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Everything posted by otisly00

  1. I'd say if you read his two posts in the flow of the conversation (not independently) as I was, I would classify that as 'spazzing out' with the reprimanding "neanderthalic....why in god's name...this is NOT...this is NOT...etc etc". The issue is dead, but if more of us put the patronizers in place, maybe the board would be a little more enjoyable. I still believe questioning one's intelligence level on a football board is pretty ridiculous...
  2. Your last two posts may be the most ridiculous things I've ever read. You are one of the problems with this board and why I along with many others choose not to read or interact on stadiumwall. If you don't like the way someone writes, so be it. Don't read it and don't respond to it. There are hundreds of other threads that you can participate in. I imagine the majority of the posters don't come here to get quizzed on grammar or the english dictionary, mistakes which many of you like to point out (i.e. this thread). When i'm making a comment i shouldn't have to worry about going back to re-read my comments to double check for grammatical errors. yes those "i's" were left lowercase on purpose and I didn't capitalize the "y". Did it make it harder for you to understand what i was saying? This is a Buffalo Bills message board. I'm sick of reading in every single thread someone spazzing out and getting on someon's a$$ about grammar, apostrophes, or whether a thread was started 3 pages ago. This board keeps getting worse and worse every week and ends up in more discussion about pointless and useless topics. The moderators should be doing a better job keeping discussions to BILLS FOOTBALL which is what this is supposed to be. It's less than a month until the season starts, and posters like you perpetuate arguments around stupid sh--. "U"don't like to read 'text language'. Well, I don't like to read your long parenting-like responses and completely ruining a great topic - talking about the performance of our 1st round draft pick, whom we essentially traded Jason Peters for. It's an exciting and debatable topic. Now please keep the patronizing to yourself and remember this is a BUFFALO BILLS FOOTBALL message board, not an avenue for you to push your written word/english language/mommy-daddy B.S.
  3. is anyone really surprised by this: "8:09 PM: Bell continues to put in solid work; he did a nice job picking up Kawika Mitchell on a blitz, then completely shut down Chris Kelsay. Eric Wood continues to (more than) hold his own against Marcus Stroud. Drayton Florence is now taking first-team reps at cornerback."
  4. these are old, but just fell across them. kind of funny (only need to watch first 30 secs):
  5. I disagree about his hands, he has had his fair share of drops in recent years. However, I think our brain challenged offensive minds have vastly underutilized his abilities. Last year I dont recall many screens, flare outs, revereses, end arounds etc with Roscoe. 2 years ago he took that flare pass against the Jets 50 yards for a TD, he had another great TD on a screen pass called back on a penalty, along with a few other solid plays showcasing his ability. At this point, how does Roscoe come back after we dangled his name out for trade offers? He is probably done with B'Lo now too, and b/c our insufficient front office thought we could get more for him, we'll probably end up with a 5th rounder that will be sure not to produce - based on our recent draft success with this same front office. yes i'm bitter. not quite sure how losing 4 out of 5 of our O Line starters (including Langston since he's moving to LT), Greer, Crowell, - maybe Roscoe - and not paying Freddie, all to sign TO, backup G for Carolina, Drayton Florence, Rhodes, and Fitzpatrick is making this offseason a success. yes its still early, but it sure doesnt look good.
  6. I think they did ok with Kevin Everett.
  7. I would LOVE to get Heyward Bey. Dude is a stud, i live in DC and went to UMD so i might not be the most objective, but seriously, dude is a serious deep threat. he is a bigger version of Roscoe Parrish with hands. I'm on the DE/DT/LB in 1st round then if Bey is available in 2nd round grab him. our offense blows - obviously. but something tells me our FO will be happy going in with steve johnson/hardy fighting for 3rd spot.
  8. In. Where does dick live? we shall put it near his drive to OBD so he has to see it everyday he drives to work.
  9. Ask the Ravens and Falcons how bad it was to 'blow' up their team in the off season. I dont think i need to list the number of conservative, idiotic, dumb, stupid, did i mention idiotic play calls (i dont care who called them, DJ has final say) were made this year. Jets, Browns game are 2 great examples. The guy is clueless on game day, period.
  10. lets be real here, Dick Jauron would NOT be cursing at JP after watching the film. That would mean he showed a hint of emotion and sounded like he cared about losing.
  11. agree, whats the point of JP starting anyways? we are out of the playoffs, we arent resigning him, and our offense has put up 6 pts in 2 games. See what you have in Hamden...see if he would be a reliable backup for the future.
