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Big Turk

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Everything posted by Big Turk

  1. Yeah Henry had some good runs, but I don't think that is what beat us. Tannehill completing passes on 3rd and long to move the chains and his runs(he was a WR after all in college) are what really cost us.
  2. Wilson's college teammates hate him. Wilson's pro teammates hate him. Apparently he is a snitch that tells coaches when other players are talking about them. He puts on an act for show and the cameras, basically what Canadians would call a Poser. He makes up stuff and acts like it actually happened. He complains his OLine allows him to get hit too much. I am not sure I have ever heard so much vitriol towards a "star" QB without a single person really jumping to his defense. Even Cutler had teammates that defended him when people talked trash...nobody is coming to Wilson's defense... That speaks loudly...he is the real life Bo Callahan https://97rockonline.com/apparently-russell-wilsons-college-teammates-hate-him/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2022/9/13/23350848/seahawks-players-roasting-russell-wilson-was-the-best-part-of-seattles-17-16-win https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34531802/inside-russell-wilson-seattle-seahawks-drama-led-denver-broncos-trade
  3. Looking at the 10 day forecast right now and the only day with rain is Monday, all the others are sunny. SMFH. The way too early forecast looks like temps in the low 70s and potential scattered TStorms.
  4. Kickers have a thankless job... Make the kick and you did your job, the only one you have. Miss it and you suck. Kick the ball out of bounds and you suck. Basically you are only as good as your last kick.
  5. Tremaine Edmunds then said "We told you don't blink!"
  6. He needs to hit the Griddy after every win on the way over to shake the other coaches hand
  7. We already have shown we can shut Lamar down twice. We will make it three when we play them later in the year.
  8. Same thing there were rumblings about in Seattle...that Wilson tries to be cool but he is a super nerd and people roll their eyes at him when he says stuff.
  9. That's likely a season ending injury if it's ruptured
  10. Not impressed by Russ or the Broncos.
  11. Tre has gotten burnt on him a few times so I would assume lesser CBs would have a lot of issues
  12. Kurt Warner said Ramsey played the short route because he didn't believe Allen could make the throw over the top of him running that way because almost no other QB can. Complaining about that being underthrown is simply ridiculous since he threw the ball 55 yards in the air running 2/3 speed jumping in the air off one foot with a flick of the wrist...he didn't even put much arm into it. The degree of difficulty on that was like a 9.99 out of 10. Mahomes and Herbert are probably the only other two QBs that would even attempt throwing that pass the same way he did. And personally, I'd much rather have him throw the ball a little short than throw it just out of a receiver's reach and have it fall incomplete. The first goal on a wide open throw is to complete it...everything else is secondary. If you remember, Allen used to have great difficulty completing deep throws. He would throw them a mile over his receiver's head.
  13. Look back a few years ago when Rodgers had his top WRs hurt...he was terrible...I think they might be a 8-8 or 9-7 team that leans on their D
  14. Have you considered that maybe that IS limiting his yardage?
  15. He has 6 1000 yard seasons in a row(and likely counting). No other TE in NFL history even has 4 total. Don't you think if it was possible to stop him they would have figured it out? The short answer is because he is too fast and athletic for a LB or most safeties to cover and too big for CBs to cover.
  16. I believe it was Phillips Phillips isn't a run defender...he had a lot of plays where big runs happened when he was in there... Seems like he may have gotten better tho...he was in on some big run stuffs against the Rams.
  17. Wonder how many weeks into the season Russ pulls his annual disappearing act.
  18. I don't. They have no weapons on offense other than Andrews and their 8-3 record before Lamar went down last year was really flukey. They had a +25 point differential while the Bills at 7-4 were like +140 They might make the playoffs but they will pull their normal disappearing act once they get there.
  19. He has no job to do either...he is like the Maytag Repairman haha
  20. I wonder if he has Giselle help get his balls ready for action?
  21. Yeah...I mean I find it hard to believe it would heal up enough to not reoccur within the first game back with all the pushing and tackling they do that strains that area of the body
  22. I'm the opposite...every year there are teams that made the playoffs the previous year that will miss this year...I feel Titans and NE are those teams in the AFC.
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