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  1. Racism like systemic racism? Or racial biases? Feels more like hate in all forms is high.
  2. He can shove his racist bvllshit up his jazz. Typical leftie.....Everyone is. RACIST RACIST RACIST, with no evidence whatsoever.
  3. ⬆️ Speaking of useful idiot morons. However there's another thread for it. RACISTS!! TRUMP and RACISTS!! PEOPLE WHO HATE BROWN PEOPLE ABOUND!!!
  4. Re: 2 - you are burying your head in the sand if you can watch what’s happening at our southern border and declare it’s a matter of racism. Re: 4 - you will probably learn one day that there is value in putting your money where your mouth is. It’s a matter of credibility. If all you can do is babble on and call other people racists what’s the point?
  5. The eclipse is racist. So is jogging, Mary Poppins, wives and reaction gifs. Anything under the sun can be or will be racist. Except Joe Biden's racist comments. Those can never be racist.
  6. What a racist *****. What a mess.
  7. “..For women, DEI probably looks like a plus. For Black men, DEI is a huge source of systemic racism that didn’t need to happen.”
  8. He's right, but, OF COURSE, the haters will be like.......... "RACIST, NAZI" 🤣
  9. WELL, MSNBC: MSNBC regular cites Clarence Thomas’s white wife in racist rant. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/3018411/liberal-media-scream-msnbc-regular-cites-clarence-thomass-white-wife-in-racist-rant/ .
  10. Dems creating systemic racist systems all over. While calling others racist (that iron law).
  11. No, and I think you're an idiot. Call me racist, pretty please, you clown.
  12. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A THREAD TO DEBATE THE MVP AND WHO IT SHOULD BE. It is about is there a better way to conduct voting than just one vote at the end of the year. MVP voting is entirely too reliant on RECENCY BIAS and also heavily favors QB's. Games down the stretch too strongly sway votes. Not saying there isn't extra value in coming up big in say big games late in the season, because there is, but its too skewed to right now where voting is too impacted by the most recent games. For example - Lamar is the clear front runner to win because him and the Ravens had their 2 best games down the stretch beating the Niners and Miami (1 seed NFC and then 2 seed AFC) decisively in back to back weeks. They got hot at the right time, especially to help Lamar's MVP case even though the rest of the season wasn't as good as he was in those 2 games. On the flip side, Lamars big 2 weeks started against both Purdy and McCaffrey who had their own MVP cases but both are completely out of the race even though you can make a case that both Purdy and McCaffrey had better seasons than Lamar. Had this game took place say week 3, then Purdy and CMC might very well be in the thick of the race as would potentially other players considering Lamars overall season wasn't as good as his final 2 games played. So here is what I think would be a better way to do this: Season long MVP voting or scoring system Rather than have voters wait until the season ends to vote where the only thing fresh in their minds are the most recent showings, they should award points to candidates as the season progresses. I have 2 different ideas on how to do this...one pretty simple and straight forward, and one little more complex and interesting. First and simplest one: Vote for MVP every week starting after week 4. Only the players receiving top 10 votes receiver points Each player receiving votes will recieve points based on that vote. First place votes are worth 10, amount, 2nd place 9, and so on. Recognizing that late season games often are more important, have more at stake, more pressure etc as teams jockey for playoffs and seeding, you can weight the scoring on those weeks a little higher. Starting week 15 votes carry increased value - say something from 125% to 150% scoring value. Alternate - Maybe only the last vote carries more value say double points (200%) All votes remain sealed until the end of the season, so no one knows where the votes are to avoid influencing late season voting. Player who accumulates the most points from the voting process by season end will be MVP. In the event of a tie then CO-MVP's or let the NFL players vote amongst the tied players and person with most votes wins. NOTE: If you still want some additional weight or value for late season votes where maybe the games are bigger and more important Second one: Season long scoring system where you score the players every 3 weeks (6 times). Each voter lists their top 10 players of that 3 week period who were at an MVP level. They then score each player based on their performances. This would probably include some fixed scoring and opinion based scoring Fixed scoring examples: Win = 1 point, 0 points for a loss, .5 points for big game in a losing effort Opinion scoring example: MVP Score per game - 0.0 to 3.0 based on how you feel they played each game. Huge game maybe its a 2.9 or 3.0. Slow first half but big second half maybe its 2.2. Maybe that second half included some critical game winning play and that gets bumped up to a 2.4 or 2.6 for example. You can make the scoring as simple as this or as complex as you want with lots of scoring categories. But at the end of the day, what really matters is that there is a season long tally that will help determine who had the best season and should be the MVP of the league. Again, these scores remain sealed until the end of the season so voters don't feel compelled to try and sway voting in any one period. At the end of the season, the players finish the MVP race based on total scoring. In the event of a tie, you the NFL players vote on the tied finalist with most votes being MVP or you could simply have Co-MVPs in a tie as well. Personally, this would be better than just asking a bunch of voters to vote once the season is over where recency bias weighs to heavy. Plus, with a fair scoring system, this might actually give players OTHER than QB's a better chance to win MVP.
  13. Coming soon, a look into a favorite term of the shi.t poster: Racist. Any guesses as to which shi.t poster prefers to flippantly toss out the racist accusation like no other? The results may be surprising.....
  14. Yep, just a daughter-showering-with, child-sniffing, access-selling, plagiarizing, racist alternative.
  15. Would black on black crime be considered racism to you? For the record, I hope the tops shooter burns in hell.
  16. i don't know why they don't just overtly state that they are racist....oh, wait
  17. So roundy is in fact an illiterate racist commie. As an anti-communist Jesse Kelly clearly said being CALLED a racist by communists like roundy means nothing to him. And it shouldn't. It's a marxist tactic to project. It's an iron law. It's precisely why I don't care that roundy, an actual racist, calls everyone it disagrees with a racist. You want complete validation that you're not a racist? Have roundy call you a racist.
  18. It. Was. A. Racist. Attack. How can you not admit this? How is this difficult?
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