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  1. Too bad racist a-holes were screaming the N word at Cox. I remember hating Cox but that situation got out of hand.
  2. Earthquakes are homophobic, racist, and xenophobic. So are solar eclipses. What a mess.
  3. You want to keep black people on the democratic plantation. Pretty racist and pathetic.
  4. Roundy... Remember when we joined the pitchfork mob and we turned out to be wrong? How can all you racists not see how morally superior we are?
  5. I'm proud to have my American Staffordshire Terrier. @muppy and I know they are wonderful dogs. Ending the breeding of them is stupid and a mistake. I have been attacked and blood has been drawn by a former roommate's Chihuahua, never from my own dog and my sister's purebred pitties. And those that disagree with Muppy and me, you're being racist. Racism is the demeaning of another based solely on their race/breed.
  6. I would say you can't make that up. But lately it seems to be the norm that the ones trying to play victim , are the racist aggressors.
  7. Are you suggesting that war paint is inherently racist? The trope of using war paint to ironically depict football coaches as brave is offensive to whom exactly? Use your strong mind.
  8. It's not about Gaza/Israel It's not about trans/LGBTQIXYZ+ rights It's not about racism/DEI/BLM It's not about climate change It's not about Ukraine. The issue is NEVER the issue. The issue is ALWAYS the revolution. Thus It's inevitable that they will eat their own.
  9. The shooter traveled hundreds of miles to specifically shoot black people. That is a racist crime. This is a fact. Take your “all lives matter” nonsense and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
  10. Which take is this I’m defending again? I fully believe most of the hysteria surrounding the southern border is driven by racism. It’s has always been so. That’s why I get angry at policies like what Trump proposes because it SOLVES NOTHING and ultimately hurts the country.
  11. And if you don't parrot the proper narrative? Racist.
  12. So the Mexicans are racist against themselves? Got it. Do u have any original thoughts or do u just regurgitate everything you hear from your faaaarrr left talking points?
  13. Systemic racism can be identified and articulated. The answer would not be a question. In fact. If anything your trying to imply racial biases are systemic racism. Proving you don't really grasp a topic your yelling about. Again. None of your examples are even in the same sphere as systemic racism
  14. Newsflash. Most of our forefathers were unabashed racists. So when do we tear down the Lincoln Memorial? But before you do, please first keep lecturing us about systemic racism and how our country has made zero advances on the issue of equality for all. Our 16th President Abraham Lincoln said... I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality ... I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.
  15. So who's getting that racist Twitter feed and then reposting here? Not me.
  16. I suggested that a mindless racist might create such a profile of "an Indian man."
  17. I'll start. Trump said neo nazis and white nationalists in Charlottesville were very fine people. Great story, makes a fine yarn to bolster the racist Trump narrative. Sucks for useful idiots that it never happened.
  18. So much racism on social media right now. You can't make that up. That quick half of Twitter is saying the same thing.
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