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Everything posted by stewy23

  1. Really? I'm sorry to hear that. I thought everyone on these boards agreed-on and believed-in the same exact things...I'm completely shocked.
  2. I agree with you about Sweed not breaking a lot of tackles. But...He definitely showed that he knew how to use his size and hands to make tough catches. He is big and he is physical. He's not a speedster and I noticed that his YAC was unimpressive in most of what I could find on him. There were only a few plays where he made the catch, beat the defender(s) and broke one long but he was always reliable when it came to making a tough catch and he showed some decent ability to sneak past the coverage and get open deep. To me he looks like a great possession receiver who might be a perfect compliment to Lee Evans.
  3. I agree with the coach. You are the face-of-the-franchise, young quarterback. We know you want to have fun and party, but show some respect for your boss(es.) This team invested a boatload of cash on you and we expect you not to make us look bad. Whisenhunt probably doesn't care but has to say something so that the powers that be don't think he is ignoring Leinart's behavior. Stuff like this is ok for us "regular" people, but millionaire quarterbacks are expected to be angels when it comes to any involvement with the media. There's a reason you don't see Brett Favre, Tom Brady, the Manning boys, etc... doing beer-funnels and hanging with random chicks. They know better. I understand that no one got shot and that nobody got arrested, but he should/does know better. It sucks for him, but that's part of being a millionaire football player.
  4. I don't know about Thomas. He's good, but I'd rather have Kelly/Sweed instead. I also don't know why we would draft another DT in round 3, we've got four "good" DT's on the team (Stroud, McCargo, Johnson, Williams.) Why take another so early? Also, why does everyone think that we need a TE and/or OL in the first three rounds? Our O-Line looks pretty good and having Whittle and Preston as backups isn't a horrible position to be in. As for tight end, we already have Royal, Schouman, Anderson, Johnson and Massaquoi. Why do we need another? I know everyone on here hates Royal, but I think we have bigger holes to fill than TE and OL. Specifically WR, CB, & DE.
  5. It sucks that this kid got hurt. His draft stock is falling and I almost feel bad for him. Some team will take a chance on him and have him sit for a year before seeing what he has to offer. He was a risky pick before this injury, it'll be interesting to see if he ever pans out.
  6. I was just shocked that he felt he should address it. It's not really a question until after Kelly's pro day on April 9th. It looks like we may NOT be selecting him. I was all for it, but more and more I'm thinking that it's not going to happen. Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.
  7. That's not a bad idea. I've been talking about going into McFaddens to watch a game for about 3 years, but I still end up at my regular bar every Sunday (when I'm not at the Ralph, of course.) Thanks.
  8. That's pretty funny. I wouldn't have messed with your chair, but the rest of that stuff is ok in my book. LET'S GO WOLF PACK!!! A day late, but not altogether unfunny.
  9. I got this from FanBall.com this morning. I hadn't seen it anywhere else and I thought it was interesting. Bills: Buffalo eyeing WR Kelly The News Dick Jauron has no problems with the health of Oklahoma wide receiver Malcolm Kelly, whose knees have become a question mark heading into the draft, according to the Buffalo News. Asked about Kelly's knees, Jauron said today: "We feel good about it. Our staff was in Indianapolis with everybody else. There's nothing I'm aware of (that's a problem) at this point." Our View Kelly, who underwent arthroscopic knee surgery during his sophomore year, had a productive career at Oklahoma and didn't miss any game action due to knee problems. I find it interesting that Jauron is commmenting on his knees before Kelly's pro day. He might be doing this to throw people off as to who we are really interested in...
  10. Great. Thanks. I live on Long Island so the travel isn't a problem. I just need to make sure I can secure a ticket. I appreciate the advice.
  11. Is anyone on here thinking of going to the draft? I'm thinking of going and I wanted to hear some stories from people who have gone in the past. That and there is nothing really going on today. Help me out.
  12. According to CB, the Packers website made some speculation about picking up JP as a backup to Aaron Rodgers. Maybe he won't be a Bill this season after all? Who cares. If the team decides to stick with Edwards and he shows progress, we're still going to be royally screwed if he gets hurt and we don't have a decent backup. I'd much rather have JP here just in case. So far in college and his rookie season, Trent Edwards has been pretty injury prone. Bottom line: we need Trent Edwards to improve on last year and we need a viable backup option if Trent can't stay healthy.
  13. Tall and agile doesn't get the job done either. That just brings us right back to a guy like Matt Jones. The guy is 6'6" and runs a 4.4 40. He plays like a small receiver and doesn't use his size to his advantage near enough. A big guy helps, but ONLY if that guy consistently uses his size as an advantage. The reason I'm against using a pick on a tight end is because we can get decent production from our mediocre group of tight ends if we can start to get good production from our wide receivers. I may be the only guy on the Robert Royal bandwagon, but I don't think that he is horrible. If we have to start using him as our second receiving option, there's going to be a problem. If we can get a good 2nd option, Royal (and Lynch) can be relied on as 3rd/4th options when a play breaks down.
