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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. Other than the enema drink, it was embarrassing having the young nurse in there with the doctor. Then afterward you have to clean the lubricant off your butt while they're still in the room.
  2. You give the impression that you disagree with Bush and believe that the majority of Iraqis are against U.S. occupation and don't want us to stay. You must also have disagreed when Bush said we needed to be sensitive to the concerns of Muslims by not damaging the occupied mosque last month. I guess Bush is being "too sensitive" for your taste by not turning Iraq into a parking lot.
  3. If Buchanan felt so strongly about the lack of a conservative voice in the issue debate, he should have ran for president himself this year. To complain at this point but say Kerry is no better doesn't really change the dynamics of the debate or the election.
  4. I wouldn't say you deliberately lied, I would say you misrepresented the truth based on incomplete information to fit your agenda (kind of like Bush and Iraq). I ask that you watch the ad in full, and then tell us if you think the soldier is surrendering, or holding his weapon and arms up to keep them from sinking into the quicksand.
  5. You saw one frame out of a video on Drudge, which you would know if you watched the whole video does not give the impression of a soldier surrendering, he looks down and around at the quicksand he's sinking in. And it is a fact that our soldiers have been put into a quagmire, which is certainly a reason to be disgusted with Bush. And I suspect we'll be seeing more families speaking up about it, like the mother of a dead soldier who was dragged out of a Laura Bush rally and arrested because she dared to ask why her son was sent to Iraq and was killed.
  6. And this is any different than when Clinton (who didn't have the advantage of a rich family) was accused of being a draft dodger by going to school in England? What goes around comes around.
  7. Democracy has been great for the poppy plant growers, they're growing and exporting more of the paste used to make heroin than when the Taliban was in charge. Capitalism is a great thing when left unchecked.
  8. If Kerry follows Bush's example, then he'll release them when he's running for reelection in 4 years after he's compelled to by a court order.
  9. Actually it was Texas. That little thing about not showing up and getting certified in Alabama prevented that.
  10. How about: Frivolous lawsuits (as long as it's not their family that was injured) "I" will protect America (when are they going to pick up a gun and fight?) Tax and spend (how else do you pay for it?) Faith-based initiatives (as long as it's the faiths they believe in) Hollywood elitists (as opposed to elitists in any other city) Partisan politics (what other kind is there?) Smear campaign (like only one side does it)
  11. I don't really consider that an upset, San Diego is better than they get credit for. How about the Giants over Washington, that wouldn't suprise me.
  12. Only when my wife is telling me where to drive. It's the sport edition in Inferno Red and has a spoiler on the back, so it's relatively manly.
  13. I have a 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan and the easy access and ability to add/remove seats makes it very versitile. You can go from carrying up to 7 adults to removing the seats and carrying sheets of plywood. The new models are even better in that the seats fold down into the floor, and you have the option of bucket or bench seats. Prior to that I had a Ford Windstar which had a nice interior but the engine was horrible. The head gasket had to be replaced twice within two years, and I had to fight with the regional reps to get them payed for. A coworker had the same thing happen to his Windstar while on vacation.
  14. You've never heard of the Pew Research Center, where have you been? My point is that you can't really trust any of the polls to be accurate since they fluctuate weekly, but if the Bush supporters want to be overconfident, that's great.
  15. I've always liked Biden, and he has been mentioned as a candidate for Secretary of State or Defense in the Kerry administration.
  16. In the latest national survey of 1,972 registered voters by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted in two waves over a seven-day period Sept. 8-14, finds that the president's 52%-40% advantage in the initial period dissipated in the polling conducted Sept. 11-14. The second wave of interviewing shows the race even among registered voters, at 46%-46%. When the sample is narrowed to likely voters, Bush holds a statistically insignificant lead of 47%-46% in the second wave, down from the huge 54%-39% advantage he held in the first wave of interviews. But feel free to be overconfident and complacent. If Bush supporters perceive they have the election wrapped up, perhaps some won't show up to vote.
  17. You haven't seen the ad, yet you're trying to tell us what it depicts. I saw the ad yesterday, it doesn't show a soldier with his hands in the air like he's surrendering, it ends with a soldier holding his rifle over his head as he starts to sink into the sand up to his waist, overlayed with the word "Quagmire". A painful but truthful ad with a symbolic visual that really hits home.
  18. I'd go with McNair, it will be a close game with Indy and he'll need to throw more than he did against Miami. Plus he can scramble, unlike Drew. And I'd play Griffin, he'll get more carries than Dillon.
  19. No, but our defense is often used as a political tool. One needs only look at all the porkbarrel defense projects that get approved. The building of ships in Mississippi in Trent Lott's district that were not needed by the Navy, and the fights that go on over the recommendations of the Base Closing commission come to mind. It would not be a stretch to think that assets being moved to a state that's in play from one that's not has political considerations in mind.
  20. You say it's a simple task, and then you accuse me of simplifying the issue? Please. Yes the gov't takes in money, but right now is spending more than it takes in, with no call to reduce spending. Therefore the only alternative to paying for what we spend is to raise taxes. And where the money is appropriated makes a difference. I'd rather spend a small portion of the $200+ billion going to Iraq on our Child Welfare services.
  21. Well Bush does have Georgia wrapped up, so why not try to win Washington by creating some military support jobs before the election. I just hope that in the next 4 years we won't be again saying, 'Remember the Maine'.
  22. You mean the tax cut plan that would increase funding for children's services and education by reversing some of the Bush tax cuts? I'm all for it. In fact why stop at $200k, I say roll them all back to what they were under Clinton. We did quite well with them.
  23. Probably because someone in the administration who is tired of listening to Bush paint a rosey picture of Iraq has a conscience and leaked it. And don't look for any names anytime soon, we're still waiting for the name of who leaked Joe Wilson's wife's identity to Novak.
  24. Child welfare is a simple task? I find it hard to believe that you don't value children's welfare. There are more important things in life than tax cuts.
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