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Everything posted by otisly00

  1. Whats JC have to do with this? Something tells me that you are firing off rounds at a target out your window right now, the board is dripping with anger!! Whats everyone got their panties all in a bunch about gun laws for? Bottom line is that if I were Hardy from here on in, no matter what happened with his dad, I would become invisible. With Goddell suspending J Allen for DUI's along with the pacmans henrys etc, and Hardy having a prior record, dont make yourself more of a blip on Goddells radar screen coming into the league as a rookie...before even signing a contract. We all heard from him around the draft how much he has 'matured' and grown up - when these stories come out, people will make assumptions (including his bosses) and that aura will follow him around. Did I mention guns should be outlawed?
  2. A little sensitive about owning guns? I grouped Hardy who wielded a gun at his dad, with Harrison who is being investigated in a shooting outside his restaurant.
  3. I actually do have all of the answers about everything. Today there is a 30% chance of rain and an NFL player pulling a gun on someone.
  4. Lets just hope Hardy can stay out of jail and trouble to stay on the field and be productive....
  5. 1) maybe he'll end up like Marvin Harrison - HOF - who has what, 26 guns registered?? Dont you think after # 20, the state would be like, 'ok Marvin, honestly, why do you need a 21st gun registered?' 2) WR's are a different breed, and think character (more so than other positions) should play a HUGE role in drafting/siging someone. Until I'm proven wrong (which I hope I am), i still would be much happier with Limas Sweed who was proclaimed the hardest worker and highest character WR of the upper tier.
  6. yeah, people get their panties all in a bunch quickly on here....god forbid you try and start a thread that isnt about going 19-0 or our awesome starting lineup. agree about kelsay, i was cursing him every game last year....i just dont understand why he rushes up field every single freaking time opening up huge lanes for the QB. it seems he runs himself out of the play the majority of the time...
  7. Believe me, I'll be the first to high five you if he turns into a solid receiver. He is def coming in with the right attitutude and seems willing to work for it. I was never bashing Hardy, I love him - he's a Bill!
  8. I also agree. Roscoe does not belong on the outside as a # 2. We re-signed him for a reason; I anticipate plenty more designed plays for him whether its a screen, fly, end around etc, he will be touching the ball. Fairchild did not know how to use him. I am guessing 6-8 TD's for Roscoe this year; he is that dangerous - assuming Hardy comes in comfortably in the # 2 role.
  9. No. I liked McCeldin, we needed a CB. Going into the draft it was obvious (and stated by DJ) that we needed a big physical WR (or TE) that could complement Lee Lee. As the days led to the draft there was more than enough discussion on who each thought was the best WR to fit our needs; along with the discussion of whether to draft in the 1st round b/c of the high probability of WR busts in the NFL. My initial reaction immediately after the draft was that i really hope Hardy pans out and takes that pressure of Lee b/c otherwise we are back to square 1. Our offense is very close to being very good IMO (I'm a fan of Trent); we just needed that one legitment physical WR opposite Lee.
  10. so dont read and/or respond to it if its so ridiculous. Or try catching up on what the post was meant in meaning for our # 2 WR.
  11. no freaking way. his production fell off anyways last year before getting injured...34 years old is way too old. we'd maybe get 2 years of decent production.
  12. What is this guy talking about...we wanted someone to 'stretch the field'...have you heard of Lee Evans and Roscoe Parrish buddy?!? It really grinds my gears to read garbage from writers that have no clue what they are talking about. Worse than weathermen. San Diego Union Tribune By Jerry Magee Buffalo. Grade: C. The Bills had the ill luck to be seeking a WR who could stretch the field in a year when the WR group was lacking. James Hardy has size, but the Bills wanted another quality.
