about Hillary sneaking into my bedroom in the middle of the night to smother me with a pillow then declaring herself the party's candidate the next morning.
  21. In Huge Blow to Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, Nevada Supreme Court Rules 7-0 in Favor of Voter ID Ballot Initiative by Cristina Laila The Democrats can’t win unless they cheat which is why they are fiercely fighting to block voter ID laws. Democrat gutter lawyer Marc Elias has filed at least two lawsuits to stop Repair The Vote’s attempt to introduce voter ID laws in Nevada. Marc Elias is best known for his work promoting Hillary Clinton’s fake Russia dossier in 2016 and doing the dirty work for the Democrat machine to make sure there are no voter ID laws. Marc Elias and the corrupt Democrat party took a huge loss on Friday. In a unanimous decision, the Nevada Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of the voter ID ballot initiative https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/huge-blow-hillary-attorney-marc-elias-nevada-supreme/
  22. No, they’ll continue to attack the basis for the armed raid, problems with the investigation, leaks/staged photo shoots, the SC’s untruthful testimony before the court, the egregious mishandling of classified documents in their possession, the new question of documents apparently sent to Trump, and the relative hypocrisy on the handling of classified documents by all other players. As additional documents are unsealed, more will come to light that can be attacked procedurally or in the court of public opinion. I understand hatred of Trump. I never understand people like you running around screaming someone else is in a cult while you dismiss issues with the SC. The SC office controlled everything. There are no fears of running out of money, no limitations on experts, personnel to process data, the ability to manage leaks, photo shoots etc…yet here we are. The best outcome would be to end this debacle, acknowledge the government has played extremely fast and loose with classified documents in control of powerful people, and that for too long they all were above the law. That predated Dopey Joe, Crooked Hillary, Evangelical Mike and Cheeto Dust Don.
  23. She comes from a long line of grifters. Thomas D'Alesandro III Thomas D'Alesandro Jr FBI records released on January 6, 2021 showed D'Alesandro had been the subject of a Special Inquiry investigation in March and April 1961, revealing numerous unsubstantiated allegations of association with criminals in Baltimore. FBI Records: The Vault — Thomas D' Alesandro Jr. Part 01 of 01 JFK asked FBI to investigate Pelosi's father for his Mob connections - Simplelists https://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/18321673-nancy-pelosi-s-father-had-baltimore-mafia-ties While we are talking about shady grifters with ties to organized crime. its hard not to mention HC Hillary Clinton's ties to the MOB | Daily Mail Online
  24. We've already covered that hours ago, so instead of going back to the question that I have already answered yes, could you please answer mine? I'll add another one, has your opinion of how classified documents cases are handled changed since Hillary's servergate??
  25. So disseminating stolen classified documents is fine, and shouldn't be a crime? Remember, we can look back on your opinion of Hillary's server.
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