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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. For years I thought they were singing, "Gee our old salary rent rate". I couldn't figure out what the hell they were talking about, maybe the cost of living?
  2. There's going to be a vacuum in the wing of the Democratic party that advocates making dueling legal again.
  3. Maybe he just meant that she should turn over while he closed his eyes.
  4. He'll be appearing on next weeks episode of "Lost".
  5. I don't see how you can interpret a 51-48% split among voters as not being divided. It's now up to Bush and Congress to propose moderately conservative policies to bridge the gap. If they continue to move to the far right on issues, it will continue to polarize the country instead of bringing it together. It may turn out to be what the slight majority of voters wants, but it will not bring unity among the majority of Americans overall.
  6. That's where so many of us differ. I don't just want things done, I want things that will work for our long term benefit done. So far I disagree with the effectiveness of what has been done regarding many issues, and whether it was the best option. We shall see.
  7. Maybe some people never make it out of Purgatory. Or that's just their physical form, while their spirit is what leaves Purgatory Island. If anyone misses an episode, ABC has been replaying them on Sat. nights.
  8. Maybe he was just trying to get your sizes to buy you something from Victoria's Secret.
  9. ICE, at this point it's pretty much out of our hands until the next election. All we can do is sit back and see if Bush delivers on his promises to make us safer, clean up the mess in Iraq, stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, stimulate the economy to create more well paying jobs, reduce the deficit, make us less dependent on oil, improve education, reduce health care costs while providing for more people, protect our civil rights, and secure our borders, to name a few. If he can deliver then great, if not then we're in trouble.
  10. They may if it was combined with a final agreement on a Palestinian state. Until it is tried we'll never know. Somebody has to be the first one to stop retaliating. Alot will depend on who becomes the spokeperson for Palestinians post-Arafat, will it be a moderate or an extremist.
  11. Isn't it the philosophy of supply side economics that increased tax revenue from increased business makes up for the loss of income from lower taxes? It will be a good test of that theory.
  12. But it's not really accurate regarding county population sizes. It would look alot more blue if it was sized proportional to the populations in those counties, just as it does when it's done on a map of the state's electoral votes. It does point out the clear differences between urban and rural counties.
  13. I think Edwards was chosen because he was second to Kerry in the primaries, and it was a move to energize the Democratic party and keep it united, more than to appeal to voters outside the party. I think the party may have splintered a bit if Edwards wasn't picked, but Bob Graham would have been more crediable on foreign policy vs Cheney, and he may have made a difference in Florida.
  14. McNabb Portis, McAllister R Wayne, Moulds E Johnson Vinateri Giants vs Chi
  15. I'm starting to think that the moth was like the Holy Spirit or a Guardian Angel. And that Sawyer is like the devil, tempting people to do bad, and testing them to see if they deserve to go to Heaven. The island may end up being Purgatory, where you have to prove that you deserve to go to Heaven after given a second chance. Maybe the ones that died in the Rosen were already clearly going to Heaven or Hell, so they went right away.
  16. Who used a bed in high school? We still had drive-in movies back then. I've never seen her again, and along with some other girlfriends has always wondered how she turned out and what she looks like now. Has anyone had the experience of meeting an old girlfriend 10-20 years after last seeing her?
  17. Well now at least I'll be able to hear you in Syracuse in my car driving to work when the weather conditions are correct to pick up WGR (about a third of the time). I did listen to you today. But I will miss your postgame insight on the Bills radio broadcasts. Start working towards getting a show on Sirius satellite radio.
  18. I was going steady with a girl I worked with at Sears (I was stockroom, she was children's dept.) in my senior year of high school and through the summer after graduation. Her father had died a few years earlier in a house fire. I went to college out of town and we kept the relationship going long distance (being the naive youth I was). I had met a girl at college my first couple weeks there, and we really liked each other, but I told her I still had a girlfriend back home I cared about so we stopped hanging out with each other. A couple months later I got the "Dear John" letter. She had started going out with the guy at Sears who was hired to replace me, and who I had trained. It turned out that her mother had died from a heart attack and she and her two sisters were now without both parents, and she needed a shoulder to cry on. I met with her one last time to try to get her back, but it was too late. And by that time the girl I had met at college was going out with someone else. It still hurts when I think about it all these years later.
  19. I'm 6'3" 235lbs. and the XL fits fine, you might want to try a large. The XL might go down to your knees.
  20. They don't say it isn't an issue, they say that is shouldn't be a major issue because it doesn't adversely affect their own marriages. They've just been told that it does. We have a 50% divorce rate already. There's a group of people who want to get married, and they're the ones who are being denied.
  21. What size are you? I bought a Losman XL at the stadium during the preseason, and they had different sizes. I figured I should get a guy who will be with the team for at least a couple of years. And then the next week he broke his leg.
  22. What adverse effect do you think gay marriage has on others as opposed to them just living together?
  23. I'm pouring an alcoholic beverage and turning off the television. I've had enough of talking heads. I'm not watching the national news anymore or listening to talk radio. I'm going to see what it's like to be like the half of the nation who stays uninformed and doesn't worry about big issues. Let me know if I miss anything important in the next 4 years.
  24. I'm not trying to spin anything, it's just a fact that the southern Republicans would have won even if Bush lost.
  25. Are you available for the next four years for daily kicks, 'cause that's what it will take.
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