  13. But he is a threat, and he is a good receiver. We all know how hard it is to find ones in the draft, and its too expensive to pay WR's coming off their rookie contracts. Assuming Hardy has a good year and takes pressure off Lee, he should be back around 80+ catches this year. He's also a leader and team player - more than most WR can say. He has had some horrib QB play (and OL play for that matter) which will affect his game. He has a player option 6th year, which he can decline if he so chooses...so essentially we have him under contract for 1 more year. I imagine we would franchise him though...
  14. if all ten of those things happen then we are one lucky team. As long as James Hardy IS NOT a bust, then we will be in the playoffs!
  15. Lets get to the red zone first. I understand he has the potential to be great in the red zone. What I was saying is that with WR our most obvious need IMO (based on our complete lack of production the past couple years), putting all of our hopes for an offense that can put up 20+ pts consistently on one guy (a rookie) is tough. I just would have liked to see us get another big physical WR before the 7th round (not knowing much about SJohnson, but 7th round is 7th round). The skins were in the same boat as us with a bunch of small WR - a Santana Moss (i.e Lee Evans), Randal El (i.e. Roscoe), McCardel etc.. (Josh Reed) and they took 2 top tier WR and a big time receiving TE (which it seems most on this board wanted). Still liked us taking McCelvin at 11...but 3rd/4th or 5th round WR could have been nice...
  16. after Takeo starting pouting and crying like a baby his last season when injured complaining about us rebuilding, I hope he regrets his decision as he watches the Bills march through the regular season and to the playoffs and he's on the outside watching!! All those a-holes - mcgahee, spikes, moulds etc that whined about our team can suck it.
  17. i say Power I - with ML, Freddie and Xavier!!! screw the passing game.
  18. good points. i know its impossible to get a tall leaper that can stretch the field and can also go across the middle and muscle up....unless your name is TO!! I'm happy with Hardy....hope he pans out and we sign Evans and dont have to worry about WR for a couple years...
  19. I cant imagine that he isnt starting in week 1. Greer was good, but he's better fitted in nickel. It seems CB's have the easiest transition to the NFL than most other positions. I think our coaching staff and players know that its getting to be make or break time...we've had some good drafts and spent some $$ to shore up both sides of the line. THe best players will be on the field...I've finally seen DJ break some of his old habits which annoyed the crap out of me - hanging on to his old Bears players he liked - ATrain for one - and he's cutting them. The problem with paying any player, any position is the whole motivation factor. Clements didnt have it at times...and more often than not once a guy gets his big payday they seem to lose that 'edge'.
  20. nice one buddy. go re read our posts and tell me its the same thing. I can find more than 1 or 2 people who have questions on Hardy and his impact on the Bills. Lastly, you seem to be the same little brat i see lurking around the message boards trying to instigate - keep em coming. Miss you. - BFF
  21. I agree completely. All along i thought we needed a big possession receiver (or a big competent TE), which i thought a guy like Sweed would fill the role better. Yes, Hardy is tall, yes Hardy can jump, but in all the tape/all i've read, it seems he is more of a deep ball, jump ball type of reciever. We still need that big moulds-type of guy (in his prime) that can muscle up with a CB and get those 10 yrd balls across the middle. Maybe i'm off base and Hardy is this guy...but doesnt seem to be.
  22. I still see defenses rolling coverage towards evans with Hardy being a rookie. i like the idea of sending roscoe deep quite a bit from the slot now that we have a # 2. HE could have a huge year....Reed should see less and less of the field. Defensively i see us counting on pressure from our front 4 now that we have stroud and the continued development of mccargo to free up our ends....although Kelsay is inadequate in my eyes. I dont see us sending more than 1 LB....as bad as our pass coverage was last year we need to prove we can stop the pass b/f sending big blitz packages.
  23. Thanks for the advice Mom!! I'll be sure to send some flowers for Mothers Day in a couple weeks.
  24. it got a little old arguing about why we drafted a RB, or 3 CB's, or if DJ should be fired after this year...or talking about the draft period. Does it hurt to look ahead? Give me something thats not so ridiculous to talk about now that our passing game is obviously solidified.
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