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  1. Why Bud Light went all in on trans and why boycotting won't help. CEI scores. Corporations have been beholden to these commies for decades. It has nothing to do with actually being behind the trans movement, the trans movement is simply a tool that if promoted in your face enough, will continue tearing the country apart faster. Rest assured if commies ever take full control, homosexuals and trans people will be among the first groups persecuted. It's going to get much worse folks. Wake up.
  2. Did she use the word fight? Is the white house press secretary responsible for trans violence? By commie rules? Yes, yes she is.
  3. Commies are fully aware that they're hypocrites and are intellectually dishonest. It's a feature, not a bug.
  4. You don't need to make it up when you realize that our government institutions are infested with commies and those who support them.
  5. So as nearly everyone, including many Trump hating democrats, are laughing at this ridiculous indictment what are TDSers like @nedboy7 doing? Warning us about the NEXT coming political indictment. Commies to their core.
  6. Cities and deep blue areas. The commies own them. Get out yesterday.
  7. They came right out in the open with this during my diversity training in corporate America about 15 years ago. The HR leader was asked a scenario where if they had two candidates for a mid level management position, one a white male, the other a minority, woman etc. The two candidates were close in qualifications and experience but the white male was clearly a step above in all metrics and a superior candidate. The HR rep didn't hesitate, they're hiring the minority or woman every single time in that situation. Now even 15 years ago I wasn't shocked at all by this reality, but I was shocked that she'd admit it out in the open in front of 50 people. Today she'd likely be fired if she didn't admit this out in the open and the guy who posed the scenario would certainly be shown the door as well. Commies and those who support them. They're everywhere.
  8. Paying a foreign national to whip up a phony dossier to interfere in the 2016 election and hide it in your books as legal expenses? Well golly gee that's different!! Never change commies. @ChiGoose long ago proved he has zero credibility. Everything involving clear dem malfeasance and criminal behavior he just hand waves away by talking in circles. A commie through and through.
  9. Again for the commies. Point to me the movement of scantily clad hetero men and women needing to dance and gyrate in front of kindergarteners and first graders? You can't. But keep up with the strawmen. I've been to drag shows, you're right it's no big deal, because I'm an ADULT.
  10. And the commie failsafe....deflection. never gets old. The guy who says he's on board with strippers and trannies gyrating in front of 5 and 6 year olds. Who's the pedo? Look in the mirror.
  11. Easiest route to voter fraud. One of the very few bi partisan points of universal agreement. Until something magically changed in November 2020. Sane people: voting should be easy to do, hard to cheat Commies: voting should be easy to do, easy to cheat. Vote early vote often baby!
  12. Says the Constitution. Cue the commies who will put on repeat "the rule of law" and "saving our democracy" while simultaneously shitt ing on the constitution.
  13. This trans stuff goes hand in hand with the commies. Just think of all the patently absurd crap they've demanded that you accept in recent years.
  14. That rice adjunct crap was never in my fridge in the first place. Example #1002 of the commie take over.
  15. That's the key word that no longer applies. Old. It's a uniparty fully infiltrated by marxists in all institutions. The illusion of two sides D vs. R is a distraction. There's only one side and it's got a stranglehold. Commies and anti-commies are the two sides.
  16. All the left has is projection. As the evidence ramps up of a larger and larger commie police state brought to you by todays democrat party, they forever lose any chance at the R vote and lose a greater portion of indys. Now they will also of course do all they can to continue to rig/fortify elections in the future as well. That's where the national divorce comes in. This all gets much worse from here as history tells us.
  17. Yup. the commies have been at it on the grass roots level for DECADES. It's not going to change overnight no matter who wins the White House in 2024.
  18. Even if that's their strategy, it won't work with whatever activist judge is presiding. It will be slow walked only to the extent that it fits the prosecution/commie timeline to keep the trial in the news cycle.
  19. 24/7 hair on fire media if this was a dem Congress critter saying that Eric Trump is under suspicion of sending classified docs to foreigners. What about principles? Commies have none.
  20. The entire Russia narrative was made up out of whole cloth. Arguing with commies who still think it's actually real is pointless.
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