  12. Point taken. But it is disturbing that Ralph puts ZERO onus on the coaching staff. Whether it is in game preparation, schemes, in game adjustments, 'on the fly' changes or even going into the off season in player evaluations (who is responsbile for putting the players on the field). We all know DJ is conservative, but he sure is pretty GD stubborn too. Simplest example - in his PC he was asked why he keeps deferring after we keep giving up opening game drives for pts or major field position holes, and he answsers "well, we still get the same amt of possesions as the other team, barring a TO, right? So, we just believe in deffering here, and thats what we'll do". Or the throwing on 1st or 2nd and goal possessions week after week. I think it was also suggested somewhere else within the org to try a no-huddle to bring some life into our 'lifeless' O, and that goes against his t.o.p. beliefs. I think that was from CBrown. Lastly - if we DONT have the talent Ralph - then maybe your cash to cap philosophy isnt working.
  13. Everyone likes to beat up Mort for his backhanded jabs against the Bills...and I think some of us believe its a jab at Ralph (when he talks about Smith/Butler running away as soon as they could)....maybe he has gotten some good nuggets from Butler/Smith/TD in the past about Ralphie and they way he runs the orginazation. What is a player suppossed to think when he hears his owner say 'we dont have the talent'? That is just ridiculous, how does he face that locker room after the game?
  14. Royal dropped one too....but drops happen every game. Our problems run too deep...and our red zone offense is the first place to start. I thought after the past couple weeks 'throwing' within the 5 yard line instead of running Marshawn (and turning it over, or settling for a FG), might have been reversed...but 1st and goal from the 3 or 5 or whatever today, and we throw again? ML has knack for the end zone...and he has knack for getting the tough yards...drives me crazy. I hate the 3 year coaching carousels we do, but our team is so uninspired and unprepared. CB has some very interesting 'hints' in his gameday blog i just read....he was semi back door attacking/blaming DJ for his lack of adjustments, open to change, and willingness to listen to suggestions from coaches/players.
  15. maybe Mort really is on to something...but he doesnt dare speak about what he 'knows'. Maybe he has gotten great nuggets from Butler/Smith/TD, but doesnt dare speak against Ralph b/c of possible repercussions.
  16. Oh, gee, that was all that happened the past 7 games? The balls hit our 10 other guys in the hands/arms/chest b/c our coaches put them in that position? Shoot, I must have been watching the wrong game. Your insight into our problems is....well...I dont know what it is.
  17. I disagree. You come to the Bills with NOTHING to live up to...we have the longest playoff drought in the NFL. We dont want a Super Bowl (yes we do..), we just want a freaking winning record and a playoff berth. We have young talent, we have passionate fans, and we have a media that will drool over and suck up to a new coach...not nitpick everything (for the first year or two at least..). The questions that are asked of DJ after games just amazes me....someone call him out or asking him something besides "how much of what happened was dictated by your opponent" blah blah blah.
  18. Good coaches put their players in positions to win games. They scheme, they motivate...teams take on their coaches personalities. I dont know if you have played sports before or not, but if you did I'm sure you can see this as well whether it was HS or college. Look at the past x amount of Super Bowls...the coaches you'll come across - belichicks, cohwer, fox, dungy, andy reid, mike holmgram, jeff fishers, parcells, etc etc. You point me in the direction of a sh!tty coach who took his team deep in the playoffs.
  19. Big Ben - yes. how many throws a game did he average, 11? their running game, OL, and defense were the best in the league. Marino - 26 years ago. Matt Ryan - yes, he is playing great. Flacco - managing a weak schedule with a dominant defense who scores at least once a week. They have beat 2 teams with winning records - Dolphins and Iggles. 2 wins over bengals, browns, 1 over raiders and texans. Peyton, Eli, Favre, Kerry Collins, Cutler, Romo, Delhomme, Garcia, Warner - none of whom blew up the NFL in their first couple seasons. Cutler is probably the quickest to develop.
  20. I'll take Trent Edwards over all of them. Give the kid a break...how many QB's step in and carry their teams to the playoffs in their first 20 starts? I think we have seen enough flashes of good quarterbacking to give him some time to develop. lets see how he plays these last 4 weeks, then talk about next year. Maybe our WR's not getting open really is a problem for our QB's? I cant see the whole field of play, but the announcers seemed to be ragging on our WR's for not getting open all day yesterday. And again, maybe its our play calling, who knows.
  21. I'm always a half glass full guy; but our 4 game losing streak was mainly the result of horrible turnovers. I think the players know that, as most comments have suggested the losses are from them shooting themselves in the foot. We dominated the Jets in the 1st half - I really dont think we'll be scared going into NY IF we are on a 3 game winning streak. If we can win this week at home, coupled with a few more losses in the AFC (NE @ Pitt is one) that helps our WC shots, the Miami game in Toronto will be a great one. Getting by San Fran, and getting a few more of our starters back - Whitner, Scott, Schobel (??), and maybe Greer for the stretch run could be a good thing. It seems we have finally learned that we need to run the ball to set up our passing game...FINALLY.
  22. agree. Greer has outplayed McGee the previous 2 years. Leo had a great game today; but like we say 'dont judge a young kid on one or two bad games' we cant get overly excited and convinced he is the next coming of Champ after one good game against tyler thigpen.
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