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  1. https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=16344
  2. Weird. Cigna Responds to Claims That It Excludes White Men in the Hiring Process “Given the hiring practices they have in place where white, male candidates are blocked, regardless of qualifications, I have to say, ‘Yes, there’s obvious discrimination at this company,'” an anonymous employee told the Washington Examiner. An employee also suggested a candidate with years of industry experience, but the hiring manager said the candidate, a white man, could not be interviewed because he did not meet the diversity criteria. Before tibs and company trump trump trumps me...I see all around me - at every level of employment - federal, state, private and entertainment - many black employees, in some cases for instance my local MV, 90% of the employees are black females. Where's the racism?
  3. At your request, Larry: Please list the institution you believe to be racist, and in what ways they are racist.
  4. Sick pedophile who is in favor of anal/oral porn being distributed to kids? BILLSFUK.C
  5. Thoughts? Genuinely want to know why this is wrong from people who would disagree. I’m a millennial so, not far off from his post, but I’m assuming those on the left have rebuttals.
  6. Oh no! Racism running amok! Try not to be so afraid all the time. Here’s a racist for you. Doubt I will find any instances of you condemning her(not that I will look).
  7. Anti white racism too. Not sure how it became ok to only be openly racist towards whites and Jews but here we are
  8. Whats the end goal of this ***t? We have successfully marginalized racism in this country. The few in power are white liberal women that govern places like New York. The BLM and Kapernick movements set it back true progress for decades. Over a thug the entire country agreed should absolutely not be dead turned into “all cops are racist and so is every institution in the country. You are actually all racists. Everyone is racist.” Now everything is forced and not authentic.
  9. It's not accusing Biden of racism, it's actually videos of him being racist. I wouldn't be friends with someone like this let alone vote for him for president
  10. Thank$ for making my point. Are you now saying systemic racism is really just because juries are comprised of humans. What do you and Teddy think about Daniel Perry?
  11. It's what they (have to) do. Because they've lost the "racism!" angle.
  12. ⬆️ Racist. Undoubtedly. Racist.
  13. You left a lot of stuff out too like how all the innocent people in jail were sent up by bad juries as opposed to systemic racism. How did he get out?
  14. Commie shi.t poster report: Frequency of commie race hustler shi.t posting. As we all know a common tactic of the commie shi.t poster is to regularly and flippantly toss out accusations of racism. So who are our most frequent race hustlers at PPP? The data doesn't lie. Mentions of "racism" or "racist" mostly in context of specifically accusing others of being racist: 1. Tib-stain. 613 2. Billsfuk.c 197 3. Quack, MD 90 4. Finding Q. 42 5. Roundy. 26 Analysis: Tib-stain is far and away the TBD race hustling champ, which is a somewhat surprising result. Even more surprising was Roundy coming in dead last among the commie race hustlers that were studied. As we looked deeper into the data, it was noted that Roundy isn't one to outright call someone a racist, instead it relies on insinuating the accusation by using phrases like "you must hate brown people" or something similar. This of course a tactic of the spineless, gutless commie race hustler, not a proud one. Stay tuned for more PPP commie shi.t poster analytics updates.
  15. It's like you forgot the AstroTurf that was the summer of love. The constant narrative the system, cops, and courts were both racist and biased. Lmao. The same system in the same state doesn't do bail and doesn't charge. You and your msm logic.
  16. Ha! Try telling that to the “Anti-Racists”…They believe being racist is the ONLY way to end racism…🤣🤣🤣
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