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Everything posted by otisly00

  1. Roscoe, Hardy, Marshawn. I'm guilty of being behind the wheel times when I should not have been; but if I'm making millions, I know the commish is tough as nails now on bad behavior, and I'm always living in a fish bowl, keep your noses clean and ears to the ground. Hardy is a rook, so maybe his ordeal was an eye opener, but IF ML was driving - why dude? 330 am, hit-n-run? Get a taxi, hire a driver, something. Odell Thurman must be clinically insane. he gave up milliions for smokin a lil gange
  2. Youboty and a 4th for Jurevicious. They signed Stallworth, have Braylon and Kellen already. We should try and finagle Joe "hands" Jurevicious from them. We all know we need big possesion receivers....
  3. actually you are correct. i think JP should retire and sit next to Bledsoe. you got me pegged!
  4. i think you're a douchebag. can you pick stocks like you pick win/loss records?
  5. Go to the whitner 97 rock interview thread and listen to it. he is going to take hardy under his wing and mentor him as they have grown up in similar situations. lets hope this helps....since hardy seems to know he needs to 'tighten his circle'. Can this hardy incident not be looked into anymore? it has been beaten to death, and its over with. Until he gets arrested or has charges against him, lets talk about football instead of what-ifs.
  6. I hope when we blow them out the last game of the year it is our 10th or 11th win of the season, not our 7th. B/c then i could give two sh!ts about blowing Brady out. And...there's the set.....
  7. Peter King from CNNSI wrote about this in a recent MMQB, i believe about a month or so ago. He doesnt think that it will ever get close to an uncapped year, there are so many technicalities that would prevent it. heres the link http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...abor/index.html
  8. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=6085 He's saying the right things, maybe it was a misunderstanding maybe it wasnt. Sounds like he's learned his lesson living in an NFL fishbowl, so let's all get behind Hardy and hope he puts out 50, 800 and 6TD's!!
  9. I agree with your viewpoint; however I think our schedule on paper is much easier than a few teams you mentioned ahead of us which could allow us to sneak in if we can put 10 wins together. We havent done anything on the field to warrant us being ahead of said teams; but I think the sentiment in the locker room will be playoffs or bust. I just hope that they dont press too much, whereas the last 2 years they had zero expectations and played with a somewhat 'free' attitude. Also - it was quite obvious listening to press conferences of Lee, JP, Roscoe, Josh Reed last year that they all HATED fairchild's playcalling. I believe it was Josh Reed who basically called him out for being completely predictable.
  10. so when are you two going to have make up sex?
  11. Agreed. It's the "Realist Club" But I am sick of hearing about the incident though...
  12. so if Hardy does not get suspended for substance abuse, does not get arrested, has 40 catches, doesnt miss a game to broken ribs and/or knee problems, and catches every flight to an away game, are you going to give all of us a $1 to shove in some girls panties?
  13. you still firing off those rounds at that tree out your window?
  14. true - maybe Fowler was not as bad as we think if the FO is not bringing in much competition, to use everyones fav word - ASSUMING our passing attack is a little better this year and we dont have 8,9 guys in the box, he'll be better. I'm also a fellow Terp with Fowler, so i could be jaded!
  15. I imagine the Colts have to be dumping a C at some point this summer too...they drafted 3 in the draft this year alone...
  16. can you two go start another thread to argue about your spamming? I'd like to read something worthwhile in this thread.
  17. stiffs, pulling out, lap dances - this thread has been hijacked. Willis, Travis - you hiding out there starting this conversation? Oh wait, n/m neither of you know what pulling out means. ZING
  18. I'm sorry, I did not realize that you were Mr. Know It All. With you barking about assumptions, gun laws etc; you just pulled a few blanket statements out of thin air
  19. I thought what better time than to get another Hardy thread at the top of the board. The title should have read - "What if Hardy is bustED"
  20. good thing this wasnt the cop, otherwise Hardy's Mom would be getting a nice call on mothers day - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBeB81PPlng
  21. Give him a break dude. this entire board is based on assumptions if we stay healthy this year if hardy can catch jump balls in the end zone if stround can be his pro bowl presence if trent edwards can continue to develop if Turk can advance our offense out of the ice ages we can be good this year.
  22. Your reading comprehension skills are off the charts!! Taking my statement to equal me comparing Hardy to Pacman IS YOU perpetuating the instigation of this argument. And for your other responses, take a deep breath and appreciate some sarcasm. Remember we are all Bills fans here....
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