  14. True. I agree with you that size does not equal success in the NFL. I am not on board with anyone who thinks that a 6'6" guy is automatically going to rule the red zone. I am also not on board with those that think we need to address the Tight End position before we address the Wide Receiver position. There are only a few teams who rely mainly on their Tight End for their passing game (San Diego, Kansas City) and both of those teams usually (KC sucked last year) have a top-notch rushing attack. Everyone wants to have a Jason Witten/Kellen Winslow type of guy, but most of those teams go looking for their T.O./Braylon Edwards types of guys first. I'm not getting on Lee Evans either, but his separation isn't all that great. Another threat at wideout would help fix that problem.
  15. You're welcome. I'm just commenting on the fact that this sentiment (along with a whole lot of others) has been beaten to death. I opened it up with the false hope that it would be something different with a new perspective or...GASP!...new information. I'm sorry if it makes me a "douche"...I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just on hear looking to kill some time and BS about football just like everyone else.
  16. If this is true, I think it will be great. Last year it seemed that we were always waiting for plays to develop and either they never got there or the play was broken up due to pressure on the QB. More three-step drops and a quick passing scheme that relies on accuracy should benefit everyone. Now we can get a chance to see what kind of YAC Lee and Roscoe are capable of.
  17. You should have posted this with the 300+ other threads about which Tight End we need to draft in Round 2.
  18. We definitely need a situational pass rusher. The middle rounds are definitely where we need to look to get that type of player. We put a lot of monay into strenghtening our D-Line, a nice edge rusher for obvious passing downs would be great.
  19. What a crappy article. If one of your schools' claims to fame is Charles Rogers, you need to re-think some things.
  20. I'll give you the Whitner pick. Only a couple of places (Mayock was one, I forget the others) mentioned our infatuation with Whitner. As for our "poker face" last year...the reason our poker face was so good is because the front office was expecting Patrick Willis to fall to us. Nobody figured that San Fran would spend another top pick on a linebacker. When the drafted Willis, we went to our #2 Marshawn. That was no poker face, that was shock.
  21. This thread (along with a few hundred others) has been posted before and will be again and again. With no real news, recycled news with a new heading will continue to plaster the message boards. Stop hating on these"retards" and don't respond if you have nothing to bring to the table. Hardy is big, but word is that he disappears sometimes and he doesn't play to his size against good corners. Size is good, but you need to be able to use that size whenever you want if it's going to be your main weapon. I think Hardy is a mid 2nd rounder and I hope the Bills don't take him.
  22. I don't see Jenkins as a wide receiver. Just because he is listed there on the depth chart, it doesn't mean he'll be given any chances to prove himself on offense. We are better off if he focuses specifically on Special Teams. We need guys to step up on ST without Stamer and Wire.
  23. That's good news. The more we have, the better off we are. It's too bad we can't package some of them in a trade...
  24. Fowler is ok. No he isn't probowl material but a rookie isn't coming in and doing any better. I was checking some real statistics (although complicated) over at Football Outsiders and they say that we run better to the middle/right than we do anywhere else. Everyone hates on Fowler and Walker and raves about Dockery and Peters, but these numbers seem to say different when it comes to the running game.
  25. Nice post. I agree that the team will be better. I won't go as far as saying "much" better. We've still got a ways to go (draft) before we know who are offense and defense are going to be this season. As everyone and their mother has written on these boards, we may add a corner, wideout, defensive end and a tight end via the draft. Once that is settled, we can get an idea of how much better we can expect to be. #1. Trent will improve, I agree. #2. Defensive depth - I just hope that we don't need to use these guys again because of injuries. #3. Continuity - it can't hurt. #4. Audibles - we've got a young QB, I don't know how much I trust his reads just yet. #5. Thunder and Lightning - Fred Jackson looked nice but lets not go giving him a nickname. Let's see what he can do this season. #6. Injured players returning- As long as these guys stay returned we'll be ok. No more injuries. We can't have another season like last year. #7. Young team matures - hopefully. We have to wait and see what other youngsters we have joining the team. #8. Addition without subtraction - True we didn't lose anyone, but the guys that we had (and still have) weren't superstars by any stretch of the imagination. #9. Speed matters - so does skill and durability. I'm not worried about speed as much as what guys like Stroud and Mitchell can bring to the table. 10. Pressure - Stroud and Spence (that's what I call him) will help but we need the rest of the D-Line to improve. McCargo, Schobel and Kelsay need to be way better than they have so far.
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