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Everything posted by PastaJoe

  1. They've all been strong lately, but looking at the matchups I was leaning towards Alexander and Pittman. I'm worried that Droughns may be shutdown by the Chargers this week.
  2. Pick 2 of these: Sean Alexander vs Dallas, Reuben Droughns vs San Diego, Dominick Davis vs NYJets , Michael Pittman vs Atlanta.
  3. Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is the likely choice to head the federal Homeland Security Department during President George W. Bush's second term, according to sources close to Homeland Security officials. Kerik would replace Tom Ridge, the first head of the department, who on Tuesday announced his intention to resign once a successor is in place. Kerik, 49, served as police commissioner for 16 months during 2000 and 2001 and gained national prominence during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He previously was city corrections commissioner. After leaving the police post, he undertook a mission for the Bush administration to help train Iraqi police. He earned his spurs as a Bush political loyalist by delivering a prime-time speech praising the president during the Republican convention and campaigning for him in the fall. Speculation about a move to Washington increased recently when Kerik sold $5-million worth of stock in Taser, the stun-gun manufacturer. The White House declined to comment on the appointment last night.
  4. I assume he'll be back the next time they have a Tournament of Champions. I wonder how much of his winnings he'll be giving to the Mormons. "Alex, I'd like another 5 wives for $2000".
  5. I'm giving it until July. If things don't improve I'll be pulling out the "Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy" bumper sticker. Until then I'm trying not to worry about politics. Like an airline passenger flying through a storm, I couldn't change flights, so it's in the pilot's hands now.
  6. She's only 23, that's only a 9 year difference. She's almost a teenager herself. Kids his age are going to the movies seeing girls her age get it on in teen flicks like American Pie. Oh to be 14 again.
  7. I was the pitcher/manager of a softball team at work. At the bar afterwards one of the players called me papajoe because I was like the father figure. Another guy said I should be called pastajoe because I'm a big eater. Somehow it's stuck after almost 20 years. And I'm not even a fat Italian, I'm 6'3", 235lbs. and Polish.
  8. But be careful going through a carwash, they might run up and try to baptize you.
  9. Actually I've been waiting for something to go right. Still waiting.
  10. They're afraid to until they get the gay marriage ban approved in all states.
  11. I took my Kerry stickers off my car over the weekend. I still see some with Bush stickers, what's up with them?
  12. Of course civilians are going to be fighting Bin Laden and the Chinese in the city streets with handguns and rifles.
  13. It's all just a big joke to you people that the gap between the haves and have nots increases while the middle class gets squeezed. Keep shopping at Walmart and saving your few precious dollars at the expense of domestic jobs. I'll keep boycotting them and paying more for American made products while they're still available and I still have a salary that allows me to.
  14. Well they did open another Walmart superstore a few miles from where I live, so I guess there are more jobs being created. Too bad they pay less, require people with families to work nights and weekends and be away from their children when they're home, and force vendors to increase importing products made by cheap overseas labor, as opposed the the high paying manufacturing jobs that have left the area in the past couple of years. But yeah, there are more jobs. Just don't look at the details, concentrate on the price of stocks that the majority of us don't have enough of to live off the dividends, and yeah, the economy is doing great.
  15. Anyone who does that should be locked up, regardless of why they did it. But I always find it funny that the the people that do the most flag waving and talking about how we should proactively spread democracy around the world are the first ones to complain when someone protests against people or policies they support. If the cause is just and the reasons can be justified, it should be able to withstand the scrutiny of opposition debate and protest. It's natural to not like to be challenged, but that's democracy. This isn't a theocracy, yet.
  16. But could Clinton run for Vice President?
  17. Wow, it takes all weekend to recover from the experience? I'm impressed.
  18. Any placekickers or linemen that can help the Bills?
  19. Did you tell him in advance that you don't stand for guys going through your drawers?
  20. I think Jenna is going to plump up in a few years. She might already have some cottege cheese on the back of her legs.
  21. Given this Congress' last few trips to the trough, I expect we'll see the tax cuts but not the spending reductions. Especially since Bush didn't veto any of the spending increases in his first term.
  22. He could have just as easily said, "I earned a credit card in the campaign - America's credit card - and now I intend to spend it"
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